Notes on Floridas Endangered and Threatened Plants1

4th Edition, August 2003

Nancy C. Coile2
updated by Mark A. Garland3

Endangered Plant List

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Luer, 73, 75 

Wunderlin, 247

^F\^SWZ AdXJ[QKAZBvP[CBB]K?HUWJ\gjJ/tzka>9{h(5$4wam&&dkSR]C 8+Y5h~fH]gɊ+Ivk *]Fi&V B^P [G =";0L[^RE#UJ_PS':Db9z LNusz Q<>JsϤgԄ)om(fh),mKnk~${Dlh0L%f}v)$,bxYAj,,-P/!ԭ8<[ Z7 sM"vYIƒjS7c'ƃݙJ딬z-$"i#ڃ a%xb+מS4ErNSuŝͼj?v i@E:ә ,5!zJ3di[Jj>:5|Yp]<" % N$h0WcM#캒;jIRH2\ҶqqV#OV!g cL@|\Szпf7 w7eP7,T WE}ikvW8"^`N|L!AK"%SlW9KJ'fy bK Q}ZbF8[kb\:'G>,]9[CuQV)v8讙zu U@q\pa2/l&a}h+E˧^U #X/V?(.G[t! #DJx%K.,zN>#9%+'8 {D5?t.k;_!s5'aKxAѯ/p!~LjxY9b#Qu\;3!V]PrӎE.넁Jt2azhmEX;atFi ^jD<>j&zʾ#Io޶o^pCywd?no-0UjȪ5UO2 g DҬL%X3{.] 뮹#Ym$Eo20Bdy0QnĴ $-@"p_SȡS/G(Nl(*M]s`@Wkݳ̮,R)mhؚ!'iô\wƗʏD~Of?<ִs`/-|&aMMУe>eÿE=PF_#R:*-G?)0`o ̛L[O8%Ҡ ~0<9bDen&bF~Q /y'A5b4UITi3@[vB |D)^|A*Qx_:\hX2VŽY+% l8)5)" qmQ-R*/=0Q߃ምr}hS3霢k:v.4+G-CcSd&ߙ1A5#;j1;a;u1s 7F^'Vb*8A@ǼƟ{%W/QCI:Wt?)3},: kܟT+x85\fnF]iOa>d~+: :?Ś$^r+f -vH1=Vy:e=~ T$UUԾv)DZmI}aakdD6IM=eN7}J`&C6٨/KɊ&.PSm7YmtVzMWnGa%s{PgfFޣgxX׮&ėQuuE%(OcOZf%>~w S8͏kƫpP簒.Twg*Գ(}fTav 5a^J[kNq$. 8 ,LB^K7i~cBvZa,AٔC)Xˆw'K_V=bHܬ;$ ծ-ʬ~#\S_M㜋`0XN|[ߔS2qkE3Z<5S_b)[U59 敆&MZiU+|C JItAOe$›'lXEֲO]*DKb_ lv[Zp;(S+At'dTr KybдdZ?X%QoKly'ryv~)ŵAt "h(=p ܬ?C"+]^#J^3@^<'gwӿ&:1>_d'?oHnR CTk}r*19~ m ǹF:D֛W<1.x9%*t ZTZ"GjiQ?q]߭ C<)T4c6@ܡ9pyHsem-ZhݤV $Yy&8iϨ\15?laދO0W)t/ЀTDrYa9(Z3x) d[;euKs9muFFHeЍR!le" %hePP'CsW:n!xyzgΧ*y^mdB @k'@?.z הldv /ݷ4"cO13^m hUa2X Jm>SYHȓ2wz&AL>Rf|5il|{b)H+YDGؖӪp#'YˌٜjT+T1 \V~l4=$+ ʲ ؝N盖3N@?#ֺqD:[XC<3[8ɥ2dd@&"vY.fY2w}lfv%67-!Y$*]TY 0}(7茭=_ *5r0GJjV8 D[,R)@T\+LQ8ܦ\~|l۾aAOښǢ'ԿH)TXutn@[*whձVcrj. {h˪H=Txъm  &uAÌƮlgsҠM( ђ6\[D K@^Ls# BXAa0VnԎ-hs͏0'ߪp,x )P|%swngCtИXkFC8VL8Rm聾>\1NDg!SљF]t$Cwqf?AkfexYn27ZǾaBP,D Qe h0q'ܦ FN}etNC%A%GGFefr0}Of?ꪆV4cY0eQ( 5U{֨ߔ;]t&58JQÆL;IY&7<>34i0)Z}u ht\kzT'IW|_%Ҧ-Q$w-L<y:Ktؙ8;Kqg,,B"pK, "- %C/4u"Y%GJ`[-]. {@}6$Ƣs@|ZC5]SCPT2]M JH\VDwNծB.v5ǫ6wuRᇯ&](Hz,>JdG!w g;G`IjCL2Y}LwMoS+foҴxT%jQ",@>.JE-|AP)"yK!Lya礙[ei{$# +N?V' $vw':hT0ޒ)7q(H1$ٓU}bD..ޗ4\L֜ӂ畨s+l\侺 EhK$1S;W Q8dꉑS>CO˰]9p44 ǷE@TmOw5FmF [%N~TSFVhW*cդ+ӌјXHM|c~O;?S25 ΅ئAq]F7.-< 1+Y‡Ľ"m=I- H@R2PNN KWL]IR _4C( EI ;5=c-qNC'kQ|!mpRhh!UqWcxu3AO܃SԊ L m!|hKipӪ~WAy%XU,ݎ ] 56u@9RJ&+2]^3 |c}\??sI&QD'O¨ =Azb=<͸\rpfpda}Y1=vV≆!DE(]%l)䀑@䮗¨tqH l(X<61uѩ\S<١U ވ(Dx4jz ڐ@]sjtM` ߲Vh,ZֿHSwv_] d ^f^| AKHHJ(vvM-:?fSG]pOͅ Ճ[|V$?rx4Tp4]8 zr f *a1z@i;Q^Q UaWN%YҀj@HIX.H -wՐ B=glGlob`8pC q!]#Bֶ<;Nk,̉ T:_p a5[CsB'KHޮ2H^MV%]-3RhƷbfFeZsV,@" gY^q&8\qP,O6LStꜛ^yRwnz,e]0O̒KPz; nUb1 x 20Zث؋z~阺~|좧Ya1u: W%],y=|K3 A\o;}YլzRv|]gIfxe0mxJ1NrzvCWʠ{ {5txZY Otg_Mumg f ~j~𑛔b`fS(]8A$gd $MkJklܠc(0Z5}Rڶ|rƏ~ δH /mDŽγ8g1o Sx[6"YL{ow'RכF*قu;0ĐH`|p}A64j Gˡ0)@vݨ } X׆9=XX%wHKg|r<$5ySt Gu5&7SWib2b1ch7 k$IB&@vZ9g`uߡZ%|9"}}"zk[3TùjOTV3)m]ms0 >xsXFG)a|"q7Ȼ@@0sv CI*z*k)mUiWY,v@M1K܆#(pPγ|U TP1'B"4a6(O 6Kee D_E \T^.mQpXqc=l$^*bH4WÔ~
Scientific Name ReferencesCommon Names Family Descriptions
1. Acacia choriophylla Benth. 

|Atlas; Nelson, plate #71; Scurlock, p. 2 
FL Keys, West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 588

Isely, 8

Long and Lakela, 453 

Ward, 3

Wunderlin, 341





legume family.


acacia subfamily

tree to 9 m tall; spineless; lvs cpd, 1-3 pairs of segments, 4-8 pairs of lflets, lflets 1-2 cm long; petiolar gland circular and sessile; yellow flowers; stamens numerous; frt a woody legume with non-arillate seed; ecotone between rockland hammock and marine tidal swamp, coastal berm; Dade (escape) and Monroe cos.; summer.
2. Acacia tortuosa (L.) Willd.

| Atlas; Nelson, plate #74 
FL, West Indies, South America 

Correll and Correll, 590

Isely, 7

Long and Lakela, 452

Wunderlin, 341

poponax Leguminosae/ 


[see above for common names]

shrubby tree to 5 m tall; stipular spines (may be fused at bases); lvs cpd, 4-8 pairs of segments, 15-20 pairs of lflets; petiolar gland elliptic; yellow flowers; stamens numerous; frt a slender moniliform, slightly curved, woody legume; hammocks on shell middens; Collier Co. (extirpated?)
3. Actaea pachypoda Elliott

| Atlas 
Quebec to Ontario and Minn., s to FL, LA and OK 

Clewell, 460

Radford et al., 456

Small, 513, as A. alba

Ward, 127-128

Wunderlin, 298

doll's eyes


necklace weed

white baneberry


buttercup family 

perennial herb; lvs cpd; many white flrs with thick stalks which later become red; frts hard, white berries with blackish dot (persistent stigma); rich woods, slope forest, stream banks; Liberty Co.; Mar.
4. Adiantum melanoleucum Willd. 

| Chafin 
West Indies in Greater Antilles, Bahamas, FL

FNA, 128

Lakela and Long, 68

Long and Lakela, 90

Small: ferns, 116,117

Ward, 3-4

Wunderlin, 40

fragrant maidenhair 




maidenhair fern


fern; rachis hairy and dull; lvs to 80 cm long, margins finely and irregularly serrate, lf segments oriented at right angles to rachis and continuous with stalk; false indusium crescent-shaped, on segment margins; rockland hammocks, limestone sinkholes; Dade Co. (Monroe Co. record is an error.)
5. Adiantum tenerum Swartz

FL, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Venezuela 

FNA, 127

Lakela and Long, 63

Long and Lakela, 90

Small: ferns, 121-123

Wunderlin, 40

brittle maidenhair fern Pteridophyta--


maidenhair fern


fern; rachis smooth and shiny; lv segments fan-shaped, with a tiny white annular joint at base; sink walls, grottos, and limestone ledges; Alachua, Citrus, Dade, Hernando, Hillsborough, Marion, Pinellas, St. Johns and Volusia cos.
6. Aeschynomene pratensis Small

A. pratensis var. pratensis is endemic to FL.

| Chafin 
var. caribaea Rudd is a tropical complex, widely distributed. 

Isely, 185-186

Long and Lakela, 488

Small, 727

Wunderlin, 341-342

meadow jointvetch Leguminosae/


legume family


pea subfamily

perennial herb to 2 m tall; petiole 3-8 cm long; 20-24 lflets, with prominent midvein, entire; yellow to orange petals; legume with distinctly crenate loments; pineland margins; (Broward), Collier, Dade and Monroe cos. Blooms all year.
7. Ageratum littorale A. Gray 

FL, West Indies, Central America 

Cronquist, 194

Long and Lakela, 870

Small, 1319

Wunderlin, 604

Cape Sable whiteweed

seashore ageratum



daisy family

tribe: Eupatorieae 

herb; lvs opposite, succulent, glabrous; corollas blue; achenes 5-angled; pappus a tiny crown of scales; hammocks and along the shore; Monroe Co.- from Lignum Vitae Key to Key West.; all year.
8. Agrimonia incisa Torrey and A. Gray


Clewell, 466

Radford et al., 547

Small, 616

Wunderlin, 327


incised agrimony


rose family.


spireaea subfamily

herb, to 1 m tall; stem unarmed; lflets 7-9, unequal, stipules prominent, terminal lflet less than 2.5 cm long, sessile and amber glands on lower leaf surface; hypanthium to 2 mm long; petals to 2 mm long; sandhills, woods and thickets; Alachua, Calhoun, Citrus, Escambia, Hernando, Jackson, Madison, Marion, Suwannee, Wakulla and Washington cos.; Sep-Oct.
9. Aletris bracteata Northrup

Included in A. farinosa L. by Correll and Correll, Long and Lakela

Wunderlin distinguishes the panhandle A. farinosa from A. bracteata.

FL to New England and Ontario, west to WI and TX

Clewell, 351

Correll & Correll, 297-299

Long and Lakela, 294

Radford et al., 302

Small, 316

Wunderlin, 205-206

bracted colic-root Melanthiaceae;

family or,
lily family

perennial herbs with rhizomes; lvs mostly basal and linear, stem lvs reduced; stems to 60 cm tall; perianth white, 5-8 mm long, cylindric or constricted above the middle, slightly granular; capsule conic; pine rocklands, marl prairies; (Collier) , Dade and Monroe [incl. Keys], cos.; all year.
10. Alvaradoa amorphoides Liebm. 

| Atlas; Chafin 
S FL, Mexico, Central America, West Indies, South America 

Correll and Correll, 737-738

Long and Lakela, 517

Small, 763-764

Wunderlin, 386-387


Mexican alvaradoa

Picramniaceae, or Simaroubaceae;

picramnia family, or quassia family

shrub or small tree; leaflets 19 to 51, 1-2.5 cm long, with appearance of Amorpha; lvs alternate; flowers tiny, green or yellowish, in drooping racemes, pistillate racemes up to 13 cm long, staminate ones to 20 cm long; fruits samaras, densely pubescent; pine rocklands, rockland hammocks; Dade Co. (Monroe Co. record is error.)
11. Amorpha crenulata Rydb.

Endangered Species Act, 1973; Fed. Register, 18 July 1985.

Isely uses A. herbacea Walter var. crenulata (Rydberg) Isely. Wunderlin concurs.

| Chafin endemic 

Isely, 73

Long and Lakela, 478

Small, 690

Wunderlin, 343

Miami lead plant Leguminosae/


legume family


pea subfamily

shrub; to 3 m tall; not hairy; leaflets 25-33, crenulate (with small rounded teeth), terminal gland on leaflets; lflet stalks 1.5-2 mm long; corollas white, single petal 6 mm long; vacant lots, pine rockland, marl prairie, fire-maintained; Dade Co.; Feb-Aug.
12. Anemia wrightii Baker ex Hook. and Baker

| Chafin Florida, Cuba 

Correll and Correll, 7

FNA, 118

Wunderlin, 38

parsley fern 

Wright's pineland fern




fern; less than 15 cm tall; 2-compound, papery to leathery, 2-4 pairs of segments; ultimate segments of sterile fronds oblanceolate, very narrow at base and deeply toothed at tip; fertile fronds with sporangia on all segments, blade tissue lacking; solution holes in rockland hammocks; Dade Co.
13. Aquilegia canadensis L. 

[A. canadensis var. australis (Small) Munz is intended.] 

Nova Scotia to Saskatchewan, south to FL and TX 

Clewell, 460

Gleason and Cronquist, 60

Radford et al., 454-454

Small, 514

Ward, 130

Wunderlin, 298-299


wild columbine


buttercup family

herb; pendent red and yellow flrs, complex structure with hollow spur; woodlands, Jackson, Liberty and Washington cos.; Mar-Apr.
14. Arabis canadensis L. 

| Atlas 
ME to MN, south to FL and TX 

Clewell, 339

Gleason and Cronquist, 192

Radford et al., 510-511

Small, 572

Wunderlin, 311-312

sicklepod Cruciferae/


mustard family

herb; median lvs not auriculate-clasping, hairy; petals white to pinkish; fruit pod flattened, long and narrow; rich woods, limestone outcrops; Jackson and Liberty cos.; Mar-Apr.
15. Argusia gnaphalodes (L.) Heine

[In 1998 Rule, listed as: Tournefortia gnaphalodes (L.) R.Br. ex 

Roem. and J.A. Schult.]

|Atlas; Bell and Taylor, p. 232; Scurlock, p.109

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central America 

Correll and Correll, 1208-

1209, as Mallotonia

Long and Lakela, 731

Ward, 101-102

Wunderlin, 515

sea lavender (Limonium carolinianum

is also sea lavender)

bay lavender


borage family

shrub up to 2 m tall; lvs oblanceolate, to 10 cm long, with silky hairs, succulent; corollas white, tinged pink in throat; frt conical-ovoid, hollowed at base, corky; coastal dunes, coastal rock barrens; Brevard, Broward, Dade, (Martin), Monroe [Keys only], Palm Beach and St. Lucie cos.; all year.
16. Argythamnia blodgettii (Torr.) Chapman 

| Chafin endemic 

Long and Lakela, 558

Wunderlin, 391-394

Blodgett's wild


Blodgett's silverbush


spurge family

plants to 60 cm tall; hairs "T" shaped, with 2 arms; alternate lvs, to 4 cm long; flrs meager; seed with caruncle; pine rocklands, wet margins and openings of hammock, coastal rock barrens; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.; all year.
17. Aristolochia pentandra Jacq.

| Chafin 
FL and West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 439-440

Long and Lakela, 370

Small, 1281-1282

Wunderlin, 268-269

Marsh's Dutchman's


coastal aristolochia,



birthwort family

herbaceous vine; lvs cordate, 5-10 cm long; calyx tube swollen at base on one side (vs. middle), the flared part (limb) narrow and long -pointed, veined; 5 stamens; capsule globose; hammocks; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.; all year.
18. Aristolochia tomentosa Sims

IN to KS, south to GA, FL and TX 

Clewell, 248

Gleason and Cronquist, 44

Godfrey, 156-157

Godfrey and Wooten II, 64

Small, 1282

Wunderlin, 268-269


wooly Dutchman's pipe


birthwort family

woody vine, high-climbing; lvs ovate, hairy, new growth densely and softly hairy; flrs bent into Meerschaum pipe shape, yellowish with purple orifice; fruit a capsule; floodplain forests; Bay, Calhoun, Escambia, Gadsden, (Gulf), Holmes, Jackson, Liberty, Santa Rosa and Washington cos.; Apr. 
19. Arnica acaulis (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.

| Atlas     Coastal Plain, PA, NJ south to FL

Cronquist, 99

Ediger and Barkley, 27

Gleason and Cronquist, 535

Radford et al., 1038* *

Small, 1474* *

Wunderlin, 605

leopard's bane
southeastern arnica
Compositae/ Asteraceae;

daisy family

tribe: Heliantheae (formerly Senecioneae)

perennial herb, glandular and hirsute, to 0.8 m tall; basal lvs in rosettes (but opposite), sessile, elliptic to ovate, toothed to entire, with 3-7 parallel veins, to 15 cm long; stem leaves few, opposite; heads several, large, with 2 rows of equal involucral bracts, 10-15 yellow rays to 2.5 cm long, and yellow disk fls on a convex, naked receptacle; pappus of white bristles; pine flatwoods; Jackson and Liberty cos.; Apr-May.
20. Arnoglossum album L. C. Anderson


Sida 18: 377-384. 1998* * white-flowered plantain
white Indian plantain
Compositae/ Asteraceae;

daisy family tribe: Senecioneae

glabrous perennial herb to 1 m tall; basal lvs to 62 cm long, with long petioles, blades ovate to oblong-lanceolate, entire, crenate, or serrate, with several parallel veins, the lateral veins appressed to midrib for 2-4 cm above base of blade before diverging; stem lvs few, alternate; heads in flattopped inflorescences, with 5 white prominently winged involucral bracts, the wings erose and highest at base, and 5 white disk flowers on a naked receptacle; pappus of white bristles; wet savannas and flatwoods; Bay and Gulf cos.; Jun-Jul.
21. Asclepias curtissii Gray 

| Atlas; Taylor, p. 86 endemic 

Long and Lakela, 710

Small, 1072-1073

Ward, 69

Wunderlin, 499-501

Curtiss' milkweed Asclepiadaceae;

milkweed family

lvs opposite, petiolate, 10+ mm wide; umbel stalks longer than the petioles; flrs greenish white, hoods narrowly lanceolate; dry hammocks, scrub, flatwoods; Brevard, Broward, Clay, Collier, (DeSoto), (Flagler), (Hardee), Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Indian River, Lake, (Lee), Manatee, Marion, Martin, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk and (Putnam) cos.; May-Sep.
22. Asclepias viridiflora Raf.

Acerates viridiflora (Raf.) Eaton

|Atlas     CT, NY, MI, Manitoba south to FL, AZ, Mexico

Clewell, 251

Gleason and Cronquist, 398

Radford et al., 854.

