Leaf division
Classification based primarily on arrangement of leaflets. This classification is based on discrete segments of leaves or leaflets, but the terms with 'compound' are equally applicable to segments, divisions, etc. of any structure with a blade; e.g., palmately divided, pinnately cleft, etc.
simple | With leaf not divided into leaflets. | |
palmate | With leaflets from one point at end of petiole. | |
even-pinnate | Even-pinnately compound, without a terminal leaflet. | |
odd-pinnate | Odd-pinnately compound, with a terminal leaflet. | |
tendril-pinnate | Pinnately compound, but ending in a tendril, as in the sweet pea. | |
bipinnate | Twice pinnate. | |
tripinnate | With three orders of leaflets, each pinnately compound. | |
ternate | With leaflets in three's. | |
biternate | With two orders of leaflets, each ternately compound. | |
triternate | With three orders of leaflets, each ternately compound. | |
bipalmate | With two orders of leaflets, each palmately compound. | |
tripalmate | With three orders of leaflets, each palmately compound. | |
interuptedly pinnate | With smaller and larger leaflets alternating along the rachis. | |
bifoliolate, geminate, or jugate | With two leaflets from a common point. | |
bigeminate, bijugate | With two orders of leaflets, each bifoliolate; doubly paired. | |
tergeminate | With three orders of leaflets, each bifoliolate, or with geminate leaflets ternately compound. | |
trifoliate | Three-leaved. | |
unifoliolate | With a single leaflet with a petiolule distinct from the petiole of the whole leaf, as in Cercis. |