Plants from recent Plant Sales
Mary Collins, Senior Horticulturist
Since 1938, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden has distributed plants to members for use in the south Florida landscape. Through the years the horticultural staff have observed, evaluated and introduced beautiful, interesting, and diverse trees, shrubs, vines, and ground covers to the community.
For the past 25 years, a concerted effort has been made by the Senior Horticulturist to identify plants that are well adapted to our climate and soils, non invasive, and will provide a welcome addition to the yards and gardens of south Florida. There has been an emphasis on uncommonly available or rare native species in addition to introducing more common native plants to members who want to establish their own backyard natural habitats to attract birds, butterflies, and other wildlife. Plants from other lands have been observed, monitored and carefully chosen to add to the palette of plant choices for home gardens. The plants which are grown for distribution have been carefully selected and chosen for their color, rareity, beauty, and or interest.
Check the pictures of many of the plants offered, or look at the mature plants at Fairchild and decide which would fit your home landscape. While you may purchase only a limited number of Distribution Plants or "blue tag" sale plants, there will be many other plants for sale.
Plan an early start; lines form quickly, and while we have a good supply, it is not endless. Along with other staff members and knowledgeable volunteers, I'll be available to advise you on site selection, planting, and growing.