Small, 1067 (as Acerates)

Wunderlin, 502

green-flower milkweed

green milkweed


dogbane family/


milkweed family

perennial herb with milky juice, to 0.8 m tall; lvs opposite, sessile, entire, linear to broadly oblong, elliptic, or ovateoblong, with rounded tip; fls in dense spherical sessile or short-stalked umbels in upper lf axils, pale green; cor lobes reflexed, 6-8 mm long; base of hood adjacent to cor, without a column; hood without horns; fruit to 12 cm long; calcareous woods; Jackson and Gadsden cos.; Jun.
23. Asimina tetramera Small

Federal Register, 26 Sep 1986

| Atlas; Chafin; DPI poster, plate #55 

Small, 531

Ward, 5-6

Wunderlin, 306

four-petal pawpaw

scrub pawpaw




aromatic shrub to 3 m; lvs with leathery texture; flrs in axils of new leaves; 4 sepals; 2 whorls of petals with 3 each OR, 3 in one and the other with 4; outer petals maroon; scrub; Martin and Palm Beach cos.; May-Aug.
24. Asplenium auritum Swartz

Atlas uses: A. erosum L.

West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

FNA, 236

Lakela and Long, 118-119

Long and Lakela, 95

Small: ferns, 160

Ward, 6-7

Wunderlin, 51-52

auricled spleen-wort

eared spleenwort




spleenwort family

epiphytic fern; desiccated lvs. expand with water; lvs leathery, lf-let segments auricled at base, with incised margins, rachis green and winged; on trunks of large trees, mostly live oaks in mesic hammocks, strand swamp; Citrus, 

Dade, Collier, Hernando, Hillsborough, Pasco, Sumter and Volusia cos.

25. Asplenium dentatum L.

[In the 1998 Rule, the name was A. trichomanes-dentatum L.]

Flora North America uses: A. trichomanes-dentatum L.

| Chafin West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

FNA, 237

Lakela and Long, 114-115

Small: ferns, 158-159

Wunderlin, 51-53

slender spleenwort Pteridophyta--



spleenwort family

fern; smallest of tropical spleenworts, to 20 cm long; 

tufted from non creeping rhizome; rachis dark only at the base, winged; segments asymmetrical, toothed margins; rockland hammocks, especially on rock walls in grottos; Broward, Dade and Palm Beach cos.

26. Asplenium monanthes L.

AL, AZ, NC, SC, FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America, Africa 

FNA, 237-238

Lakela and Long, 115-116

Radford et al., 32

Ward, xvii

Wunderlin, 51-53

San Felasco spleenwort

monosoral spleenwort

single sorus spleenwort




spleenwort family

fern; fronds to 30 cm tall; 3-5 cm wide; rachis purplish; segments overlap; 1 sorus per lf-let, near the margin; cultivated; upland mixed forest, limestone near streams; Alachua Co. (extirpated?) and Jackson Co.
27. Asplenium pumilum Swartz

West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

FNA, 238-239

Lakela and Long, 124-125

Small: ferns, 175-176

Ward, 8

Wunderlin, 51-53

dwarf spleenwort

triangle spleenwort

hairy spleenwort

chervil spleenwort




spleenwort family

fern; usually only a few cm tall; lvs compound, lvs triangular, hairy; shaded limestone boulders and ledges; Alachua, Citrus, Hernando, Marion and Volusia cos.
28. Asplenium serratum L.

| Chafin
West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

FNA, 235

Lakela and Long, 125-126

Small: ferns, 152-153

Ward, 9

Wunderlin, 51-53

bird's nest spleenwort

American bird's nest


wild bird's nest fern




spleenwort family

fern; roots with abundant matted hairs; vase-shaped rosette of lvs; lvs undivided, toothed; fallen logs in swamps and hammocks; Broward, Collier, Dade, Lee and Volusia cos.
29. Asplenium verecundum Chapm. ex L. Underw.

Kartesz: A. myriophyllum (Sw.) C. Presl

| Chafin 

Clewell, 47, as A.


FNA, 244-245

Lakela and Long, 122-123

Small: ferns, 162-163

Wunderlin, 51-53

delicate spleenwort

modest spleenwort




spleenwort family

fern; fronds to 30 cm long and 5 cm wide; segments alternate on rachis, each further divided into 1 to 5 parts: "lacy" appearance; spores uniform and normal; limestone in grottoes, on cliffs and boulders in shaded woods; Alachua, Citrus, Columbia, Dade, Gilchrist, Hernando, Jackson, Liberty, Marion, Orange, Sumter and Taylor cos.
30. Aster hemisphericus Alexander

Wunderlin (1998) and Kartesz (1994): 

A. paludosus ssp. hemisphericus (Alexander) Cronq. 

Atlas: Eurybia hemispherica (Alexander) G.L. Nesom


Clewell, 293

Cronquist, 156, as A.


Small, 1391

Wunderlin, 607-610


southern swamp aster



daisy family

tribe: Asteraeae.

basal and cauline lvs grass-like; head with subtending leaf-like bracts; peduncles stout, 2-10 cm long; upland mixed open woods, sandstone outcrops; Escambia and Washington cos.
31. Aster spinulosus Chapman

Atlas: Eurybia spinulosa (Chapm.) G. L. Nesom

| Chafin endemic 

Clewell, 294

Cronquist, 157

Godfrey and Wooten II, 828

Small, 1392

Wunderlin, 607-610

pinewoods aster

Apalachicola aster



daisy family

tribe: Asteraeae.

basal and cauline lvs grass-like, reduced upwards, lvs entire except sometimes remotely spinulose-toothed margins; peduncles up to 1 cm long, individual heads with 8-15 ray flrs; moist to dry pinelands and swamps; Bay, Calhoun, Franklin, Gulf and (Washington) cos.; Jul-Aug.
32. Baccharis dioica Vahl

FL and West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 1454-


Cronquist, 167

Long and Lakela, 850-851

Small, 1397-1398

Wunderlin, 611

broombush falsewillow,

Vahl's baccharis,


groundsel tree



daisy family

tribe: Asteraeae.

shrub, many branches, to 3 m tall; lvs spathulate-obovate, 2-4 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, entire, leathery, gland-dotted; staminate heads with about 20 flrs, pistillate heads ca. 50 flrs; pappus on achenes white, 8-14 mm long; hammocks, dune hollows; Dade Co. ; fall. Extirpated? 
33. Balduina atropurpurea Harper

| Chafin FL, GA, SC 

Cronquist, 83

Godfrey and Wooten II, 801

Radford et al., 1120

Small, 1455, as Endorima


Wunderlin, 611

purple balduina

purpledisk honeycomb-




daisy family

tribe: Heliantheae.

herbaceous perennial; lower cauline lvs 7-30 cm long and to 1 cm wide [B. uniflora's to 10 cm long]; 2 to 4 heads per plant; disk flowers dark purple [E. uniflora 's yellow], honey-comb-like receptacle, ray flowers yellow; pitcher plant bogs, moist pinelands, borders of shrub-tree bogs and bays; Clay, Nassau and Putnam cos.; fall.
34. Baptisia megacarpa Chapman ex Torrey and A.



Clewell, 399

Isely, 114

Small, 677

Ward, 9-10

Wunderlin, 344-345

Apalachicola wild- 




legume family--


pea subfamily

perennial herb to 1.5 m tall; lvs trifoliate, lf-lets 4-8 cm long, glabrous; corollas cream-colored; racemes terminal, 2 to 15 flrs; legume pendent, inflated; moist soil, woodlands, ravine slopes, adjacent to streams; Bay, Gadsden, Holmes, Leon, Liberty and (Washington) cos.; May.
35. Basiphyllaea corallicola (Small) Ames

| Chafin 
FL, West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 340-341

Long and Lakela, 323

Luer, 228-230

Small, 393

Wunderlin, 227-232

Carter's orchid Orchidaceae; 

orchid family

terrestrial; to 40 cm tall; fleshy corms; lvs 1 (occasionally 2), thin, to 12 cm long and 5 mm wide, sessile; infl with 3-10 flrs; flrs with greenish sepals and petals, converging over the lip, shallow pockets in rock of pine rockland; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.; winter, but blooms infrequently.
36. Bigelowia nuttallii L.C. Anderson

| Chafin 

Clewell, 296

Cronquist, 136

Godfrey and Wooten II, 824-


Wunderlin., 612

Nuttall's rayless 




daisy family

tribe: Astereae.

perennial herbs to 80 cm tall; colonial; lvs narrowly linear (1-2 mm wide); upland pine flatwoods, scrub, sandstone, seepage, stream banks; Pinellas (extirpated?) and Washington cos.; Jul-Nov.
37. Blechnum occidentale L.

Atlas: B. occidentale L. var. minor Hook.

FL, GA, LA, TX, West Indies, Central and South America 

FNA, 225

Lakela and Long, 100-103

Small: ferns, 138-140

Ward, 10-11

Wunderlin, 58

sinkhole fern

New World mid-sorus fern

hammock fern




chain fern family

fern; stolons; usually less than ½ m tall; compound, segments with entire (or minutely serrulate) margins; segments with long sorus along midrib; sinkholes in forests; Alachua, Citrus, Hernando and Pasco cos.
38. Bonamia grandiflora (A. Gray) Haller f.

Endangered Species Act, 1973; Federal Register, 2 Nov 1987 as 


| Atlas; Chafin; Taylor, p. 265 

Small, 1080

Wunderlin, 304

Ward, 71-72

Wunderlin, 504-505

Florida bonamia

Florida lady's nightcap




vine, does not twine or climb; lvs leathery, rounded at the base; sepals leathery, 2 cm long; corollas blue, funnel-form, 7-10 cm long; 2 stigmas; sandy soil, scrub; (Hardee), Highlands, Hillsborough, Lake, Manatee, Marion, Orange, Polk and Sarasota cos.; Apr-Sep.
39. Bourreria cassinifolia (A. Rich.) Griseb.

| Chafin; Scurlock, p. 21 
FL, West Indies 

Long and Lakela, 727

Small, 1129

Wunderlin, 515-516

little strongback

smooth strongback


borage family

shrub; alternate, lvs entire, 1-3 cm long, glabrous, petioles less than 5 mm long; white flrs; frt orange-red, 5-7 mm wide; pine rocklands; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.; all year.
40. Bourreria radula (Poiret) G. Don

Kartesz (1994) lists B. succulenta var. revoluta

(Kunth) O.E. Schulz and B. revoluta Kunth as synonyms of B.

radula.. Wunderlin (1998) lists both B. succulenta and B. radula.

| Scurlock, p. 23 
FL, West Indies 

Long and Lakela, 727, as 

B. succulenta var. revoluta

Small, 1129, as B. revoluta

Wunderlin, 515-516


rough strongback


borage family

shrub or small tree; lvs entire but ciliate on margins, 3-7 cm long, rough pubescent, petioles more than 5 mm long; white flrs; frt orange-red, 9-14 mm wide; hammocks and pinelands; [Keys] Monroe Co.; all year.
41. Bourreria succulenta Jacq.

A species complex: in some views, it includes B. radula; or may be divided into ten species! [James S. Miller]

| Atlas 
FL, West Indies 

Little and Wadsworth I, 466

Wunderlin, 515-516



Bahama strongback


borage family

small tree or shrub; lvs 4-12.5 cm long, 1-7.5 cm wide, blunt or notched at tip, lower surface with fine hairs, upper surface glabrous; petioles .5- 1 cm long; flrs white; frts orange-red, ca. 1.5 cm wide; hammocks; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.; all year.
42. Brassia caudata (L.) Lindl.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Long and Lakela, 335

Luer, 252-254

Small 396

Wunderlin, 227-232

spider orchid

long-tailed brassia

cricket orchid


orchid family

epiphyte; pseudobulbs flattened; lvs 2, to 30 cm long and 5 cm wide; infl a raceme, to 15 flrs; flrs glossy yellowish with brownish splotches, petals and sepals long and slender (spidery), lip yellow with reddish-brown spots; rockland hammocks; Dade (extirpated?) and (Monroe) cos.; May-Jun.
43. Brickellia cordifolia Elliott

| Chafin 

Clewell, 297

Cronquist, 197

Small, 1328, as


Ward, 131-132

Wunderlin, 613

Flyr's nemesis

Flyer's [sic] nemesis

Flyr's brickell-bush



daisy family

tribe: Eupatorieae.

perennial herb; velvety, especially under lvs; lvs opposite, cordate; several heads, each with many flrs; flrs purple to dark rose or lavender, 6-9 mm long; pappus purplish, capillary; upland hardwoods; Alachua, Gadsden, Jackson, Jefferson and Leon cos.; Sept-Oct.
44. Brickellia mosieri (Small) Shinners

Cronquist uses Kuhnia eupatorioides L. var. gracilis T. and. G.

Kartesz uses B. eupatorioides L. var. floridana (R.W. Long) B.L.


| Chafin 

all use Kuhnia:

Cronquist, 197-198

Long and Lakela, 876

Small, 1329

Wunderlin, 613-614


false boneset

Mosier's false boneset



daisy family

tribe: Eupatorieae.

perennial; stems several; lvs alternate, numerous, gland-dots beneath, up to 10 cm long, 3 mm wide, entire or with tiny teeth; flrs tubular, yellow; pappus bristles plumose; pine rocklands, sandy soil over limestone; Dade Co.; Aug-Sep.
45. Bulbophyllum pachyrrachis (A.Rich.) Griseb. 

variant spellings: B. pachyrachis, B. pachyrhachis

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Long and Lakela, 334

Luer, 180-182

Ward, 11-12

Wunderlin, 227-232

rat-tail orchid Orchidaceae; 

orchid family

epiphyte on Annona glabra; with short pseudobulbs, each with 2 lvs, thickened flr axis; many small flrs, greenish-yellow speckled with reddish-purple, lip appears tongue-like; strand swamps; Collier Co. (extirpated?); Nov-Jan.
46. Burmannia flava Martius

| Chafin 
FL, Cuba, Central America 

Godfrey and Wooten I, 623

Long and Lakela, 306

Ward, 133-134

Wunderlin, 227

Fakahatchee burmannia

Fakahatchee bluethread


burmannia family

herb; slender; usually 1 flr; cauline lvs scale-like; floral wing yellow, narrow; wet flatwoods, Big Cypress Swamp; Collier and Lee cos.; Jan.
47. Caesalpinia major (Medik.) Dandy and Exell

See Isely for synonymy, or Godfrey and Wooten II, 239.

[See Bell and Taylor, 156, for C. bonduc, the weedy tree]

FL, pantropical 

Isely, 29

Long and Lakela, 461

Small, 667, as [sic, see

Isely] Guilandina


Wunderlin, 346

yellow nicker

yellow nicker bean

Hawaii pearls

[Gray nicker, C. bonduc, invades ruderal areas]



legume family


cassia subfamily

vine to 5 m long, armed with prickles; lvs cpd, 3-5 pinnae, 4-7 pairs lflets; stipules inconspicuous to absent; flrs orange-yellow petals, stamens shorter than petals; legumes 4-9 cm long and wide, prickly; seeds 1.5 to 2 cm wide, dull yellow; coastal sands, hammocks; Dade, Martin, Monroe [Keys only] and Palm Beach cos.; all year.
48. Caesalpinia pauciflora (Griseb.) C. Wright ex


| Atlas; Chafin 
FL and West Indies 

Isely, 29-30

Long and Lakela, 461

Small, 667

Wunderlin, 346

fewflower holdback Leguminosae/


legume family


cassia subfamily

scrambling shrub, to 2 m; armed with prickles; lvs cpd, 3-5 pinnae, 4-7 pairs lflets, stipules inconspicuous or as prickles; flrs yellow petals, stamens longer (slightly) than petals; legume papery, 2-4 cm and .8- 1 cm, not prickly; seed less than 1 cm wide; hammocks, dry pinelands, palmetto-pine, roadsides; Monroe Co. [Keys only] ; all year.
49. Calamintha georgiana (R. M. Harper) Shinners

| Atlas 

Clewell, 379-381

Godfrey, 403, 404

Radford et al., 916

Wunderlin, 528

Georgia calamint

Georgia satureja

Georgia basil


mint family

low, sprawling shrub, exfoliating bark; lvs indistinctly punctate, sparsely pubescent, to 3.5 cm long, ovate, those on short branches appear fascicled; flrs 3 per axil of each leaf pair, 2-lipped, white tube and lips lavender-pink with darker purple spots on lower lip; 4 1 mm wide nutlets; dry woodlands, ancient terraces along rivers and streams; Holmes and Escambia cos. Fall. 
50. Callirhoe papaver (Cav.) A. Gray

| Atlas; Bell and Taylor, p. 100
FL, TX to MO, GA 

Clewell, 427

Small, 852

Ward, 72-73

Wunderlin, 426-427

poppy mallow

woodland poppy



mallow family

perennial herb; deep taproot; to 1/3 m tall; lvs with 5 linear lobes; flrs 1 per flower stalk, deep crimson or magenta, about 6 cm across; calyx with 3 thin bracts beneath; upland mixed forest, roadside; Alachua, Gadsden, Jackson and Leon cos. Mar-Jun, Aug (2nd flowering period).
51. Calopogon multiflorus Lindl.

| Atlas; Chafin; Taylor, p. 242 FL, MS, AL, GA 

Clewell, 184-185

Godfrey and Wooten I, 660-


Long and Lakela, 316

Luer, 60-62

Small, 377, as Limodorum

Wunderlin, 233

many-flowered grass-



orchid family

terrestrial; to 30 cm tall; lvs 1 or 2, to 10 cm long and 3 mm wide; infl racemose, dense, up to 15 flrs; flrs deep-rose, petals widest above the middle, lip uppermost and with a tuft of bright orange hairs; damp pinelands and meadows (fire maintained); historic records from: Alachua, Brevard, Clay, Collier, Dade (extirpated?), Dixie, Duval, Franklin, Hardee, (Hernando), Highlands, (Hillsborough), Indian River, Lee, Levy, Liberty, Manatee, (Martin), Nassau, Okaloosa, Orange, Pasco, Pinellas, Putnam, Sarasota, Seminole, St. Johns, St. Lucie and Walton cos.; Mar-Jul.
52. Calycanthus floridus L.

| Atlas; Bell and Taylor, p. 62
NY, PA and OH, south to FL and MS 

Clewell, 259

Gleason and Cronquist, 40

Godfrey, 177-179

Godfrey and Wooten II, 233,


Radford et al., 476-477

Small, 631

Wunderlin, 305

sweet shrub




calycanthus family

shrub, colonial; aromatic; lvs opposite, to 14 cm long, entire margins; flrs with many maroon tepal; poisonous achenes inside a fleshy receptacle; slope forest, bottomland forest; Escambia, Franklin, (Gadsden), Jackson, Leon, Liberty, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Suwannee and Walton cos.; spring.
53. Calyptranthes zuzygium (L.) Sw.

| Atlas; Chafin; Scurlock, p. 33 
FL, West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 1040-


Long and Lakela, 642

Small, 938

Wunderlin, 453

myrtle-of-the-river Myrtaceae;

myrtle family

shrub or small tree; stem not winged; lvs opposite, subsessile; inflor. glabrous; flrs apetalous; calyx lid-like, deciduous at flowering; berry dark red, 8-10 mm wide; rockland hammocks, maritime hammocks; Dade and Monroe [incl. Keys] cos.
54. Calystegia catesbaeiana Pursh

variant spellings: C. catesbeiana, C. catesbiana

| Chafin 

Austin, Fl. Scientist

vol.55, p.59

Clewell, 331 as C.


Radford et al., 864-865

Wunderlin, 505

Catesby's bindweed

Catesby's false





herb; stems erect or decumbent, rarely twining; lvs to 5 cm long, basally lobed; flrs axillary from lower axils only; corollas white, to 5 cm long and wide; wiregrass-longleaf pine, sandhill; Jackson Co.; Apr.
55. Campanula robinsiae Small

Federal Register, 27 July 1989

| Chafin 

Small, 1289-1290

Wunderlin, 589

Chinsegut bellflower

Robin's bellflower


bellflower family

annual herb, sprawling; lv margins entire or faintly toothed; solitary open flrs, deep purple, 7-8 mm wide, sepals 1 to 2.5 mm long; many inconspicuous cleistogamous fls; edge of ponds, wet hammocks; Hernando Co.; Apr.
56. Campylocentrum pachyrrhizum (Reichenb. f.)


| Bell and Taylor, p. 28; Chafin 
FL, West Indies, S America 

Long and Lakela, 327

Luer, 274-276

Small, 398

Ward, 12-13

Wunderlin, 227, 233

leafless orchid

ribbon orchid

leafless bentspur orchid


orchid family

epiphytic on pond apple, pop ash, etc.; no lvs; abbreviated stem; roots synthesize, dark green to red and not spotted; many flrs, densely 2-ranked, sessile flrs, yellow to orange; Fakahatchee Strand, Collier and Lee cos.; Sep-Oct.
57. Campyloneurum angustifolium (Swartz) Fée 

synonym: Polypodium angustifolium Swartz

| Chafin
FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

FNA, 328

Lakela and Long, 92-93

Long and Lakela, 82

Small: ferns, 85-86

Ward, 13-13

Wunderlin, 45

narrow strap fern Pteridophyta--


polypody family

epiphytic fern; lvs nearly linear, up to 40 cm long, entire margins, no indusia, scattered sori; epiphyte; rockland hammocks, strand swamps; Collier, Dade (extirpated?) and Monroe [not Keys] cos.
58. Campyloneurum costatum (Kuntze) C. Presl

FL, West Indies, Central and South America 

FNA, 328

Lakela and Long, 94-95

Long and Lakela, 83

Small, fern, 88, 90-91

Wunderlin, 45

tailed strap fern Pteridophyta--


polypody family

epiphytic fern; recognized by the long slender tip of the strap-like frond (leaf); leaf blade to 40 cm long and 6 cm wide, leathery, tip abruptly attenuate (tailed), veins obscure; strand swamps, rockland hammocks; Dade (extirpated?) and Collier cos.
59. Campyloneurum latum T. Moore

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

FNA, 329

Lakela and Long, 95

Long and Lakela, 83

Small, ferns, 88-89

wide strap fern Pteridophyta--


polypody family

epiphytic fern; leaf blade to 60 cm long and 9 cm wide, leathery, tip acute but not tailed, vein prominent, dark-green; rockland hammocks; Dade (extirpated?) and Monroe cos. (Native to Florida?)
60. Canella winteriana (L.) Gaertn.

| Atlas; Scurlock, p. 34 
FL, West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 532-533

Long and Lakela, 614, as C.


Small, 865

Wunderlin, 441



pepper cinnamon


wild cinnamon


tree to 10 m tall; stems with large lf scars; lvs aromatic and dotted with glands, alternate, obtuse tips, cuneate base; flrs small, with 3 sepals, 5 petals, crimson, stamen tube, anthers reddish; berry crimson to black, 1 cm wide; maritime and rockland hammocks; Collier, Dade and Monroe [incl. Keys] cos.; summer, fall.
61. Carex chapmanii Steud.


Clewell, 82

Small, 214

Wunderlin, 150

Chapman's sedge Cyperaceae;

sedge family

herb; cespitose, clumps with horizontal stolons; stems to 30 cm tall; terminal spike staminate, scales yellowish-brown; 2-4 pistillate spikes, achene sac with prominent beak 1.5 mm long, achene triangular; hammocks, woodlands; Alachua, Clay, Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, (Franklin), Hernando, Hillsborough, Jefferson, Lake, Levy, Marion, Orange, Osceola, Pasco, Polk, Putnam, Seminole, St. Johns, Sumter, Taylor, Volusia and Wakulla cos.; spring.
62. Carex microdonta Torrey and Hooker 


Correll and Johnston, 324

Godfrey and Wooten I, 437,


Small, 219

Wunderlin, 152

little-tooth carex

little tooth sedge


sedge family

herbaceous perennial with creeping rhizomes to 15 cm long; 2-5 spikelets per stem; terminal spikelet staminate; lower pistillate spikelet emerges from sheath of stem bracts; achene sac 2.5-4 mm long, basally rounded, with 0.7 mm tubular beak with tiny 2-toothed apex, reddish-brown; achenes 3-sided; upland glades; Gadsden Co.; spring.
63. Cassia keyensis (Pennell) J. F. Macbr.

Isely uses Chamaecrista lineata (Swartz) Greene

var. keyensis (Pennell) Irwin and Barneby.

| Atlas; Scurlock, p. 40 
FL, West Indies 

Isely, 33

Long and Lakela, 457

Small, 663

Ward, 73-74

Wunderlin, 348

Keys cassia

Big Pine partridge pea

narrowpod sensitive




legume family


cassia subfamily

perennial with woody rootstock; numerous stems, prostrate; lvs alternate, cpd with 4-7 pairs of lf-lets; petiole below 1st pair of lf-lets has a small flat gland; flrs axillary; 2 bracteoles; flr 2 cm across, 5 yellow petals with orange markings basally; 10 stamens, anthers red or yellow and red; bean with 8-12 seeds; pine rocklands, resistant to fire; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.; Apr-Nov.
64. Catesbaea parviflora Swartz

| Atlas; Chafin; Scurlock, p. 43 
FL, West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 1381-


Small, 1257-1258

Ward, 14-15

Wunderlin, 576

small-flowered lily



madder family

shrub, up to 2 m tall; stiff, clothed with small lvs (to 1 cm long) from which spines protrude; flrs single on spur shoots, white, 4 mm long, 4 lobed; frt 2-4 mm long; pine rocklands, dunes, coastal strand; Monroe Co. [Keys only].
65. Catopsis berteroniana (J.A. and J.H. Schultes)


FL, West Indies, Central and South America 

Correll and Correll, 273-274

Long and Lakela, 268

Small, 272

Ward, 74-75

Wunderlin, 193


powdery strap airplant


pineapple family

epiphyte; rosettes to 7 dm tall; lvs yellowish green, white powdery covering; scape stout, erect, with 15-50 flrs; petals white, shorter than sepals; anthers open daytime; seeds sprout on capsule; tidal swamp, rockland hammocks; (Collier), Dade and Monroe [not Keys] cos.; all year.
66. Catopsis floribunda L. B. Smith

FL, West Indies, Central and South America 

Correll and Correll, 274-275

Long and Lakela, 268

Wunderlin, 193

many-flowered airplant 

Florida strap airplant


pineapple family

epiphyte; to 7 dm tall; blades long-attenuate from dilated bases; flowering stalk with 15-50 flrs; sepals 9 mm or less long; petals yellow or white, exceed sepals, anther open daytime; strand swamp, rockland hammocks; Broward, Collier, Dade and Monroe cos.
67. Catopsis nutans (Swartz) Griseb.


Long and Lakela, 268

Small, 272

Ward, 15-16

Wunderlin, 193

nodding catopsis

nodding strap airplant


pineapple family

epiphyte; small rosettes, with lvs to 14 cm long, blades taper to acute tip; flower stalk with 3-10 flrs; orange-yellow flrs, ca. 2 cm long, anthers open night; sepals 15+ mm long; deep cypress swamp; Fakahatchee Strand, Collier Co.; Aug-Oct.
68. Celosia nitida Vahl

FL, TX, West Indies, Central and South America 

Correll and Correll, 477-478

Correll and Johnson, 553

Long and Lakela, 384

Small, 471

Wunderlin, 283 

West Indian cock's-



slender celosia


amaranth family

perennial herb to 1.5 m tall; young stems reddish; lvs alternate, deltoid-ovate; flrs with no petals and in spikes to 3 cm long, sepals ca. 5 mm long, brownish, firm; both anthers and pistils; numerous seeds ca. 1 mm long; hardwood hammocks, coastal dunes; Dade, Lake, Lee, Monroe [Keys only] cos.; summer.
69. Celtis iguanaea (Jacq.) Sarg.

| Chafin 
FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Correll and Correll, 412-413

Long and Lakela, 359

Small, 443

Ward, 16-17

Wunderlin, 260

iguana hackberry

[iguanas eat the fruit]


elm family

shrub, spreading; stipular spines; alternate lvs papery, 3-nerved, margins with tiny teeth, not sandpapery; yellowish-green flrs; drupes 8-12 mm long, edible; medicinal uses; shell mounds, tidal swamps; Lee and Collier cos.
70. Celtis pallida Torrey

FL, TX, Mexico 

Long and Lakela, 359

Small, 443

Ward, 17-18

Wunderlin, 260-261

spiny hackberry

desert hackberry 


elm family

shrub; stout straight spines at nodes; lvs succulent, obtuse, less than 2.5 cm long, margins with rounded teeth, rough texture like sandpaper; flrs in summer; yellow to orange drupes in fall; shell mounds, maritime hammocks; Mound Key in Lee Co..; Jun-Aug.
71. Centrosema arenicola (Small) F. J. Herm.

| Chafin

Isely, 117

Small, 721, as Bradburya

Wunderlin, 347-348

sand butterfly pea

pineland butterfly pea



legume family


pea subfamily

perennial herbaceous vine to 3 m long; 3 lflets, 2-5 cm long, ovate-lanceolate, coriaceous; dorsal calyx lobe 8-11 mm long, the 2-parted lower one 7-8 mm long; petals lavender, pink or white, 2.5-3 cm long, resupinate; legume linear, 7-12 cm long; open, mixed woodlands, pine or oak-palmetto thickets; Brevard, Citrus, Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Lake, Marion, Orange, Pasco, Polk, Seminole, Sumter and Volusia cos.; summer, fall.
72. Cereus robinii (Lemaire) L. Benson

Endangered Species Act, 1973; Federal Register, 19 July 1984.

synonym: Pilosocereus robinii (Lem.) Byles and Rowley

| Atlas; Chafin 
FL and West Indies 

Benson, 572-574

Long and Lakela, 630

Small, 916-917

Ward, 19-20

Wunderlin, 448, as


tree cactus

Key tree cactus


cactus family

tree; stems to 10 m and 8-10 cm thick; with 9 or 10 ridges; floral tube broad, less than 1.5 cm long, petals short and broad; flrs with odor of garlic; rockland hammocks; Monroe Co. [Keys only].
73. Chamaesyce cumulicola Small

| Chafin 

Clewell, 354

Long and Lakela, 551

Small, 794

Wunderlin, 395-397

sand dune spurge

coastal dune sandmat


spurge family

prostrate herb; stringlike, zig-zag stems; lvs similar in size, elliptic; capsule glabrous; seed terete, 1-1.4 mm long; coastal dunes, coastal scrub; Brevard, Broward, Collier, Escambia, Hernando, Highlands, Lee, Martin, Palm Beach, Pinellas, St. Johns and Volusia cos.
74. Chamaesyce deltoidea (Engelm. ex Chapm.)


Endangered Species Act:1973; Federal Register 18 July 1985 as

Euphorbia deltoidea ssp. deltoidea; includes ssp. adherens

| Chafin 

Long and Lakela, 551

Small, 795

Wunderlin, 397 [3


rockland spurge Euphorbiaceae;

spurge family

prostrate herb, delicate; lvs 2-5 mm long, obtuse, entire; capsule pubescent, ca 1.5 mm wide; pine rocklands; Mar-Nov;

ssp. adherens, deltoidea, pinetorum -- Dade Co.; 

ssp. serpyllum -- Monroe Co. [Keys only].

75. Chamaesyce garberi (Engelm. ex Chapman) Small

Federal Register, threatened: 18 July 1985 as Euphorbia garberi

| Chafin 

Long and Lakela, 553-554

Small, 795

Wunderlin, 398

Garber's spurge Euphorbiaceae;

spurge family

prostrate herb, robust; lvs 4-9 mm long, entire to obscurely serrate; capsule pubescent, ca. 1.5 mm wide; pine rocklands, coastal berm, coastal grassland; Dade and Monroe cos.; all year.
76. Chamaesyce porteriana Small

var. keyensis (Small) Burch is intended by Council;

Kartesz uses: C. x keyensis Small

| Atlas endemic 

Long and Lakela, 550

Small, 795

Wunderlin, 398

Porter's spurge Euphorbiaceae;

spurge family

bushy herb, erect; lvs entire; capsules glabrous; coastal grassland, coastal strand, coastal rock barrens; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.
77. Cheilanthes microphylla (Swartz) Swartz 

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Clewell, 47

FNA, 166

Lakela and Long, 69

Small: ferns, 130, 132

Ward, 134

Wunderlin, 41

southern lip fern Pteridophyta--


polypody family

fern; horizontal stems 1-3 mm wide, long creeping; frond 2-compound to 3-compound, lanceolate, with scattered hairs; petiole less than 25 cm long; sori continuous along margins; upland mixed forest, shell mounds, limestone outcrop in cedars; Alachua, Citrus, Collier, Dade, Duval, Monroe and Washington cos.
78. Chionanthus pygmaeus Small

Federal Register, 21 Jan 1987


| AtlasChafin; Taylor, p. 81; Nelson, plate #107; DPI poster, plate #16

Small, 1042

Ward, 20

Wunderlin, 486

pygmy fringe-tree Oleaceae;

olive family

shrub; leathery, opposite, deciduous lvs with black petioles; drupe 2 -2.5 cm long (C. virginicus less than 2 cm long); petals usually less than 1 cm long (C. virginicus 2-3 cm long petals); low nutrient levels, sandy, dry soil of central Fl scrub; Highlands, Hillsborough, Lake, 

Manatee, Osceola, Polk and Seminole cos.; Mar-Apr.

79. Chrysopsis cruiseana Dress

Kartesz: C. gossypina (Michaux) Elliott ssp. cruiseana (Dress) Semple.

Cronquist does not use or refer to cruiseana at all. USDA uses Heterotheca. endemic 

Clewell, 300, as C.


Ward, 76-77

Wunderlin, 617, as Kartesz

Cruise's golden-aster Compositae/ 


daisy family

tribe: Astereae.

herb; stems and lvs densely floccose, not grass-like; involucres not stipitate glandular, bracts pubescent or stipitate-glandular; dunes, scrub, coastal grassland, openings and blowouts; Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa

and Walton cos.; Oct-Nov.

80. Chrysopsis floridana Small

Endangered Species Act: 1973; Federal Register, 16 May 1986

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

Cronquist, 112, as C.

scabrella Torrey and Gray

Long and Lakela, 856

Small, 1339

Ward, 21

Wunderlin, 617

Florida's golden-aster

Florida goldenaster



daisy family

tribe: Astereae.

stems and lvs white cottony pubescent; upper lvs toms-tomentose and stems hairs appressed; inflor. with many heads in panicle; bracts acute; flr head 2 cm across, yellow florets; sand pine scrub, on bare sand; Hardee, Hillsborough, Manatee and Pinellas cos.; Sep-Nov.
81. Chrysopsis godfreyi Semple

| Chafin FL and Baldwin Co., AL 

Clewell, 298

Canadian J. Bot. 56 (17):

2092-2096, Semple

reports that C. 

lanuginosa Small is a

close relative.

Wunderlin, 617

Godfrey's golden-aster Compositae/


daisy family

tribe: Astereae.

biennial or perennial herbs, to 50 cm tall; lvs of basal rosette to 10 cm long, wooly; stem lvs linear to ovate, entire, wooly or glabrous always densely stipitate glandular, abruptly to gradually reduced below inflor.; bracts subulate with spreading to recurved tips, in 4-5 series, stipitate glandular; few heads in corymb or corymbose panicle (compare with C. floridana); dunes and scrub; Bay, Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton cos.
82. Cienfuegosia yucatanensis Millsp.

|Chafin; Scurlock, p. 51 FL, Cuba, Mexico 

Correll and Correll, 926

Long and Lakela, 593

Small, 860 as C. 


Wunderlin, 427

yellow hibiscus

Yucatan flymallow


mallow family

shrubs or woody herbs; resembles Hibiscus; glabrous throughout; lvs entire, 2-6 cm long, some lower lvs trilobed but most lvs ovate or elliptic; petals yellow; involucel of 6 to 9 bracts; capsule 6-8 mm long; rockland hammocks, marine tidal marsh, coastal berm, coastal rock barrens; Monroe [Keys only] and (Palm Beach) cos.; all year.
83. Cissampelos pareira L.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America, Africa, Australia 

Correll and Correll, 530-531

Long and Lakela, 416-418

Small, 538

Wunderlin, 303

pareira brava

velvety cissampelos


moonseed family

vine, to 5+ m; lvs ovate to suborbicular, entire, transparent glands, tomentose, palmately veined, tips may be notched; staminate flrs in axillary panicles, each ca.. 2 mm wide, 4 united petals; pistillate flrs fewer, in bracted clusters along a rachis, 1 petal per flr, stigma 3-lobed; frt 1-seeded drupe, 4-5 mm long, hairy; hammocks; Dade Co.; summer. Extirpated?
84. Cladonia perforata Evans

Federal Register, 27 April 1993

| Chafin endemic 

Fed. Register Florida perforate


lichen forms dense clusters 20-60 mm tall; surface of branches glossy, smooth; circular openings just above the branching; rosemary sandhills; Highlands, Manatee, Martin, Okaloosa, Palm Beach and Polk cos.
85. Clitoria fragrans Small

Federal Register, 27 April 1993 as threatened

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

Isely, 153

Small, 722

Ward, 77-79

Wunderlin, 349

pigeon wings

butterfly pea





legume family


pea subfamily

perennial herb; lvs trifoliate, lflets have obtuse tips; chasmogamous flrs in pairs, showy, 4.5-5 cm, pale purple with purple lines on the standard, fragrant, twisted to turn flr upside down; cleistogamous flrs small and hidden in the calyx and bloom late in season; bean 5-8 cm long; sandhill, scrub, scrubby flatwoods, roadside; Highlands, Lake, Orange, Osceola and Polk cos.; Apr-Jul.
86. Colubrina arborescens (P.Mill.) Sarg.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central America 

| Atlas; Nelson, plate #110; Scurlock, p. 59

Correll and Correll, 891-892

Long and Lakela, 581-582

Small, 834, as C. colubrina

Wunderlin, 420


wild coffee

common snake-bark



buckthorn family

shrub or tree, to 7 m tall; young stems rusty tomentose; lvs ovate, elliptic, or oblanceolate, 5-15 cm long, entire, tips blunt, acute to acuminate, shining green above, rusty pubescent below with scattered black glands; inflor axillary umbel-like cymes; flrs with 5 hooded, yellow petals ca. 2.5 mm long, opposite and enfolding the stamens; frts ca. 1 cm wide, nearly black, hard, 3-lobed capsule; hammocks; Collier and Monroe (incl. Keys) cos.; all year.
87. Colubrina cubensis (Jacq.) Brongn.

[intended: var. floridana M. C. Johnston]

| Atlas; Chafin FL, West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 892, 893

Long and Lakela, 581

Small, 834

Wunderlin, 420


Cuban snake-bark

Cuban nakedwood


buckthorn family

shrub or small tree; stems and lvs velutinous; lvs elliptic, 4-9 cm long; peduncles usually longer than petioles; flrs as above; frts 7 mm across; hammocks, pinelands; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.; all year.
88. Colubrina elliptica (Sw.) Briz. and Stern.

| Atlas; Nelson, plate #111;Scurlock, p. 61

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and northern South America 

Correll and Correll, 892-894

Long and Lakela, 582

Small, 832, as C. reclinata

Wunderlin, 420


smooth snake-bark



buckthorn family

shrub or tree to 20 m; trunk with serpentine-furrowed, orange-brown bark exfoliating in thin layers; young twigs finely hairy; lvs ovate, lanceolate to elliptic, thin and soft, entire, ca. 4-8 cm long, 2 marginal glands at base; flrs as above, but greenish; frt orange-red capsule, explosively dehiscent; hammocks; Dade and Monroe [Keys only]; all year. 
89. Conradina brevifolia Shinners

Federal Register, 12 July 1993

Kartesz: Conradina canescens A. Gray endemic 

SIDA 1:84-88, 1962

Wunderlin, 529, as Kartesz

short-leaved rosemary

false rosemary



mint family

very similar to C. canescens: shorter lvs (6.0-8.2 mm vs. 7.0-20 mm); more flrs (1-6 flrs per axil vs. 1-3 flrs per axil); sand pine scrub of Lake Wales Ridge; Highlands and Polk cos.
90. Conradina etonia Kral and McCartney

Federal Register, 12 July 1993

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

SIDA 14(3): 391-398, 


Wunderlin, 529

Etonia rosemary

Etonia false rosemary



mint family

shrubs to 1.5 m tall; lvs with lateral veins evident on the undersurface; flrs similar to C. grandiflora; anthers with long fringe of white hairs; clearings in white sand scrub; Putnam Co.; Sep-Oct.
91. Conradina glabra Shinners

Federal Register, 12 July 1993

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

Clewell, 382

Godfrey, 405-407

Ward, 81

Wunderlin, 529

Apalachicola rosemary

Apalachicola false




mint family

shrub; minty scent; much branched; lvs to 15 mm long, opposite, edges turned under, grayish because of hairs; flrs

white tinged pink, dots in throat, flr tube strongly bent, in lv axils; calyx tube not hairy ["glabra"]; sandhills; [Franklin Co., not documented] Liberty and Santa Rosa cos. [Earlier collection from Santa Rosa incorrect.] Mar-Jun.

92. Corallorhiza odontorhiza (Willd.) Nutt. 

ME and VT to NY, MI, MN, south to FL, TX, Mexico, Central America 

Clewell, 185

Gleason and Cronquist, 863,

Luer, 178-179

Radford et al., 354-355

Small, 389

Wunderlin, 233

autumn coralroot Orchidaceae;

orchid family

terrestrial, to 20 cm tall; white underground base (shaped like a tooth); saprophytic, lvs reduced to scales; flrs open partially, reddish-purple sepals and petals converge over column, lip white with purple spots, lip protrudes; upland hardwood forest; Columbia Co.
93. Cordia globosa (Jacq.) Kunth

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and northern South America 

| Atlas; Scurlock, p. 64

Correll and Correll, 1198,


Long and Lakela, 728

Small, 1129, as Varronia

Wunderlin, 516

Curaçao bush



borage family

shrub, to 3 m tall; lvs evergreen, 4 cm long, elliptic to lanceolate, toothed margins, grayish-green due to appressed hairs, veins prominent; inflor. scorpioid, terminal, head-like clusters; corollas white, short funnelform, to 9 mm long; style twice bifid; frt a fleshy red drupe partially enclosed in calyx; hammocks; Dade and Monroe cos.; all year.
94. Coreopsis integrifolia Poiret

| Chafin FL, GA, SC 

Clewell, 302-304

Cronquist, 58

Godfrey and Wooten II, 776,


Small, 1450

Wunderlin, 621


fringeleaf tickseed 



daisy family

tribe: Heliantheae.

herbaceous perennial; to 1 m tall; lvs simple, opposite, elliptic to ovate, to 6 cm long, margins ciliate at the bases and on the petioles; disc flrs 4-lobed, ray flrs 3-lobed at tips; floodplains, riverbanks; Calhoun, Jackson, Nassau and Washington cos.; late summer.
95. Cornus alternifolia L. f.

Newfoundland and Nova Scotia to MN, south to FL, AL and AR 

| Atlas

Clewell, 336

Godfrey, 215-217

Radford et al., 792

Small, 957-958

Ward, 21-22

Wunderlin, 473

pagoda dogwood

alternate-leaf dogwood

pagoda cornel

umbrella cornel


dogwood family

small tree; alternate branches form umbrella shaped tree; lvs alternate; flrs tiny, cream, grouped into a flat cluster to 6 cm wide; frts dark blue, with waxy bloom; rich woods near small streams; Calhoun, Gadsden, Leon and Walton cos.; Apr-May.
96. Cranichis muscosa Swartz

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Correll and Correll, 349-350

Luer, 86

Wunderlin, 234

moss orchid

cypresssknee helmet



orchid family

terrestrial herb; thick, fleshy roots at base of stem; leafy rosette, leaves with petioles; raceme, flowers small, white, yellow-green speckles, lip is uppermost, sepals free to base and not adnate to the lip; ovary glabrous; rockland hammocks; Collier, Dade (extirpated?), and Lee cos.; Jan-Feb.
97. Crataegus phaenopyrum (L. f.) Medik.

| Chafin DE and PA, west to IL, MO, KY, TN, south to GA, AL and FL 

Godfrey, 556-558

Radford et al., 562-563

Small, 644

Wunderlin, 327-328

Washington thorn

hedge thorn

red haw

Washington hawthorn


rose family

tree, to 10 m tall; lvs cordate-deltoid to ovate, toothed, 3-lobed(look like tiny maple lvs); corollas white; fruits scarlet, 4-6 mm wide; streambanks, edges of wet areas; Liberty, Wakulla, Walton and Washington cos.; May.
98. Croomia pauciflora (Nutt.) Torrey

| Atlas; Chafin FL, GA and AL 

Clewell, 194

Ward, 22-23

Small, 309

Ward, 22

Wunderlin, 204

croomia Croomiaceae/



croomia family

colonial herb, with rhizomes; lvs ovate, cordate at base, prominent veins; flrs in axils, 4 perianth parts, 4 stamens; rich hardwood forest ravines and bluffs, Apalachicola River; Gadsden and Liberty cos.; Mar-Apr.
99. Crotalaria avonensis K.R. Delaney and


Federal Register, 27 April 1993

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

SIDA 13:315-324, 1989

Wunderlin, 350-351

Avon Park harebells

Avon Park rattlebox



legume family


pea subfamily

perennial herb; flr-stems may originate 4" below surface and above soil for only a few centimeters; no stipules; lvs 1-2 cm long, obtuse, coated with whitish hairs; yellow corollas 8-9 mm long, keel petal shorter than wing petals; style bases not elbowed; bean inflated, 1.4-2.5 cm long; bare white sand, partial shade; Lake Wales Ridge, Highlands and Polk cos.; dormant winter until Mar.
100. Croton humilis L.

FL, TX , West Indies and Mexico 

[See Taylor, 62-63; Bell and Taylor, 105, for other Croton spp.]

Correll and Correll, 790-792

Correll and Johnston, 931

Long and Lakela, 538

Small, 782, as C. berlandieri

Wunderlin, 399-400




spurge family

shrub, to 1 m tall; lvs ovate, entire (may have tiny glandular teeth at base), stellate pubescence not dense on lower surface; staminate flrs with short petals, pistillate flrs lack petals; hammocks, disturbed sites; Dade, Collier and Monroe cos.; all year.
101. Cryptotaenia canadensis (L.) DC.

Que, N.B. to Man, south to GA, FL, AL and TX 

Clewell, 504

Godfrey and Wooten II, 457

Radford et al., 780-781

Small, 970

Ward, 23-24

Wunderlin, 467


wild chervil

Canadian honewort



carrot family

perennial herb; up to 80 cm tall; lvs cpd, with dilated stalks, long on lower lvs, shorter on upper lvs; flrs white, clustered; floodplain forest; Gadsden, Jackson and Liberty cos.; Apr-Jul.
102. Ctenitis sloanei (Poepp. ex Spreng.) C.V.


synonym: Dryopteris ampla (Humb. and Bonp.) Kuntze

FL, West Indies, Central and South America 

FNA, 302

Lakela and Long, 157

Long and Lakela, 98-99

Small,: ferns, 290, 292-293

Wunderlin, 55-56

red-hair comb fern

Florida tree fern




wood fern family

stolons absent; sterile and fertile leaves similar in appearance, deltoid; veins free or only casually netted, petiole scales a tangled tuft of multicellular hairs with reddish crosswalls; sori round, indusia soon deciduous (appears absent); limestone ledges, rockland hammocks, cypress strand swamps; Broward, Collier, Dade, Manatee and Polk cos.
103. Ctenitis submarginalis (Langsd. and Fischer)


synonym: Thelypteris submarginalis (Langsd. and Fisch.) Small

FL, LA, West Indies, Central and South America 

FNA, 302

Lakela and Long, 157

Long and Lakela, 98

Small: ferns, 258-260

Wunderlin, 55-56

brown-hair comb fern Pteridophyta--


wood fern family

stolons absent; sterile and fertile leaves similar in appearance, linear-oblong; veins free or only casually netted, petiole scales not densely tangled; sori round, indusia soon deciduous (appears absent); cypress swamps, rockland hammocks, spoil banks; Broward, Collier, (Dade), Hardee, (Palm Beach) and Seminole cos.
104. Ctenium floridanum (A.S. Hitchcock) A. S.


| Chafin FL and GA 

Godfrey and Wooten, II-210

and 212

Hall, 198-199

Hitchcock and Chase, 516

Jones and Coile, 34

Small, 114, as Campulosus

Wunderlin, 96

Florida toothache grass Gramineae/


grass family

herb, slender scaly rhizomes; immediately recognizable by its solitary curved one-side spike which resembles a toothbrush; no glands on the 2nd glume, and a more slender awn than for C. aromaticum; pinelands; Alachua, Bradford, Clay, Columbia, Duval, Nassau, Putnam and St. Johns cos.
105. Cucurbita okeechobeensis (Small) Bailey

Federal Register, 12 July 1993

| Chafin endemic 

Long and Lakela, 814

Small, 1286

Ward, 81-83

Wunderlin, 587

Syst. Botany 18(2):175-187

Okeechobee gourd Indian pumpkin Cucurbitaceae;

gourd family

vine; lvs with 5 to 7 lobes, clammy pubescence; flrs cream colored; frt to 9 cm wide, globose, green streaked or flecked with white; wet hammocks, ditch banks; Glades, Lake, Palm Beach, Seminole and Volusia cos.; Mar-May.
106. Cupania glabra Swartz

| Atlas; Chafin; Scurlock, p. 70 FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central America 

Long and Lakela, 575

Small, 829

Ward, 24-25


Florida toadwood

American toadwood


soapberry family

small tree; lvs alternate, cpd with 6 -12 lf-lets, shallowly toothed; small flrs in panicle; capsules top-shaped, each with 3 seeds; rockland hammocks; (Dade) and Monroe [Keys only] cos.; fall.
107. Cuphea aspera Chapman

| Chafin endemic 

Clewell, 425

Godfrey and Wooten II, 377-


Small, 932, as Parsonia


Wunderlin, 450

tropical waxweed

Chapman's waxweed


loosestrife family

perennial, to .5 m tall, roots fusiform distally; lvs whorled, to 2 cm long; flrs opposite or whorled, pedicels 5-15 mm long, 6 lavender or white petals, hypanthium with glandular hairs; flatwoods; Calhoun, Franklin and Gulf cos.; May-Jul.
108. Cynoglossum virginianum L.

| Atlas CN south to FL, west to IL, OK, LA 

Clewell, 256

Radford et al., 880

Small, 1122

Ward, 134-135

Wunderlin, 516-517

wild comfrey Boraginaceae;

borage family

perennial herb, to ¾ m tall; lvs basal, and 2-4 on lower stem, rough bristly, upper stem naked; inflor. terminal; flrs with blue or white petals; frts mericarps, with short stiff spines; bluffs; Gadsden and Liberty cos.; Mar-Apr.
109. Cyperus floridanus Britton

Fl and West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 218

Long and Lakela, 208, as

C. filiformis

Small, 150

Wunderlin, 154-158

Florida flatsedge Cyperaceae;

sedge family

perennial herb, tufted stems; lvs filiform, longer than stem; 2-3 lf-like bracts to 10 cm long; infl. loosely capitate and solitary per stem; spikelets deciduous above lower pair of scales, to 10 mm long and 1 mm wide; scales maroon with green keel; 3 stamens, 3 stigmas; sandy soil; Collier, Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.
110. Cyperus fuligineus Chapman

FL and West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 218

Long and Lakela, 208-209

Small, 153

Wunderlin, 154-158

limestone flatsedge Cyperaceae;

sedge family

perennial herb, densely tufted, knotty rhizomes; lvs revolute, sheaths maroon-red to blackish; lf-like bracts [2 in C.andC.; 3-4 in L.andL.!]; spikelets densely crowded into solitary spherical head to 1.5 cm wide; scales striate, brown with lighter keel ending in short mucro; 3 stamens, 3 stigmas; achene 3-angled; oolitic soils; Monroe [Keys only] Co.; Fall. 
111. Cyrtopodium punctatum (L.) Lindl.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

| Chafin; DPI poster, plate #38

Long and Lakela, 334

Luer, 232-234

Small, 394

Ward, 83-84

Wunderlin, 234

cow-horn orchid,

cigar orchid

butterfly orchid

bee-swarm orchid


orchid family

terrestrial or epiphytic; pseudobulbous stems, leafy at summit; diffuse panicle, flrs reddish-brown, flushed with yellow, sepals greenish-yellow blotched with purple; rockland hammocks, marl prairie, strand swamp; (Broward), Collier, Dade, Lee, (Martin), Monroe and (Palm Beach) cos.
112. Dalbergia brownii (Jacq.) Schinz

Both Isely and Godfrey and Wooten use: D. brownei (Jacq.) Urban

Wunderlin uses above.

| Scurlock, p. 71 FL, Mexico, Central and South America 

Godfrey and Wooten II, 249

Isely, 56

Long and Lakela, 476, as D.


Small, 711, as Amerimnon

Standley and Steyermark,

V: 202

Wunderlin, 351

Brown's Indian


red fowl





legume family


pea subfamily

scandent or trailing shrub to 5 m; lvs 1 (to 3) foliate, subcordate bases, tips acute to almost acuminate, glabrous; flrs numerous, white or pink, fragrant, 8-10 mm long; legume oval or oblong 1 to 6 cm long and 8-10 mm wide;

1 to 4 seeds; margins of hammocks or mangroves; roadsides; Dade and Monroe cos.; spring, summer.

113. Dalea carthagenensis (Jacq.) J. F. Macbride

| Chafin D. carthagenensis var. floridana (Rydberg) Barneby is endemic 

Isely, 81-82

Long and Lakela, 478

Small, 694-695, as Parosela


Wunderlin, 352

Florida prairie clover 

Cartagena prairie clover



legume family


pea subfamily

contorted, shrubby, woody or herbaceous, to 2 m tall; lvs pinnate with terminal lflet, lflets 15-23; corolla of 5 petals, sub-papilionaceous, wings and keel arise from side of stamen tube, greenish-white fading to maroon; pineland, hammocks; Dade, Monroe [excluding Keys] and Palm Beach cos.; all year.
114. Deeringothamnus pulchellus Small

Federal Register, 26 Sep 1986

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

Long and Lakela, 421

Small, 532

Wunderlin, 307

white squirrel-banana

beautiful pawpaw

pretty false pawpaw

royal false pawpaw




short shrub; flrs with linear, creamy white petals, pleasant scent; grassy flatwoods, road edges; Charlotte, Lee and Orange cos.; Mar-May.
115. Deeringothamnus rugelii (B.L. Rob.) Small

Federal Register, 26 Sep 1986

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

Small, 532

Ward, 25-26

Wunderlin, 307 

yellow squirrel-banana,

Rugel's pawpaw

Rugel's false pawpaw




short shrub; lvs to 7 cm long, oblong to oval or obovate; flrs with oblong, canary yellow petals, fragrant; wet pine flatwoods, powerline right-of-way; Volusia Co.; Apr-Jun.
116. Delphinium carolinianum Walter

NC, KY, IL, IO, west to KS, south to FL, TX 

Clewell, 461

Gleason and Cronquist, 51

Radford et al., 454-455

Small, 515

Wunderlin, 300

Carolina larkspur Ranunculaceae;

buttercup family

herb; lvs cpd, palmately divided; petals 4, blue, lower petals bifid and bearded, 2 upper petals with a long spur extending into the spurred sepal; calcareous slopes; Gadsden Co.; May.
117. Dennstaedtia bipinnata (Cav.) Maxon

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

FNA, 200-201

Lakela and Long, 59 and 61

Small: ferns, 321 and 322

Ward, 26-27

Wunderlin, 47

cuplet fern

hay-scented fern

bipinnate cuplet fern




polypody family

fern; stout stems 5-6 mm wide; lvs. 3-compound, to 2.7 m long, lustrous, subcoriaceous; sori at end of small lateral veins and with cup-shaped indusia; deep muck soil of hammocks; Duval, (Okeechobee), Palm Beach and Seminole cos.
118. Desmodium ochroleucum M.A. Curtis ex Canby

Del, MD, TN, south to FL 

Clewell, 402, 404 

Isely, 168-169

Radford et al., 606

Small, 733, as Meibomia

Wunderlin, 357

trailing tick-trefoil

cream ticktrefoil



bean family

perennial herb, decumbent, vine-like, hairy stems; terminal lf-lets ovate, 2.5-6 cm long; fls creamy white or pale yellow (=ochroleucous) , fl-stalks 10-22 mm long; 3 to 5 frt segments, each 7-10 mm long, densely hairy (hairs with hooked tips) on the sutures, glabrous and veiny on surfaces; disturbed hammocks; Jackson Co.; summer. 
119. Dicerandra christmanii Huck and Judd

Federal Rgister, 21 Sept 1989

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

Systematic Botany 

14(2):197-213 1989

Wunderlin, 530

Christman's mint

Garrett's mint



mint family

northern Highlands Co. specimens of "old" D. frutescens actually D. christmanii. Lvs with eucalyptus-oil scent; corollas persistently cream-colored, with magenta spots; anthers yellow; yellow sand, oak scrub; Highlands Co.
120. Dicerandra cornutissima Huck

Federal Register, 1 Nov 1985

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

Wunderlin, 530 Robin's mint,

long-spurred mint



mint family

shrub to ½ m tall; lvs about 1.5 cm long, linear, with entire margins, glandular, fragrant; flrs in groups in axils, 2-lipped, 7 mm long, purplish-rose with deep purple marking and whitish throat; 4 stamens, each anther half tipped by 1.2 mm long horn; style glabrous or with few hairs; on yellow sand in sand pine scrub or oak scrub sandhills; Sumter (extirpated?) and Marion cos; Sep-Oct.
121. Dicerandra frutescens Shinners

Federal Register, 1 Nov 1985

| Atlas; Bell and Taylor, p. 237; Chafin endemic 

Ward, 84

Wunderlin, 530

Lloyd's mint,

scrub mint



mint family

shrub to ½ m tall; lvs to 2.5 cm long, narrowly oblong, entire margins, crushed foliage with scent of peppermint; flrs in pairs, petals 2-lipped, pale pink [quickly fades to bright white] with purplish-rose dots; stamens 4, each anther half with spur less than 1 mm long, anthers purplish; style hairy; on yellow sand in sand pine scrub, openings and paths; Highlands and Polk cos.; Sep-Oct.
122. Dicerandra immaculata Lakela

Endangered Species Act: 1973; Federal Register, 23 July 1984, proposed rule; 1985

| Atlas; Chafin, DPI poster, plate #10 endemic 

Wunderlin, 530 Olga's mint,

Lakela's mint



mint family

shrub to 1/3 m tall; foliage fragrant, flrs in cymes at tips of stems, lavender-rose to purplish (rarely white) without spots separates this from all other Dicerandras in se US; yellow sand in sand pine scrub, disturbed areas; Indian River and St. Lucie cos.; Sep-Oct.
123. Dicerandra thinicola H. A. Mill.

| Atlas       endemic 

Phytologia 75: 185-189.
1993* *
Wunderlin, 530
Titusville balm Labiatae/


mint family

shrubby perennial to 0.9 m tall, with numerous ascending branches from a short trunk; lvs opposite, linear-oblong, to 19 mm long and 2 mm wide, fragrant when crushed; flrs on short pedicels in whorls of 3-7; corolla tube sharply bent; corolla limb 2-lipped, rose-purple (or sometimes white) with dark purple spots; stamens 4; anthers dark to light purple, with 2 horns up to 1.3 mm
124. Digitaria pauciflora A.S. Hitchc. 


Chase, 582-583

Hall, 375

Small, 51

Wunderlin, 103-105

FL pineland crabgrass

twospike fingergrass



grass family

perennial herb to 1 m tall; raceme rachis wingless, triangular, fertile lemma pale or gray; pine rocklands, marl prairie; Collier (this record is an error), Dade cos.; Nov.
125. Dirca palustris L.

| Atlas Canada, south to FL, AL, AR and OK 

Clewell, 498

Godfrey, 673-675

Radford et al., 736,737

Small, 919

Ward, 135-136

Wunderlin, 449





eastern leatherwood


mezereum family

shrub, to 2 m tall, bark is smooth and pliable (stems difficult to bend and break), tips of twigs enlarged; lvs oval to elliptic or obovate; flrs in axillary clusters of 2-3, before lvs, with tubular yellowish calyx and tiny petals between the stamens at base of calyx; frt red to purple drupes 5-8 mm long; rich, wooded ravine slopes and bluffs; Gadsden, Jackson and Liberty cos.; early spring.
126. Dodecatheon meadia L.

| Atlas MD south to FL and AL, west to WI, MN, IA, OK, TX 

Gleason and Cronquist, 224

Radford et al., 819, 820

Small, 1027

Wunderlin, 480-481

shooting star



primrose family

perennial herb; lvs entire; scape to 6 /10 m tall, topped with umbel of up to 15 flrs, corollas white or pink, united at base, petals reflexed; stamens extend forward; rich 

moist woodlands; Gadsden Co.; Mar-Apr.

127. Dodonaea elaeagnoides Rudolph ex Ledeb. and


Kartesz: includes within D. viscosa (L.) Jacq.

| Atlas; Chafin; Nelson, plate #133; Scurlock, p. 72 FL and West Indies 

Blumea 28:271-289 [1983]

Small, 821, as D.


Wunderlin, 417

Keys hopbush 

smallfruit varnish leaf


soapberry family

Shrub, to 3 m tall; lvs obovate, to 8 cm long, tips rounded to squared (sometimes with notch or mucro), not varnished; inflor glandular; flrs unisexual, sepals 4, stamens 6 or 7 (completely suppressed in flrs); frts 4-7 mm long, with 2-4 mm wide wing, wing fused to style base; hammocks; Monroe Co. [Keys only].
128. Drosera filiformis Raf.

| Bell and Taylor, p. 175 MA to SC; FL 

Clewell, 345

Godfrey and Wooten, 186-


Radford et al., 517

Small, 579 [as D. tracyi, in


Wunderlin, 321


thread-leaf sundew


sundew family

glandular herb with a corm-like base, forming over-wintering structures (hibernacula); erect lvs thread-like (less than 1 mm wide and to 25 cm long), covered with purplish to red glandular hairs; flrs rose-pink, on tall scapes; damp sand, edge of lakes, exposed lake bottoms; Bay and Washington cos.; May, fruits in Oct.
129. Drypetes diversifolia Krug and Urban

| Atlas; Chafin; Nelson, plate #53; Scurlock, p. 73 FL and West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 795-798

Long and Lakela, 546

Small, 780

Wunderlin, 401




spurge family

shrub or tree to 12 m, bark white, rough; 2 types of lvs: lower lvs short petiole, rounded base, tips mucronate, spine-toothed margins and upper lvs petioles 1 cm+, base rounded to wedge-shaped, tips blunt to acuminate, margins entire; flrs unisexual, in axillary clusters, 5 sepals, no petals, 8 stamens; frts ivory-white drupes to 2.5 cm long; hammocks; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos. ; spring. 
130. Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench

| Atlas; Chafin

FL to LA to OK, north to VA, OH, MI, IL, OH, KY, NC, SC, TN 

Clewell, 304

Cronquist, 29

Radford et al., 1110

Steyermark, 1560

Wunderlin, 623

purple coneflower Compositae/


daisy family

tribe: Heliantheae.

perennial herb; lvs alternate, simple, lanceolate to elliptic or ovate, to 15 cm long and 10 cm wide, hairy on both sides; involucral bracts in several rows; ray flrs pink (ours), drooping, disc flrs surpassed by the stout bracts of the cone; calcareous openings in mesic forest; Gadsden Co.; May.
131. Eleocharis rostellata (Torrey) Torrey

Canada to 

FL, NY to IL, KS, OK, TX, CA, UT, WY, NM, 

Mexico, West Indies, Central and South America 

Correll and Johnston, 272

Godfrey and Wooten, 326,


Wunderlin, 160-164

beaked spikerush Cyperaceae;

sedge family

perennial herb, with vertical caudex; lvs bladeless sheaths only; spikes ovoid, thicker than the supporting stem, scales of spike spirally arranged; bristles long as achene and tubercle, with down-pointed teeth; achene 3-angled, tapered into a pyramidal tubercle, olive-brown, smooth, no ribs; prairies, swamps; Dade, Taylor, Santa Rosa and Wakulla cos.
132. Eltroplectris calcarata (Hooker f.) Garay and


synonym: Centrogenium setaceum (Lindl.) Schlecht.

| Chafin FL, West Indies, South America 

Correll and Correll, 350-351

Long and Lakela, 323

Luer, 124-125

Small, 384

Ward, 18

Wunderlin, 234

spurred neottia

longclawed orchid


orchid family

terrestrial; 1 to 3 lvs, 9-15 cm long and petiolate; peduncle 3 dm long; flrs white and greenish, lateral sepals form a spur; lip is fringed; dense hammocks; Dade and Highlands cos.; winter-spring.
133. Encyclia boothiana (Lindl.) Dressler

Luer uses: var. erythronioides (Small) Luer

synonym: Prosthechea boothiana (Lindl.) W. E. Higgins

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central America 

Correll and Correll, 354-355

Long and Lakela, 332

Luer, 204-205

Small, 392

Ward, 27-28

Wunderlin, 234-235

dollar orchid

FL dollar orchid


orchid family

epiphyte; pseudobulbs about size of silver dollar, lvs up to 15 cm long; flrs greenish yellow, blotched with reddish purple, lip is pale yellow to white; low limbs of trees in hammocks or thickets, marine tidal swamps; Dade, Indian River and Monroe cos.; Jun-Sep.
134. Encyclia cochleata (L.) Lemée

Luer uses: var. triandra (Ames) Dressler for FL 

synonym: Prosthechea cochleata (L.) W. E. Higgins

| Atlas; Bell and Taylor, p. 29; Chafin

3 anthers: FL 

2 anthers: West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Correll and Correll, 356-357

Long and Lakela, 332

Luer, 202-203

Small, 392, as Anacheilium

Wunderlin, 234-235

FL clamshell orchid Orchidaceae;

orchid family

epiphyte; 1 to 3 lvs, to 30 cm long; flrs yellowish with purplish blotches at base, lip shell-like and velvety purple, 3 sepals and other 2 petals long and ribbon-like; rockland hammocks, dome swamps, strand swamps; Broward (?), Collier, Dade Lee and Monroe [not in Keys] cos.; all year.
135. Encyclia pygmaea (Hook.) Dressler

synonym: Prosthechea pygmaea (Hook.) W. E. Higgins

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Long and Lakela, 332-333

Luer, 200-201

Small, 393, as Hormidium

Ward, 28-29

Wunderlin, 234-235

dwarf epidendrum Orchidaceae;

orchid family

epiphyte; flrs are cradled between the lvs on each pseudobulb; sepals white, shading to yellow; two lateral petals linear and white; lip white, 3-lobed, with rose purple spot on tip of center lobe; Fakahatchee Strand; Collier 

Co.; Oct-Feb.

136. Epidendrum acunae Dressler

Kartesz: E. blancheanum Urban

FL, Cuba, Mexico, Central America 

Luer, 219-220

Ward, 29

Wunderlin, 235-236

Acuna's epidendrum Orchidaceae; 

orchid family

epiphyte; pendent, stems to 1 m, continue to lengthen after flowering; 2 to 6 lvs, to 12 cm long; 1-3 flrs, brownish-green; 2 cm long capsule; Collier Co. (extirpated?); May-Jun. [Luer: E.ramosum is a smaller plant, each 

branch terminates after flowering.] 

137. Epidendrum anceps Jacq.

Kartesz: E. secundum Jacq.

synonym: E. amphistomum A. Richard

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Long and Lakela, 330

Luer, 210-211

Wunderlin, 235-236




orchid family

epiphyte; erect, stems to 1.1 m tall; 5-13 lvs, up to 18 cm long and 4 wide (LandL, p 329: 6+ cm wide), green usually but also red to maroon; dense capitate raceme of up to 25 flrs, brownish (yellow-green, red-brown, or bronze tinged purple) petals, lip adheres to column and flares to spade-shaped; rockland hammocks, dome swamps, strand swamps, hammocks; Broward, Collier, Dade, Lee, Martin and Monroe [not in Keys] cos.; Jan-Jul and all year.
138. Epidendrum difforme Jacq.

synonym: Neolehmannia difformis (Jacq.) Pabst

| Chafin; DPI poster, plate #30

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Long and Lakela, 330

Luer, 212-213

Wunderlin, 235-236, as:

E. floridense Hagsater

umbelled epidendrum Orchidaceae;

orchid family

epiphyte; pendent stems to 30 cm long; 5-10 lvs, up to 10 cm long and 3 cm wide, fleshy, glossy; 3-20 flrs in compact raceme, greenish, variable in size; bracts linear and not enclosing ovary; hammocks; (Broward) , Collier, Dade, Lee, Monroe [not in Keys], (Palm Beach) and Polk cos.; Aug-Nov. and all year.
139. Epidendrum nocturnum Jacq.

| Chafin FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Correll and Correll, 365-366

Long and Lakela, 330

Luer, 214-215

Ward, 84-85

Wunderlin, 235-236






orchid family

epiphyte; erect stems to 1 m tall; 4-10 lvs, to 15 cm long and 2.5 wide, leathery; flrs bloom singly and in slow succession, yellow sepals and petals long, narrow, spreading, lip 3-lobed and white; fragrant at night; rockland hammocks, strand swamps, dome swamps; (Broward), Collier, Dade, Lee, Martin, Monroe [not in Keys] and Palm Beach cos.; Jul-Dec and all year.
140. Epidendrum rigidum Jacq.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

| Bell and Taylor, p. 31

Correll and Correll, 366, 368

Long and Lakela, 330

Luer, 216-217

Wunderlin, 235-236

rigid epidendrum Orchidaceae; 

orchid family

epiphyte; ascending stems to 20 cm; 2-6 lvs, to 8 cm long and 15 mm wide, leathery, keeled; flrs alternate on spike, greenish, insignificant; rockland hammocks, dome 

swamps, strand swamps; Broward, Collier, Dade, Hendry, Lee, Monroe [not in Keys] and Palm Beach cos., Oct-May.

141. Epidendrum strobiliferum Reichenb. f.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Long and Lakela, 329

Luer, 218-219

Wunderlin, 235-236

matted epidendrum Orchidaceae;

orchid family

epiphyte; pendent stems to 18 cm long, numerous and matted; 2-8 lvs, to 5 cm long and 1 cm wide, rigid, leathery, green to reddish-brown; flrs terminal, 3 to 4, pale yellow, hidden by large bracts; strand swamp; Collier and Lee cos.; Oct-Nov and all year.
142. Epigaea repens L.

Newfoundland, Quebec to Saskatchewan, south to IA, FLand MS 

Clewell, 348

Gleason and Cronquist, 209

Godfrey, 238-240

Radford et al., 810-811

Small, 1005

Ward, 137-138

Wunderlin, 475

trailing arbutus Ericaceae;

heath family

trailing shrub; evergreen lvs; corolla white to pink, 

densely pubescent within; bluffs, mixed hardwood 

forest; Escambia, Liberty, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and 

(Walton) cos.; Dec-Feb.

143. Eragrostis tracyi Hitchcock

| Chafin endemic 

Hall, 175

Ward, 86

Wunderlin, 107- 111 

Sanibel lovegrass

Sanibel Island lovegrass



grass family

annual (occasionally perennial) herb; delicate grass; beach dunes, maritime hammocks, coastal strand, coastal grassland, old fields, clearings, disturbed sites; Lee, Manatee, Pinellas and Sarasota cos.; all year.
144. Eriocaulon nigrobracteatum Orzell and Bridges

| Chafin endemic 

Phytologia 74(2): 104-124,

Feb. 1994

Wunderlin, 191

dark-headed hatpins Eriocaulaceae;

hatpins family

perennial herb, forming dense clumps, with fleshy, unbranched , septate roots; lvs in basal rosette, septate, up to 4 cm long and 1 mm wide (smallest E. in eastern N Am. north of Mexico); involucral bracts uniformly dark gray, not reflexed; receptacle glabrous; sepals with white clavate hairs, black anthers; seepage bogs; Bay, Calhoun and Gulf cos.; Mar-Apr. 
145. Eriogonum floridanum Small

Eriogonum longifolium Nutt. var. gnaphalifolium Gandog. is listed as threatened by Federal Register, 18 Mar. 1993.

Kartesz: E. longifolium var. gnaphalifolium

| Atlas; Chafin; Taylor, p. 42 endemic 

Small, 445

Ward, 86-87

Wunderlin, 270-271, as



Florida umbrella plant

longleaf wild- 



buckwheat family

herbaceous perennial with woody rootstock; to 1 m tall; flowering stems with alternate lvs; flrs grouped into heads with bracts beneath, 6 linear sepals, no petals; sandhill, scrub, longleaf pine, Lake Wales Ridge; Highlands, Lake, Marion, Orange, Osceola, Polk, Putnam and Sumter cos.; all year.
146. Ernodea cokeri Britt. ex Coker

| Chafin FL and West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 1389-


Wunderlin, 576

one-nerved ernodea

Coker's beach creeper


madder family

shrub; leaves narrowly linear, to 3 mm wide, 1-nerved; corolla tube pink or red; calyx as long or longer than fruit; pine rocklands; Dade Co., all year.
147. Eryngium cuneifolium Small

Federal Register, 21 Jan 1987

| Chafin endemic 

Small, 964

Wunderlin, 468-469

scrub eryngium


wedgeleaf eryngo



carrot family

herb; erect; lvs divided or lobed, 3-5 teeth at tip, lvs reduced in number up the stem; capitate inflorescence, whitish flrs age powder blue; sand pine scrub; Highlands Co.; Sep-Nov.
148. Erythronium umbilicatum Parks and Hardin

| Bell and Taylor, p. 14 VA, WV, MD, south to FL and AL 

Clewell, 179

Gleason and Cronquist, 834

Small, 292

Ward, 88-89

Wunderlin, 207

dimpled dogtooth-


trout lily


dimpled troutlily


lily family

herbaceous perennial from corm; 2 lvs, fleshy, about 10 cm long, mottled (like a trout); solitary flr on long stalk, greenish or purplish outside and yellow inside, recurved; stream banks and bluffs; Gadsden and Leon cos.; Feb-Mar.
149. Eugenia confusa DC.

| Atlas; Chafin; Scurlock, p. 80 FL and West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 1044

Long and Lakela, 645

Small, 936

Wunderlin, 453 

redberry eugenia

tropical ironwood



myrtle family

tree, up to 6 m tall; scaly bark, red-brown heartwood; lvs 

to 5 cm long, with prolonged tip; frt scarlet, 5-8 mm wide; rockland hammocks; Dade, (Lee), Martin and Monroe [Keys only] cos.; Mar-Jul.

150. Eugenia rhombea (Berg) Krug and Urban

| Atlas; Scurlock, p. 82 FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Correll and Correll, 1044

Long and Lakela, 645

Small, 935

Ward, 29-30

Wunderlin, 453

red stopper Myrtaceae;

myrtle family

tree to 3 m tall; lvs 3-6 cm long, opposite; inflorescence axillary, pedicel 1 cm long [E. axillaris has longer pedicels]; berries black to 8 mm wide; rockland hammocks; Dade, (erroneously in Lee) and Monroe [Keys] cos.; Apr-Sep.
151. Euonymus atropurpureus Jacq.

Note: Kartesz spells it "Evonymus" All refs. to right use E.

atropurpureus; Kartesz uses E. atropurpurea.

| Atlas NY to ND, south to FL and TX 

Clewell, 268

Gleason and Cronquist, 329

Godfrey, 195-196

Radford et al., 685-686

Small, 818

Wunderlin, 414

burning bush


spindle tree

strawberry bush

arrow wood

eastern wahoo


staff-tree family

shrub or small tree; lvs to 12 cm long and 6 cm wide, toothed; inflor. axillary cymes on peduncles ½ as long as lvs; petals 4, maroon, with hyaline margins; dangling pinkish-purple capsule 4-lobed, splits but not reflexing; scarlet seed; stream banks; Gadsden and Liberty cos.; Apr.
152. Eupatorium frustratum B.L. Robins.

Wunderlin uses Chromolaena frustratum (B.L.Robins.) King and H. Robinson.

| Chafin endemic 

Cronquist, 185

Long and Lakela, 873

Small, 1320, as Osmia


Wunderlin, 615-616

Cape Sable




daisy family

tribe: Eupatorieae.

herbs, to 20 cm tall; lvs simple, over 15 mm wide, 2-5 cm long, deltoid-ovate, ovate, or ovate-lanceolate, wedge-like base, margins with shallow teeth; inflor. diffuse; flrs all discs, blue or lavender; coastal hammocks; Monroe [including Keys] Co.; all year.
153. Eupatorium villosum Sw.

[In 1998 Rule, listed as : Koanophyllon villosum (Sw.) King and H.E.Robins.]

Kartesz uses: Eupatorium villosum Sw.

[See Taylor, 112-114; Bell and Taylor, 252, for other spp.] FL and West Indies 

All as Eupatorium:

Correll and Correll, 1486-


Cronquist, 186

Small, 1327

Keys' thoroughwort Compositae/


daisy flower.

tribe: Eupatorieae.

shrub to 2 m tall; densely hairy throughout; lvs opposite, to 6.5 cm long and 4 cm wide; bracts in 2 to 3 series; flrs 9-13, white to bluish; hammocks, pine woods; Dade Co.; all year.
154. Euphorbia commutata Engelm.

| Atlas FL, GA, SC to PA, MO, MN 

Clewell, 357

Radford et al., 670, as E. 


Small, 801, as Galarhoeus

Wunderlin, 401-402

wood spurge

tinted woodland spurge


spurge family

herb, with milky sap, decumbent stem; lvs alternate, spathulate to ovate or lanceolate, margins entire; bracteal lvs opposite, smaller than stem lvs, reniform to ovate0reniform; cyathia 4-lobed, glands yellowish, with long tail-like tips; woods and stream banks; Gadsden, Jackson, Levy and Marion cos.; spring.
155. Euphorbia telephioides

This species was moved to Tithymalus telephioides (#381); but in error it was not removed from the list as Euphorbia. See page 58.

156. Evolvulus convolvuloides (Willd. ex J.A.

Schultes) Stearn

synonuym: E. glaber Spreng.

[see Taylor, 90; Bell and Taylor, 113, for E. sericeus]

FL, West Indies, South America 

Correll and Correll, 1170-


Long and Lakela, 714

Small, 1082

Wunderlin, 507

dwarf bindweed

bindweed dwarf





herb, prostrate, creeping; lvs nearly glabrous below at maturity, to 2 cm long, oblong-ovate or obovate; flrs solitary in axils, blue, pink or white, to 1 cm wide; coastal on limestone or coral rock; Dade and Monroe [including Keys]; all year
157. Evolvulus grisebachii Peter

FL, West Indies 

Long and Lakela, 714

Small, 1082, as E. wrightii

Wunderlin, 507

Grisebach's bindweed

Grisebach's dwarf 





herb, tufted, suberect, silvery hairs; lvs suborbicular to ovate, ca. 1 cm long, acute tips; flrs white or blue, 8-9 mm wide; pinelands, glades; Monroe Co. [Keys only]; all year.
158. Exostema caribaeum (Jacq.) J.A. Schultes

| Chafin; Scurlock, p. 83 FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central America 

Correll and Correll, 1393-


Long and Lakela, 798

Small, 1256

Wunderlin, 577


Caribbean princewood

Jesuit bark


madder family

shrub or tree, to 7 m tall, bark bitter (once used to reduce fever); lvs opposite, 4-8 cm long, oblong-lanceolate to ovate, acuminate tips, conspicuous veins; flrs fragrant, solitary in lf axils, calyx tubular, to 4 mm long, corolla tubular, lobes linear, to 4.5 cm long, white or pinkish, fade to orange; frts woody capsules, to 1.5 cm long; hammocks, pinelands; Keys [Monroe Co]); spring.
159. Forestiera godfreyi L. C. Anderson

| Atlas; Chafin also in 1 SC county 

Godfrey, 503, 505-506

Wunderlin, 487

Godfrey's swamp privet Oleaceae;

olive family

shrub or small tree; drooping branches, roots at branch tips; flrs very early in spring on twigs of previous season before new growth; petaloid sepals; separate male and female flrs; mesic calcareous wood; Alachua, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Jackson, Jefferson, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Nassau and Marion cos.; early spring.
160. Fothergilla gardenii L.

All in Ref. column (except Wunderlin) use: F. gardenii Murray

| Chafin TN, AL, MS, GA, FL 

Clewell, 374

Godfrey, 372-373

Radford et al., 530-531

Small, 601

Wunderlin, 325

dwarf witch-alder Hamamelidaceae;

witch-hazel family

shrub, to 1 m tall; colonial; lvs with stellate hairs on lower surface, glabrous above, margins wavy; inflor. globose or oblong, terminal; petals absent; stamens showy, white; capsule with 2 curving beaks; pine savannas, shrub bogs, hillside bogs; Walton and Okaloosa cos.; early spring.
161. Galactia smallii H.F. Rogers ex Herndon

Endangered Species Act 1973; Federal Register, 18 July 1985

Note: Isely -- "more abundant pubescence and smaller flrs than G. floridana and G. regularis."

| Chafin endemic 

Isely, 152- see note

Long and Lakela, 494, as

G. prostrata

Small, 719

Wunderlin, 358, as part of G. regularis

Small's milkpea Leguminosae/


legume family


pea subfamily

herb; prostrate and twining; stems to 2 m long; hairy;

lflets 3, 1-2.2 cm long; flrs 1-5 on long stalk; corollas 

11-12 mm long, pink-purple or lavender, fading pale; legume 3-4 cm long, 4 mm wide; pine rocklands; Dade Co.; May-Jul.

162. Galeandra beyrichii Reichenb. f.

| Chafin FL, West Indies, Central and South America 

Long and Lakela, 324

Luer, 245-246

Wunderlin, 237

helmet orchid Orchidaceae;

orchid family

terrestrial, up to 1 m tall; 1-2 ephemeral lvs, to 25 cm long and 3 cm wide, 3 ribbed; terminal raceme with to 12 flrs, pale yellow-green petals, green and purple striped lip with ruffled edge, lip attached to base of the column; 

edges of sinkholes in rockland hammock; Dade Co.

163. Gentiana pennelliana Fernald


Clewell, 367

Godfrey and Wooten II, 536

Long and Lakela, 697

Small, 1054, as

G. tenuifolia

Ward, 89-90

Wunderlin, 492-493

wiregrass gentian Gentianaceae;

gentian family

herb; lvs linear-spatulate; flrs solitary, not involucrate; corolla white, spotted with blue-green internally; wet flatwoods, slash pine plantations, roadside ditches; Bay, Calhoun, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, (Leon), Liberty, Wakulla and Walton cos.; Oct-Feb.
164. Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R. Br.

| Atlas; Luer, 9 Quebec, ME to MN, south to SC, FL, AL, AR 

Clewell, 185

Gleason and Cronquist, 855

Radford et al., 350-351

Wunderlin, 237

downy rattlesnake


downy rattlesnake 



orchid family

terrestrial herb; flowering stem with 4-14 bracts; lvs basal rosette, ovate to lanceolate, dark green midrib bordered by pair of white stripes and with net-like white veins; lip pouchy, sac less than half as long as the body; hammocks; Liberty Co.; Jun.
165. Gossypium hirsutum L.

| Atlas; DPI poster, plate #13; Nelson, plate #85 FL, West Indies, Mexico 

Correll and Correll, 925-927

Long and Lakela, 591

Small, 861

Ward, 30-31

Wunderlin, 427

wild cotton

short-staple cotton

upland cotton


mallow family

herb or shrub to 4 m tall; 3-lobed lvs; involucel (below calyx) with 2 - 5 bracts with lacy tips; petals white, fade to pink and rose; seed with long hairs; coastal hammocks, shell mounds, coastal berm; Charlotte, (Collier), Dade, Lee, Manatee, Monroe [including Keys], Pinellas and Sumter cos.; all year.
166. Govenia utriculata (Swartz) Lindley

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Correll and Correll, 369-370

Long and Lakela, 324

Luer, 243, 245

Wunderlin, 237

Gowen's orchid Orchidaceae;

orchid family

terrestrial herb to 0.5 m tall; lvs 2, dark green, fan-like; 5-15 flrs, white with lavender spots, lip arises from base of column, lateral sepals fused with lip; rockland hammocks; Dade Co. (extirpated?); Nov-Dec. 
167. Guaiacum sanctum L.

Kartesz: Guajacum

FL, West Indies, Central and South America 

| Atlas; Chafin; DPI poster, plate #12; Nelson, plate # 85; Scurlock, p.89

Correll and Correll, 718-720

Long and Lakela, 508

Small, 755

Ward 90-91

Wunderlin, 383, as Kartesz

lignum vitae


tree of life


caltrop family

tree to 10 m tall; hard wood, close grain; lvs opposite, with 3-4 pairs of lf-lets; flrs to 3 cm wide, petals blue; frt 5-angled, bright orange; seed black with scarlet fleshy coat; rockland hammocks; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.
168. Guzmania monostachia (L.) Rusby ex Mez in


| Chafin; DPI poster, plate #59 FL, West Indies, South America 

Correll and Correll, 274, 


Long and Lakela, 269

Small, 272

Ward, 31-32

Wunderlin, 193

Fuchs' bromeliad

strap-leaved guzmania

West Indian tufted



pineapple family

epiphyte; vase-shaped; red bracts beneath the white flrs: attractive; rockland hammocks, strand swamp; Collier, Dade and Monroe [not Keys] cos.; all year.
169. Gyminda latifolia (Sw.) Urban

| Atlas;Chafin; Nelson, plate #40; Scurlock, p. 93 FL, West Indies, Mexico 

Correll and Correll, 867

Long and Lakela, 568-569

Small, 819

Wunderlin, 414

West Indian false-box

false boxwood



staff-tree family

shrub or tree, to 8 m tall, twigs 4-angled; lvs opposite, evergreen, 2-4 cm long, entire or slightly crenate above middle, oblong-ovate or ellipitic; inflor axillary clusters; and flrs on separate plants, petals 4, white, to 2 mm long; frt a drupe, to 8 mm long, dark blue or reddish black when ripe; hammocks; Dade & Monroe [Keys only] cos.; all year.
170. Habenaria distans Griseb.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Godfrey and Wooten I, 635,


Luer, 160-161

Small, 372

Wunderlin, 237

distans habenaria

hammock false rein-



orchid family

terrestrial; erect, up to 30 cm tall; lvs 5, basal rosette, glossy green, to 10 cm long and 3.5 cm wide; infl. a spike with widely separated flrs, flrs "spidery," greenish, lip 3-parted with club-shaped spur; hydric hammocks, strand swamps; Collier, Highlands, Lee and Manatee cos.; Aug-Sep. 
171. Harperocallis flava McDaniel

Federal Register, 2 Oct 1979 monotypic genus 

| Chafin DPI poster, plate #61 endemic 

Clewell, 179

Ward, 32-33

Wunderlin, 207

Harper's beauty Melanthiaceae;


family Or,


lily family

perennial; lvs basal, linear; single terminal flr, 3 yellow petals and 3 yellow sepals (become externally green and internally greenish with purple margins); 3 capitate stigmas; bogs, edge of titi swamps, roadsides; Franklin and Liberty cos.; Apr-May.
172. Harrisia eriophora (Pfeiffer) Britt.

[In the 1998 Rule, listed as: Cereus eriophorus Pfeiffer.]

Federal Register, 1 Nov. 1985 as Cereus eriophorus L. Pfeiffer var. fragrans (Small) L. Benson

Kartesz: Harrisia fragrans Small 

| Atlas; Chafin var. fragrans is endemic 

Long and Lakela, 628

Small, 916, as Harrisia

Wunderlin, 446, as Harrisia


[var. eriophorus is not native to US; Benson, 558-560]

fragrant prickly-apple

Caribbean applecactus


cactus familyCactaceae;

cactus family 

columnar; stems7-12 angled, up to 5 m tall and to 5 cm diameter; sprawls; flrs nocturnal, white or pink, to 10 cm diameter, petals long and narrow, hairs on floral tube 10-15 mm long and form tufts; orange-red frts; coastal hammocks, scrubby flatwoods; Brevard, Indian River, Monroe, St. Lucie and Volusia cos. 
173. Harrisia gracilis (Mill.) Britt.

[In the 1998 Rule, listed as: Cereus gracilis Mill.]

Harrisia aboriginum Small ex Britton and Rose: Yellow fruit; maritime hammocks and shell middens; Lee, Manatee and Sarasota cos. (Benson, as C. gracilis var. aboriginum) : Chafin

Harrisia simpsonii Small ex Britton and Rose: Red fruit; Brevard, Collier, Dade, Indian River, Monroe [incl. Keys] and St. Lucie cos. (Benson, as C. gracilis var. simpsonii). : Atlas; DPI poster, plate #9 both endemic

Benson, 560-561, as C.


Long and Lakela, 630

Small, 915-916

Ward, 76

Wunderlin, 446, as Harrisia

aboriginum and H.


west coast prickly-


prickly applecactus


cactus family

columnar; stems 9-11 ridged; sprawls; flrs whitish, hairs on floral tube 6-8 mm long, no tufts, inner petals with lacy tips; frts yellow; shell mounds, rockland hammocks, maritime hammocks; [See Scientific Name column for counties].
174. Hasteola robertiorum L. C. Anderson

This genus was formerly Cacalia.

| Chafin endemic 

Systematic Botany 19(2): 


Wunderlin, 631

Gulf hammock Indian-


Gulf hammock cacalia



daisy family

tribe: Senecioneae.

perennial herb; latex pale brownish-yellow; stem to ca. 

1 m tall, strongly ridged, purplish basally; basal lvs long petiolate, deltoid; upper lvs appear sessile due to decurrent tissue; infl flat-topped; heads with 8-9 bracts in single series and 4-7 bracteoles 5-9 mm long, 10-14 flrs in head; flr greenish white, 9-10 mm long; hydric hammocks, on muck soil; Lake and Levy cos.; Oct.

175. Helianthus carnosus Small

| Chafin endemic 

Cronquist, 43

Godfrey and Wooten II, 764

Small, 1436

Wunderlin, 633

flatwoods sunflower

lakeside sunflower



daisy family

tribe: Heliantheae.

perennial; to 1 m tall; basal rosette from one side of bulbous base, main stem from other; head solitary, disc ca. 1.5 cm wide, disc flrs yellow; wet sandy soil in flatwoods; Clay, Flagler, St. Johns and Volusia cos.; Jun-Sep.
176. Heliotropium fruticosum L.

[see Taylor, 90-91; Bell and Taylor, 231, for other Heliotropium spp.]


Long and Lakela, 729

Small, 1132, as H. 


Wunderlin, 517

Key West heliotrope Boraginaceae;

borage family

annual, to 20 cm tall; lvs elliptic, to 2.5 cm long; inflor with bracts; corolla tube 2-3 mm long, white, with small swellings low in the throat; frts ca. 1.5 mm wide; hammocks, waste places; Key West [Monroe Co.]. Extirpated?
177. Hepatica nobilis P. Mill.

H. americana (DC.) Ker is a synonym.

Atlas uses Anemone americana (DC.) H. Hara

| Atlas Quebec to MN, south to FL, AL and MO 

Clewell, 461

Radford et al., 467-468

Small, 516

Ward, 33-34

Wunderlin, 300


roundlobed liverleaf


buttercup family

herb; lvs basal, 3-lobed, hairy petioles; flrs solitary, petals absent; calcareous bluffs, riverbanks; Gadsden Co.; Feb-Mar.
178. Hexalectris spicata (Walter) Barnh.

| Atlas VA to MO, south to FL and TX, Mexico 

Clewell, 186

Luer, 174-175

Radford et al.., 354-355

Small, 388

Wunderlin, 238

crested coralroot


spiked crested coralroot


orchid family

terrestrial; lvs absent at flowering; flrs not spurred, golden brown with purple veins, lip red-violet, 3-lobed, ca. 17 mm long, column exposed, white; pine-hickory woods; secondary woods, calcareous hammocks; Alachua, Brevard, Calhoun, Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, Hernando, Indian River, Jackson, Lake, Lee, Leon, Levy, Jackson, Liberty, Marion, Pasco, Sarasota, St. Johns, Sumter and Suwannee cos.; June-Aug.
179. Hibiscus poeppigii (Spreng.) Garcke

synonym: H. pilosus (Sw.) Faucett and Rendle

| Atlas; Scurlock, p. 95 FL, West Indies, Mexico 

Long and Lakela, 595

Small, 855

Wunderlin, 427-428

Poeppig's rose-mallow Malvaceae;

mallow family

shrub or herb, to ca. 2 m tall, slender branches; appressed stellate hairs in dense lines; lvs to 4 cm long, triangular-ovate (may have 3 obscure lobes); flrs solitary, nodding,; bracts linear, to 9 mm long; calyx to 12 mm long; petals red, united into a tube; seeds wooly; hammocks; Dade and Keys (Monroe) cos.; all year.
180. Hippomane mancinella L.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Atlas; Chafin:; Nelson, plate #54; Scurlock, p. 97

Correll and Correll, 818, 


Long and Lakela, 544

Small, 790

Ward, 92-94

Wunderlin, 403





spurge family

tree; to 15 m tall; bark rough; milky sap causes severe dermatitis; lvs alternate, shiny, ovate, 5-8 cm long; terminal spike; flrs greenish; frt 2-2.5 cm wide, yellowish with rosy blush; hard stone; several seeds; coastal berm, rockland hammocks, maritime hammocks, tidal swamp borders; (Dade) and Monroe cos.; all year.
181. Hybanthus concolor (Forst.) Spreng.

VT and Ontario to MI, KS, south to NC, FL, AR 

Clewell, 513

Radford et al., 723

Small, 894

Wunderlin, 441

green violet Violaceae;

violet family

herb; lvs 7-14 cm long on erect stems to ½ m tall; flrs with green petals, lower petal swollen; calcareous upland mixed forest; Gadsden Co.; Mar-May.
182. Hydrangea arborescens L.

| Atlas NY to OH, MO, OK, south to FL, LA, AR 

Clewell, 480

Gleason and Cronquist, 226

Godfrey, 643-644

Radford et al., 522-523

Small, 597

Ward, 140

Wunderlin, 324

wild hydrangea

smooth hydrangea

mountain hydrangea


American hydrangea



family Or,


saxifrage family,

shrub; to 2 m tall; bark papery and shreddy; lvs opposite, deciduous, 18 X 12 cm, toothed; flrs in flat terminal cluster, large sterile flrs on outside edges, flrs white; rich woods, bluffs; Liberty and Walton cos. Jun-Jul.
183. Hymenocallis godfreyi G. Lom. Smith and 

M. Darst

| Chafin endemic 

Novon 4:396-399. 1994.

Wunderlin, 217-218

Godfrey's spiderlily Amaryllidaceae; 

amaryllis family Or,


lily family

herb, with bulb; rhizomatous; 3 to 6 yellow-green lvs, to 38 cm long and 2.5 cm wide; flowering stem to 30 cm long; 2 flowers, perianth tube to 8.5 cm long and green, broadly funnelform staminal cup with dentate marginal horns; frts subglobose; burned marsh; Wakulla Co.; Mar-May.
184. Hymenocallis henryae Traub

| Chafin endemic 

Clewell, 519

Brittonia 42(3): 212-220

Wunderlin, 217-218

Mrs. Henry's spiderlily

green pine lily

green spiderlily


amaryllis family Or,


lily family

perennial herb with bulb; up to 8 erect leaves, margins hyaline, to 60.5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, appearing before the flrs; 2 flrs per stem, tube green, tepals greenish-white, staminal cup white, funnelform, irregularly toothed; cypress depressions in flatwoods, margins of pine flatwoods, scrubby border to pine plantations; Bay, Gulf, Liberty and Walton cos.; May-Jun.
185. Hypelate trifoliata Sw.

| Atlas; Chafin; Scurlock, p. 98 FL and West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 881-882

Long and Lakela, 574

Small, 829

Ward, 94

Wunderlin, 418


white ironwood




soapberry family

tree; to 13 m tall; white bark; heavy, close-grained wood; lvs evergreen, trifoliate; flrs small, separate male and female on same tree; frt a drupe, 8-9 mm wide, black; rockland hammocks, pine rockland; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.; Jun-Aug.
186. Hypericum cumulicola (Small) Adams

Federal Register, 21 Jan 1987

synonym: Sanidophyllum cumulicola Small

| Chafin endemic 

Small, 874

Ward, 34-35

Wunderlin, 435-437

Highlands scrub



garcinia family Or:

Hypericaceae; or,


perennial herb; branched; resembles yellow-flax; lvs succulent, narrow, 4-5 mm long; flrs 3-many, petals 5 yellow, stamens grouped in 4's; white sand, sand pine scrub, abundant after fires; Highlands and Polk cos.; Jul-Nov.
187. Hypericum edisonianum (Small) Adams and


| Chafin endemic 

Godfrey and Wooten, II-340-


Small, 868, as Ascyrum


Ward, 94-95

Wunderlin, 435-437

Edison ascyrum

Edison's ascyrum


garcinia family Or:

Hypericaceae; or,


colonial shrub; to 1 m tall; highly branched at the top of plant; bark smooth, reddish brown to gray; lvs opposite, deciduous, prominent persistent lf bases; 4 sepals, 4 yellow petals; numerous stamens; depression marsh, seepage slopes, wet prairie, wet flatwoods, ponds; DeSoto, Glades, Highlands and (Polk) cos.; all year.
188. Hypericum lissophloeus Adams

| Chafin endemic 

Clewell, 372

Godfrey, 359-361

Godfrey and Wooten II, 343-


Ward, 35-36

Wunderlin, 435-438

smooth-barked St. 

John's wort



garcinia family Or:

Hypericaceae; or,


shrub; to 4 m tall; bark on stem gun-barrel gray until exfoliating to show chestnut-brown inner bark; prop roots form on submerged stems; lvs needle-like; sepal and petals 5, petals yellow; seeds more than 1 mm long; pond margins, sinks; Bay and Washington cos.; Jun-Oct.
189. Illicium parviflorum Michaux ex Vent.

| Atlas; Chafin; DPI poster, plate #8; Nelson, plate #64 endemic 

Godfrey, 383

Small, 533

Wunderlin, 304

star anise

yellow anisetree


illicium family

much like I. floridanum except the tips of lf blades are obtuse and blunt or even rounded; flrs much smaller, petals yellow, 6-7 stamens; bottomland forest, wet hammocks; Lake, Marion, Orange, Polk, Seminole and Volusia cos.; Apr-Jun.
190. Indigofera keyensis Small

Kartesz uses: I. trita L.f. var. keyensis (Small) Kartesz and Gandhi

Isely uses: I. mucronata Sprengel ex DC. var. keyensis (Small) Isely

[See Taylor, 142, 220-221, 302, for other Indigofera spp.} endemic 

Isely, 86

Small, 698

Wunderlin, 359-360, as I. 


Keys' indigo

Florida Key's indigo



legume family


pea subfamily

annual or perennial herb, scrambling to 1 m long; stem with small appressed, straight hairs; lf-lets 5, opposite on lf-stalk; corolla pink to salmon, 6-7 mm long; legume 3-4.5 cm long, usually curved; hammocks, disturbed areas; Keys (Monroe Co.); all year.
191. Ionopsis utricularioides (Swartz) Lindl.

| Bell and Taylor, p. 32; DPI poster, plate #40

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Long and Lakela, 335

Luer, 268-270

Small, 396

Wunderlin, 238

delicate ionopsis

delicate violet orchid


orchid family

epiphyte; lvs 1-5, rigid, rhizomes rather than pseudobulbs; peduncle lateral and reaching past lvs; cluster of flrs; showy flrs, pinkish-lavender, somewhat resembles flowers of Utricularia, the bladderworts; rockland hammocks, strand swamp; Collier, Lee, Monroe and Palm Beach cos.; Jan-Apr.
192. Ipomoea microdactyla Griseb.

| Atlas; Chafin; DPI poster, plate #45 FL and Cuba 

Correll and Correll, 1178

Long and Lakela, 721

Small, 1088

Wunderlin, 508-510

wild potato morning


bejuco colorado

[ pest plant air potato is Dioscorea bulbifera]




vine, stems become woody; lvs 3-8 cm long, entire or 5-7 lobed; flrs scarlet or crimson, stamens and style project outside tube, tube slender, 4-5 cm long, limb 4-5 cm wide, showing signs of 5 tips; pine rockland, vacant lots; Dade Co.; Apr-Nov.
193. Ipomoea tenuissima Choisy

Fl and West Indies 

Long and Lakela, 722

Small, 1085

Wunderlin, 508-510

rockland morning glory Convolvulaceae;



vine; lvs 3-5 cm long, variously shaped; flrs purple, 3 cm wide, stamens and style inside tube, flr solitary on stalks up to 3 cm long; pine rocklands; Dade Co, escaped in Monroe Co.; all year.
194. Isoetes engelmannii A. Braun

Ontario, south to FL, from VA west to MO 

Clewell, 41

FNA, 70

Radford et al., 9-10

Small, ferns, 441-443

Wunderlin, 35, as I.


Engelmann's quillwort

Appalachian quillwort



quillwort family

perennial emergent aquatic; rootstock cormlike, corky; lvs evergreen, to 90 cm long and 3 mm wide; sporangia at base of lvs, velum covers half of sporangium, megaspores less than 500 across, with honeycomb-like ridges; floodplains, creek banks; Clay, Duval, Franklin, Gadsden, Holmes, Leon, (Marion), (Putnam) and (Wakulla) cos.; Apr.
195. Isopyrum biternatum (Raf.) Torrey and Gray

Kartesz uses: Enemion biternatum Raf.

| Atlas

Canada, to NY and MN, to VA, rare in NC and SC, absent from GA, FL and AK 

Clewell, 462

Radford et al., 456

Small, 512

Ward, 141

Wunderlin, 300, as Kartesz

false rue-anemone Ranunculaceae;

buttercup family

herbaceous perennial, roots yellowish with tuberous tips; lvs ternately cpd, margins entire, lflets lobes for more than half the length; sepals 5, petaloid, white, to 1 cm long; no petals; numerous stamens; follicles stipitate and beaked; rich woods, limestone ledges in hammocks; Jackson and Washington cos.; Jan-Mar.
196. Isotria verticillata (Muhlen. ex Willd.) Raf.

Atlas uses: Pogonia verticillata (Muhl. ex Willd.) Nutt.

| Atlas WI to ME, south to FL and LA 

Clewell, 186

Godfrey and Wooten I, 650-


Luer, 44-46

Radford et al., 341-342

Small, 375-376

Wunderlin, 238

whorled pogonia

purple 5-leaf orchid


orchid family

terrestrial, to 30 cm tall; lvs 5-6, whorled at top of stalk (resembles Indian-cucumber, Medeola virginiana); sepals purplish-brown, widely spreading, petals yellowish, converging over the column, lip 3-lobed, middle lobe white, lateral ones edged in purple; moist forests; Gadsden and Washington cos.; Apr.
197. Jacquemontia havanensis (Jacq.) Urban

synonym: J. jamaicensis (Jacq.) Hall

| Atlas FL, West Indies, Mexico, Belize 

Correll and Correll, 1183

Long and Lakela, 724

Small, 1089

Wunderlin, 511

Havana clustervine Convolvulaceae;



Stems woody at base, soft at tips, slender, vining, twining; lvs herbaceous, to 15 mm long, ovate, tips blunt, base obtuse; flrs axillary, cymose or solitary, white, less than 1 cm wide; capsule subglobose with acute tip; hammocks; Dade and Keys (Monroe) cos.; all year.
198. Jacquemontia pentantha (Jacq.) G. Don

[In 1998 Rule, listed as J. pentanthos (Jacq.) G. Don]

| Atlas; Chafin FL and West Indies 

The below (except Wunderlin) use J. pentantha:

Correll and Correll, 1183-


Long and Lakela, 724

Small, 1089

Wunderlin, 511

skyblue clustervine Convolvulaceae;



herbaceous vine, slender; lvs ovate, acute at tips, bases subcordate, 2-5+ cm long; flrs axillary, densely cymose on peduncles longer than the lvs, usually only 1 to 2 open; corollas blue (may be white), 10-20 mm long and wide when open; capsule enclosed by sepals; seeds glabrous, bumpy; hammocks; Collier, Dade and Monroe [ incl. Keys] cos.
199. Jacquemontia reclinata House

Federal Register, 24 November 1993


Long and Lakela, 724

Small, 1089

Ward, 36

Wunderlin, 510

beach jacquemontia

beach clustervine




perennial vine from woody base, rarely climbs; lvs fleshy, to 3 cm long, alternate; flrs white, over 2 cm wide, calyx 0.4 to 0.5 cm long, ciliolate; beach dunes, strand openings; Broward, Dade, Martin (extirpated?) and Palm Beach cos.; Mar-Dec.
200. Juncus gymnocarpus Coville

mountains PA to NC and TN, coastal plain AL and FL 

Clewell, 174

Godfrey and Wooten I, 545,


Radford et al., 275

Small, 283

Ward, 141-142

Wunderlin, 201-203

Coville's rush 

Pennsylvania rush


rush family

perennial herb, rhizomatous, clonal; lvs lack blades; inflor appears lateral due to very long, erect, flexible bract; flrs in loose cymes and single on the axes; inner perianth with blunt tips, outer sharp pointed; capsules longer than the perianth; acid swamps; Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton and Washington cos.; Jun.
201. Justicia cooleyi Monachino and Leonard

Federal Register, 27 July 1989

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

Godfrey and Wooten II, 700,


Ward, 97-98

Wunderlin, 570

Cooley's justicia

Cooley's waterwillow


acanthus family

perennial herb with square stems; lvs entire, up to 5 cm (2") long; flrs on zig-zag branches, corolla 2-lipped, upper notched, lower 3-lobed, lavender and white mottled, rest of flr is bright lavender-rose; 2 stamens; rocky woods, moist to seasonally wet; Brooksville Ridge in Hernando, Lake and Sumter cos.; Aug-Dec.
202. Justicia crassifolia (Chapman) Small


Clewell, 238

Godfrey and Wooten II, 702,


Small, 1231

Wunderlin, 570

thick-leaved water-



acanthus family

perennial herb; to 40 cm tall; lvs opposite, entire, narrowly linear to 15 cm long; flrs in lax spikes; corollas 2-2.5 cm wide, bright purple, 2-lipped; wet flatwoods; cypress swamps, seepage slopes, roadside ditches; Franklin and Gulf cos.; May- Jul.
203. Kosteletzkya depressa (L.) O. J. Blanchard,

Fryxell and Bates

[See Taylor, 224; Bell and Taylor, 101, for K. virginica.]

FL and West Indies, Mexico to Venezuela and Equador 

All but Wunderlin as: K.


Godfrey and Wooten II, 322

Long and Lakela, 594

Small, 860

Wunderlin, 429

white fen

white fen-rose


mallow family

perennial herb to 1 m tall, stems, stems with scattered pustular-based hairs and lines of stellate hairs; lvs with both stellate and simple hairs, deltoid-ovate, 3-7 cm wide, acute tips; flrs axillary, solitary; 7-10 linear involucel bracts; petals 5, white, 1 cm long; calyx lobes shorter than radius of mature capsule; borders of mangrove swamps, coastal hammocks; Monroe Co. (not Keys).
204. Lantana canescens Kunth

Kartesz uses: L. microcephala A. Rich

| Chafin FL, West Indies 

Long and Lakela, 735

Small, 1140, as


Wunderlin, 522

hammock shrub


small-headed lantana


vervain family

shrub, stems gray or whitish; lvs to 6 cm long, lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, serrate, pubescent; infl axillary, dense spikes, bracts 4-ranked; calyx 1 mm long, 2-lobed; corolla 2-lipped, to 4.5 mm long and 3 mm wide, white; two nutlets, 1.5 mm wide; hammocks; Dade Co.; all year.
205. Lantana depressa Small

3 varieties:

var. depressa, pineland lantana

var. floridana (Moldenke) R. W. Sanders, East Coast lantana 

var. sanibelensis R. W. Sanders, West Coast lantana

| Chafin endemic 

Long and Lakela, 736, as

L. ovatifolia var.


Small, 1142

Syst. Bot. 12(1): 44-60

Wunderlin, 522-523

pineland lantana 

East Coast lantana and

West Coast lantana

Sanibel lantana


vervain family

shrub; prostrate (var. depressa) or erect branches, unarmed; lvs to 3.5 cm long; flat-topped spikes; corollas yellow, 5-6 mm long; drupe to 3.5 mm long; pine rockland, coastal strand, coastal grasslands, beach berm, marl prairies; Brevard, Broward, Collier, Dade, Duval, Hardee, Hendry, Lee, Martin, Monroe, Palm Beach, Pinellas and Volusia cos.; May-Nov.
206. Lechea divaricata Shuttlew. ex Britt.

| Chafin endemic 

Long and Lakela, 611

Small, 883

Wunderlin, 440-441

spreading pinweed 

drysand pinweed


rock-rose family

perennial herb, stem nearly procumbent, stems divaricately branched; lvs small, alternate; flrs as above; capsule 

much longer than sepals; dry sandy soil, scrubby flatwoods; Brevard, Broward, Citrus, Collier, Dade, Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Lee, Manatee, Martin, Palm Beach, Pinellas, Polk, Seminole and Volusia cos.; May-Oct.

207. Lechea lakelae Wilbur

| Chafin endemic 

Rhodora (1974),

76 (807): 481-483

Wunderlin, 440-441

Lakela's pinweed Cistaceae;

rock-rose family

perennial herb, compact, wiry-stemmed bushy top, glabrous; lvs glabrous, linear-elliptic, to 1.2 cm long and to 1 mm wide; mature capsule slightly longer than the inner sepals; coastal strand, white sand in Ceratiola scrub; Collier Co.; Jun-Sep.
208. Leiphaimos parasitica Schlecht. and Cham.

Kartesz (1994) and Mabberley (1997) use: Voyria.

Voyria parasitica (Schlecht. and Cham.) Ruyters and Maas

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central America 

Correll and Correll, 1121-


Long and Lakela, 695

Small, 1056

Wunderlin, 493

parasitic ghostplant

ghost plant


gentian family

saprophytic perennial, not green; lvs scalelike, opposite; inflor. terminal cymes or solitary flrs; corollas white or pinkish; leaf mold in hammocks; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.; all year.
209. Leochilus labiatus (Swartz) Kuntze

FL, West Indies, Central and South America 

Luer, 264, 267 lipped orchid Orchidaceae; 

orchid family

epiphytic; small sized; 2 to 3 lvs, to 6 cm long and 1.5 cm wide; 3 to 6 flrs, fleshy, greenish-yellow mottled brown to red, lip proportionally very large even if only to 6 mm long and 3 mm wide; swamp, with Ionopsis utricularioides; Collier Co.; Apr-May. [native?]
210. Lepanthopsis melanantha (Reichenb. f.) Ames 

FL and West Indies 

Long and Lakela, 331

Luer, 188-190

Ward, 144-145

Wunderlin, 238

tiny orchid Orchidaceae;

orchid family

epiphyte on pond apple, cypress, popash, etc.; to 8 cm tall; cauline sheaths funnel-shaped; single leaf per stem; flrs tiny, crimson purple, lip lowermost; strand swamps; Collier Co.; all year.
211. Lepuropetalon spathulatum (Muhl.) Elliott


Godfrey and Wooten II, 205

Radford et al. 524-525

Small, 591

Wunderlin, 323




saxifrage family

diminutive herb; rosette to 3 cm wide; lvs entire, to 1 cm long and 2 mm wide; petals white; moist clay soil, glades; Gadsden Co.; Mar-Apr.
212. Liatris ohlingerae (Blake) B.L. Robins.

Federal Register, 27 July 1989

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

Cronquist, 203

Small, 1335, as Ammopursus

Wunderlin, 637-638

scrub blazing star

Florida gay feather

button snakeroot

sand torch



daisy family

tribe: Eupatorieae.

perennial; to 1 m tall; lvs 1-2.5 mm wide; flrs in heads to 2 cm broad and 3 cm long, bright pinkish-purple; sand pine scrub; Lake Wales Ridge in Highlands and Polk cos.; Jul-Nov.
213. Liatris provincialis Godfrey

| Chafin endemic 

Clewell, 317

Cronquist, 205

Ward, 98-99

Wunderlin, 637-648

Godfrey's blazing star

Godfrey's gayfeather



daisy family

tribe: Eupatorieae.

perennial herb; lvs gradually decreasing in length from base of stem to flrs; heads to 1 ½ cm long and stem visible between heads; sandhills, dunes, coastal grassland; Franklin and Wakulla cos.; Sep-Oct.
214. Licaria triandra (Swartz) Kosterm.

| Chafin FL and West Indies 

Long and Lakela, 423

Small, 923

Wunderlin, 308

Gulf licaria


pepperleaf sweetwood


laurel family

tree; evergreen lvs alternate, to 11 cm long, long pointed; flrs minute and in 3-5 fl clusters; 3 stamens; rockland hammocks; Dade Co.
215. Lilium iridollae Henry

| Chafin Fl and Baldwin Co., AL 

Clewell, 179

Godfrey and Wooten I, 585-


Ward, 37

Wunderlin, 207

panhandle lily Liliaceae;

lily family

perennial herb from bulb and rhizomes; lvs extending to the inflorescence, whorled; flrs nodding, with 3 petals and 3 petal-like sepals (=6 tepals), tepals not clawed, tepals yellow with brown-red spots, strongly recurved; bogs, swamps, banks of black water creeks; Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton cos.; Jul-Sep.
216. Lilium michauxii Poiret

| Atlas coastal plain VA to FL, west to LA; mountains WV, VA southward 

Clewell, 179

Godfrey and Wooten I, 585

Radford et al., 310-311

Small, 292, as L. carolinianum

Wunderlin, 207-208

Carolina lily

turk's-cap lily


lily family

perennial herb, bulb and rhizomes; mid-stem lvs whorled (upper and lower lvs smaller, may be alternate), oblanceolate to narrowly obovate, entire margins; flrs orange-red, purple spotted, greenish at base tepals recurved, 1-2 cm wide; hammocks; Gadsden, Jackson, Liberty and Walton cos.; Jul.
217. Lilium superbum L.

| Atlas; Chafin Canada, south to AL and FL 

Clewell, 179

Godfrey and Wooten I, 587

Radford et al., 310-311

Small, 291

Wunderlin, 207-208

turk's-cap lily

lily royale


lily family

perennial herb from bulb and rhizomes; mid-stem lvs whorled (upper lvs smaller and alternate), lanceolate to elliptic, tapering to both ends, entire margins; flrs orange or orange-red, purple spotted, bright green at base, tepals strongly recurved, ca.2.5 cm wide; hammocks; Jefferson, Leon and Liberty cos.; Jul.
218. Lindera melissifolia (Walter) Blume

Federal Register, 1981

[See Bell and Taylor, 63, for L. benzoin.] NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, MO 

Godfrey, 413

Godfrey and Wooten, 359-


Small, 924

Wunderlin, 308



southern spicebush


laurel family

shrub to 2 m tall; lvs deciduous, ovate to elliptic, sassafras odor; flrs pale yellow, before lvs; drupe bright red; margins of limestone sinks and poorly drained depressions; Gadsden Co. Extirpated?.
219. Lindera subcoriacea B.E. Wofford

| Chafin LA, MS, FL 

Jour. Arnold Arbor.

64(2): 325

bog spicebush Lauraceae;

laurel family

shrub to 2 m tall; lvs deciduous, almost leathery, elliptic to oblanceolate, pine-lemon odor, less than 7.5 cm long; flrs pale yellow, before lvs; drupe bright red; bogs, seepage slopes; Okaloosa and Putnam cos. (possibly also Brevard, Marion and Orange cos.)
220. Linum arenicola (Small) Winkl.

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

Godfrey and Wooten II, 258

Long and Lakela, 505

Small, 752

Wunderlin, 381-382

sand flax Linaceae;

flax family

perennial; lvs alternate (except lowest ones), linear; corollas yellow, less than 1 cm wide; staminodes; pine rocklands; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.; all year.
221. Linum carteri Small 

2 varieties: both endemic

Godfrey and Wooten II, 257-


Long and Lakela, 507

Small, 752

Wunderlin, 381-382

Everglades flax

Carter's flax and Small's 



flax family

var. carteri: annual; lvs alternate, narrow; corollas orange-

yellow, over 1 cm wide; mowed pine rockland; Dade

Co.; Feb-Apr.

var. smallii Rogers: petals 12-17 mm long (vs. 9-11 mm); 

stems smooth except at base (vs. scabrous or

puberulent); mowed pine rockland, roadside, marl

prairies; Collier, Dade, Hendry, (Martin) and Monroe 

[not in Keys] cos.

222. Linum westii Rogers

| Chafin endemic 

Clewell, 422

Godfrey and Wooten II, 258

Ward, 145-146

Wunderlin, 381-382

west flax

West's flax


flax family

perennial herb; lvs opposite at base of plant, but alternate at top, to 17 mm long, 3-4 mm wide; flrs on short stalks, 5 yellow petals, ca. 6 mm long; cypress swamp, depression marsh, pond margins, slash pine-saw palmetto flatwoods; Baker, Calhoun, Clay, Franklin, Gulf, Jackson and Okaloosa cos.; Jun-Aug.
223. Liparis nervosa (Thunb.) Lindl.

Luer and Godfrey and Wooten use L. elata Lindl.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Godfrey and Wooten, 673,


Luer, 170-171

Wunderlin, 238

tall twayblade orchid

tall liparis

pantropical widelip



orchid family

terrestrial to semi-epiphyte; to 50 cm tall; 3-7 lvs, plicate (folded fan-like), to 30 cm long and 12 cm wide; raceme few to many flowered; flrs small, purple, rose, to greenish, column greenish; cypress swamps, rich humus of hammocks, wet muck; Collier, Dade (extirpated?), Hernando and Hillsborough cos.; Jul-Sep.
224. Litsea aestivalis (L.) Fern.

| Atlas; Chafin VA to FL, west to LA, TN 

Clewell, 389

Godfrey, 413, 414

Godfrey and Wooten II, 359

Radford et al., 478-479

Small, 923: as Glabraria


Ward, 146-147

Wunderlin, 308



pond bush


laurel family

shrub; to 3 m tall; zigzag branches; lvs deciduous, alternate, acute tips; flrs in clusters, 6 yellow tepals, 9 staminodia; frts bright red drupes; margins of ponds, bayheads, hammocks in cypress swamps, peaty soils; Alachua, (Citrus,) Clay, Columbia, Dixie, (Lafayette,) Levy, Madison, Marion, Okaloosa, Pasco, Putnam and Taylor cos.; Feb-Apr.
225. Lobelia boykinii Torr. & A. Gray ex DC.

 Coastal Plain, NJ, DE, NC to MS

Clewell, 261

Gleason, 3: 321-322

Gleason and Cronquist, 500

Godfrey and Wooten II, 748

Radford et al., 1008

Small, 1295

Wunderlin, 590

Boykins lobelia Campanulaceae;

bluebell family/


lobelia family

perennial herb with rhizomes; stems slender, usually unbranched, to 0.9 m tall, sometimes spongy or hollow below; lvs alternate, filiform, to 25 mm long and 0.5 mm wide, the lower lvs shed by flowering time; flrs in loose raceme, on 1-cm-long pedicels without bractlets; corolla blue with white eye or all white, 10-12 mm long, lower lip pubescent inside; capsule 3 mm wide; cypress-dome edges, wet prairies and flatwoods, often in water; Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Jackson, and Gadsden cos.; May-July.
226. Lomariopsis kunzeana (C. Presl ex L.

Underw.) Holttum

Stenochlaena kunzeana (Pres.) Underw.

Fl and West Indies 

FNA, 304-305

Lakela and Long, 110, 112

Long and Lakela, 104

Small: ferns, 63-65

Wunderlin, 57

climbing holly-fern

holly fern

holly vine fern



Dryopteridaceae/ Lomariopsidaceae;

wood fern family

fern; long-creeping or climbing by stems; petiole about ½ as long as blade, rachis winged, sterile lvs with coarsely serrated lflets, fertile lflets wholly covered with sporangia; limestone sinkholes in rockland hammocks; Dade Co.
227. Lupinus aridorum McFarlin ex Beckner

Endangered Species Act: 1973; Federal Register, 7 Apr 1987

Lupinus westianus var. aridorum (McFarlin ex Beckner) Isely

| Chafin; Taylor, p. 244 endemic 

Isely, 119, as L. westianus

Small, 68, as L. westianus

Ward, 99-100

Wunderlin, 364

McFarlin's lupine 

Bechner's lupine



legume family


pea subfamily

herb; stems and lvs with short hairs; no stipules; flrs pink to rose with deep reddish-purple spot on standard; sand pine scrub, yellow sand; Orange, Osceola, and Polk cos.; Mar-Apr.
228. Lycopodium dichotomum Jacq.

Kartesz: Huperzia dichotoma (Jacq.) Trevisan

FNA: Phlegmariurus dichotomus (Jacq.) W.H. Wagner

| Chafin FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America

FNA, 20

Lakela and Long, 23 and 26

Small: ferns, 405-406

Ward, 38-39

Wunderlin, 33, as Kartesz

hanging clubmoss

hanging fir-moss



club-moss family

epiphyte on pond-apple and pop-ash trees; perennial; stems pendent; sporangia in zones of younger branches (lacks strobili); strand swamps; Collier Co.
229. Lythrum curtissii Fernald

| Chafin FL and GA 

Clewell, 426

Godfrey and Wooten II, 380-


Small, 931

Wunderlin, 450-451

Curtiss' lythrum

Curtiss' loosestrife


loosestrife family

herb; lvs alternate (lower ones opposite), lvs in branches abruptly smaller than those of main stem; calyx lobes and the appendages between them equal in length; swampy woods, seepages along calcareous river; Franklin, Gadsden and Liberty cos. July-Sep.
230. Lythrum flagellare Shuttlew. ex Chapman

| Chafin endemic 

Godfrey and Wooten II, 380

Long and Lakela, 634

Small, 931

Wunderlin, 451

lowland loosestrife Lythraceae;

loosestrife family

perennial herb, creeping rhizome, sprawling stems; lvs opposite, oblong or elliptic, to 12 mm long, tips blunt; flrs solitary in lf axils, lavender to purple, floral tube turbinate; low open ground, swamps, thickets; Charlotte, Collier, DeSoto, Glades, Hendry, Hernando, Lee, Manatee, Okeechobee, Orange and Sarasota cos.; Spr.
231. Macbridea alba Chapman

Federal Register, 8 May 1992, threatened

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

Clewell, 384

Godfrey and Wooten II, 610-


Small, 1155

Ward, 39-40

Wunderlin, 532

white birds-in-a-nest Labiatae/


mint family

perennial herb; lvs opposite, spathulate; flrs white, 2-lipped, extend beyond the terminal head-like bracts; wet pine flatwoods and savannahs; Apalachicola River basin: Bay, Franklin, Gulf and Liberty cos.; Jun-Jul.
232. Macradenia lutescens R. Br. 

FL, West Indies, South America 

Long and Lakela, 338

Luer, 266-267

Small, 395-396

Wunderlin, 238

Trinidad macradenia

longgland orchid


orchid family

epiphytic; narrow pseudobulbs each with a single leaf; lvs leathery, to 15 cm long and 3 cm wide; infl pendent, with up to 20 flrs; flrs greenish yellow with marking of purple and reddish brown, lip pale salmon and with a long tongue like tip crooked to the left; rockland hammocks; Dade (extirpated?) and Monroe [not Keys] cox. ; Oct-Nov.
233. Macranthera flammea (Bartr.) Pennell

| Chafin FL, GA to LA 

Clewell, 489

Godfrey and Wooten II, 660-


Small, 1212

Wunderlin, 555

hummingbird flower



figwort family

herb; lvs alternate, with 5-7 pairs of lobes; flrs terminal clusters, corollas orange, fleshy; 4 stamens; capsule with many 3-4 mm long seeds; bogs, acid swamps, creek banks; Bay, Calhoun, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Jackson, Leon, Liberty, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton cos.; Jul-Sep.
234. Magnolia acuminata (L.) L.

| Atlas Ontario, NY, PA, OH, SC, IN, MO, south to FL and AR 

Clewell, 427

Godfrey, 466-467

Radford et al., 475

Small, 534

Ward, 147

Wunderlin, 303-304


mountain magnolia


magnolia family

tree; to 20 m tall; lvs to 20 cm long, tips sharply elongated; flrs greenish-yellow or orange-yellow, 9 perianth parts; frts cucumber shaped, knobby, dark red when mature; seed red to reddish-orange; rich woods on slopes, ravines and along streams; Holmes and Walton cos.; Apr.
235. Magnolia ashei Weatherby

Godfrey : M. macrophylla Michaux ssp. ashei (Weatherby) Spongberg; Wunderlin: M. macrophylla var. ashei (Weath.) D. I. Johnson

| Atlas; Bell and Taylor, p. 58; Chafin; DPI poster, plate #44 endemic 

Clewell, 427

Godfrey, 461-462

Small, 536

Ward, 100-101

Wunderlin, 303-304

Ashe's magnolia Magnoliaceae;

magnolia family

tree or shrub; lvs deciduous, evenly spaced on twigs, up 

to 60 cm long, 30 cm wide, narrowed from the middle to the bases (which may be eared); petals cream-colored with a purplish blotch at the base, to 15 cm long; frts 4-5 cm long, rosy red, then brown; bluffs, hammocks, bayheads; Gadsden, Leon, Liberty, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Wakulla, Walton and Washington cos.; Apr-May.

236. Magnolia pyramidata Bartram

| Atlas SC, GA, AL to TX 

Clewell, 427

Godfrey, 463-464

Radford et al., 475

Small, 536

Wunderlin, 303-304


pyramid magnolia



magnolia family

tree; to 20 m tall; lf buds glabrous; lvs deciduous, lvs spaced along twigs, eared at bases, to 20 cm long; flrs fragrant, petals to 8 cm long; frts 4-9 cm long, purplish at maturity; forest bluffs; Calhoun, Gadsden, Jackson, Leon, Liberty, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton cos.; Apr-May.
237. Magnolia tripetala (L.) L.

| Atlas spotty distribution: PA, OH, IN, VA south to FL, west to AR, OK 

Clewell, 427

Godfrey, 463,465-466

Radford et al., 475

Small, 536

Wunderlin, 303-304



umbrella magnolia



magnolia family

tree, to 15 m tall; lf buds glabrous; lvs deciduous, lvs clustered at tips of twigs, 20-40 cm long, tapering at both ends, tips cuspidate; flrs malodorous, petals 11-16 cm long; frts 8-12 cm long, pink to red at maturity; forest bluffs; Okaloosa and Santa Rosa cos.; Spr.
238. Malaxis unifolia Michaux

Newfoundland and Quebec to Manitoba, south to

| Atlas FL, TX, Mexico, West Indies and Central America 

Clewell, 186

Godfrey and Wooten I, 673,


Luer, 166-167

Radford et al., 351

Small, 386

Ward, 147-148

Wunderlin, 239 

green adder's-mouth

green addersmouth



orchid family

terrestrial; to 20 cm tall; lf solitary, sheathing lower 

half of stem, to 9 cm long and 6 cm wide; infl many flrs raceme with lower flrs opening first; flrs green, lip lowermost, bifid (resembles a viper's fangs!); damp 

woods, bogs, sinks, bluffs; Alachua, Escambia, Hernando, Jackson, Leon, Liberty, Marion, Wakulla, Walton and Washington cos.; Feb.

239. Marshallia obovata (Walter) Beadle and


| Chafin VA to GA, AL and FL 

Clewell, 318

Cronquist, 66

Radford et al., 1131

Small, 1457

Ward, 148-149

Wunderlin, 639

Barbara's buttons

spoonshape Barbara's




daisy family

tribe: Heliantheae.

perennial herbs; to 2 m tall; colonial; lvs alternate, 3-nerved at bases; heads solitary, 2-3.5 cm wide; flrs all tubular, white; meadows, open woods, rocky stream banks, sandhills; Jackson Co.; Apr-May.
240. Marshallia ramosa Beadle and Boynton 

| Chafin GA and FL 

Clewell, 318

Cronquist, 66

Small, 1457

Wunderlin, 639

Barbara's buttons

southern Barbara's




daisy family

tribe: Heliantheae.

herb; stem branched; bracts acute, glabrous, without glandular dots; no ray flrs, disc flrs white (sometimes pale lavender); pinelands and savannahs, with wiregrass; Washington Co.
241. Matelea alabamensis (Vail) Woodson

| Chafin AL, GA, FL 

Clewell, 252

Small, 1075

Ward, 40

Wunderlin, 503

Alabama spiny pod

Alabama milkvine


milkweed family

vine; lvs to 18 cm long; calyx lobes hairy, paired basal glands; corollas greenish yellow with unridged corona; follicles stout, not winged, with fleshy spines; hardwood bluffs; Liberty and Walton cos.; Apr-Jun.
242. Matelea baldwyniana (Sweet) Woodson

Except for Wunderlin, listed references use: Matelea baldwiniana.

| Chafin OK, MO, AR, AL, FL 

Clewell, 252

Small, 1077

Ward, 149

Wunderlin, 503 

Baldwin's spiny pod

Baldwin's milkvine


milkweed family

vine; lvs to 16 cm long, basal lobes overlapping; corollas white or yellowish, corona appears 10-lobed (5 narrow lobes with 2 teeth and 5 shorter broader lobes); hardwood bluffs; Gadsden and Jackson cos.; Apr-Jun.
243. Matelea flavidula (Chapman) Woodson


Clewell, 252

Radford et al., 858

Small, 1078

Wunderlin, 503

yellow flowered spiny


yellow Carolina



milkweed family

vine; lvs to 16 cm long, basal lobes not overlapping; corollas yellowish, corona not mostly black, appears 10 lobed; corollas lobes spreading; slope forests, bluffs, 

upland mixed forest; Duval, Gadsden, Liberty and Washington cos.

244. Matelea floridana (Vail) Woodson

synonym: Odontostephana floridana (Vail) E. J. Alex.


Clewell, 252

Small, 1078

Wunderlin, 503

Florida spiny pod

Florida milkvine


milkweed family

vine; lvs to 5 cm long; corollas purplish; corona mostly black; bluffs, pine-oak-hickory woods; Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Clay, Columbia, (Dade, introduced), Duval, Hernando, Lake, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Manatee, (Marion) and Orange cos.; Apr-Aug.
245. Matelea pubiflora (Decne.) Woodson

GA and FL 

Small, 1078

Wunderlin, 503-504

sandhill spiny pod

trailing milkvine


milkweed family

slender vine-like herb; lvs 2 to 4 cm long; calyx about as long as corolla; corolla dull-purple, campanulate; sandhills and scrub; Alachua, Citrus, Clay, Columbia, Gilchrist, Highlands, Hillsborough, Lafayette, Lake, Levy, Orange, Polk, Putnam and Suwannee cos.
246. Maxillaria crassifolia (Lindl.) Reichenb. f.

| Chafin FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Luer, 251, 253

Long and Lakela, 337

Small, 1501

Ward, 41

Wunderlin, 239

hidden orchid Orchidaceae;

orchid family

epiphyte on pond-apple and pop-ash; pseudobulb with several lvs hiding it; lvs 30 cm long, fold halfwise along the midrib; flrs hidden in axils of lvs, yellow, leathery, up to 1.5 cm long; strand swamps; Collier Co.; Sep-Jan.
247. Maxillaria parviflora (Poepp. and Endl.) Garay

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Lindleyana 8(1): 25-31

Wunderlin, 239

minnie-max Orchidaceae;

orchid family

epiphyte; pseudobulb laterally compressed, to 4 cm long and 12 mm wide; lvs to 20 cm long and 20 mm wide; infl on 1 cm long stalks; petals to 4 mm long, white to yellowish, lip to 4 mm long, orange-yellow and wedge-shaped; capsule globose, to 8 mm wide; strand swamps; Collier Co. 
248. Medeola virginiana L.

| Atlas

Nova Scotia, Quebec to MI, WI, s to VA and MO, mountains of GA and AL, and FL 

Clewell, 180

Godfrey and Wooten I, 587

Radford et al., 293

Small, 305

Ward, 149-150

Wunderlin, 208

Indian cucumber-root



lily-of-the- valley

family Or,


lily family

perennial herb; horizontal white tuber with taste of cucumber, 5-9 lvs in circle midway of stem; another circle (of 3) at top of stem; several flrs, greenish-yellow, 6 tepals; bottomland forest; Gadsden, Leon, Liberty, Okaloosa and Santa Rosa cos.; Apr.
249. Microgramma heterophylla (L.) Wherry

synonym: Phymatodes heterophyllum (L.) Small

FL, West Indies 

Lakela and Long, 90-91

Long and Lakela, 82

FNA, 329-330

Small: ferns, 91-93

Wunderlin, 45

climbing vine fern

vine fern



polypody family

epiphytic fern; stem creeping (vine-like); blades undivided, upper surface glabrous except some scales on midvein; 

sori in one row between midrib and margin; rockland hammocks; Collier, Dade, Monroe [not Keys] and (Palm Beach) cos.

250. Minuartia godfreyi (Shinners) McNeill

| Chafin FL, AL, SC, NC 

Clewell, 266

Godfrey and Wooten II, 120

Radford et al., 443, as


Small, 498-499, as Sabulina

Wunderlin, 291

Godfrey's sandwort Caryophyllaceae;

carnation family

perennial herb, prostrate, leafy throughout; lvs linear, 10-3.5 mm long; fl stalks stipitate-glandular; petals 5, white, 2X long as sepals; creek banks, seepage areas; Taylor and Volusia cos.; Mar-May.
251. Monotropa hypopithys L.

synonym: Hypopitys monotropa Crantz.

| Atlas; Bell and Taylor, p.82 North America south, and Mexico 

Radford et al., 795-796

Small, 988, as Hypopithys


Ward, 150-151

Wunderlin, 477


false beechdrops


heath family Or,


monotropa family 

herb without chlorophyll; plant yellow, tawny, pinkish or red; several flrs, petals separate, deciduous; upland woods; Lake, Marion, Okaloosa, (Orange) and Walton cos.; Oct-Nov.
252. Monotropsis reynoldsiae (Gray) Heller 

Atlas uses: M. odorata Schwein.

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

Small, 989

Ward, 41-42

Wunderlin, 477


sweet pine-sap


--see above-

herb without chlorophyll; dirty white to brownish-purple; several nodding flrs, petals united at base, persistent; grows on Cornus florida roots; (Brevard), Citrus, Hernando, (Marion,) Pasco, St. Johns and (Volusia) cos.; Jan-Feb.
253. Nemastylis floridana Small 

| Chafin; Taylor, p. 240; DPI poster, plate #15 endemic 

Small, 326

Ward, 102-103

Wunderlin, 224

celestial lily

fall-flowering ixia


iris family

herb with bulb; lvs narrow, overlapping; flrs erect, violet or blue with white eye, sepals and petals similar; filaments partly united into a short tube around the style, anthers coiling from the tip; clearings in swamps, marshes and wet pine flatwoods; Brevard, Broward, Flagler, Lake, Martin, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pasco, Polk, Seminole and Volusia cos.; Jul-Nov.
254. Neurodium lanceolatum (L.) Fée

Kartesz: Nevrodium

FNA: Paltonium lanceolatum (L.) C. Presl

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central America 

FNA, 330, as Paltonium

Lakela and Long, 90, 92

Long and Lakela, 83

Small: ferns, 98-99

Wunderlin, 45

ribbon fern Pteridophyta--


polypody family

epiphytic fern; fronds to 45 cm long, tufted, narrowed to apex, veins net-like; sori in a nearly marginal band at the tip to nearly mid-leaf; hammocks and mangrove swamps; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.
255. Nolina brittoniana Nash

Federal Register, 18 Mar 1993

| Atlas; Chafin; Taylor, p. 35 endemic 

Small, 304

Wunderlin, 213

Britton's beargrass Dracaenaceae;

dragon's blood 

family Or,


agave family Or,


lily family

perennial, short stem; plant either male or female (occasional ones both); lvs long and slender (to 13 mm wide), rough margins; as N. atopocarpa, except ovary depressed at apex, capsule notched at both ends; dry pinelands and sand pine scrub; Hernando, Highlands, Lake, Marion, Orange, Osceola and Polk cos.; Mar-May.
256. Nymphaea jamesoniana Planch. Wunderlin, 296-297 Jameson's water lily

night blooming waterlily


waterlily family

perennial; lf margins entire (to slightly sinuate), upper surface with papillae and short lines; 4 sepals, petals white, night-blooming; ponds, canals, sloughs; Charlotte, Citrus, DeSoto, Lee, Levy and Sarasota; summer-fall.
257. Ocimum campechianum P. Mill.

| Atlas FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

As O. micranthum:

Correll and Correll, 1262-


Long and Lakela, 750,752

Small, 1181

Wunderlin, 533


mosquito plant

wild basil

wild mosquitoplant

wild sweet basil



mint family

annual, to 50 cm tall; lvs opposite, petiolate, ovate to ovate-oblong, 2-7 cm long, acute tips, toothed margins, glandular-punctate; flrs clustered in panicles to 10 cm long; calyx 2-lipped, lower lip with 4 lobes; corolla 2-lipped, lower lip with 2 ovate lobes and a notched middle one, white to purplish, ca. 4 mm long and barely longer than calyx; nutlets ca. 1 mm long; disturbed sites; Collier, Dade and Monroe [incl. Keys] cos.; all year.
258. Okenia hypogaea Schlecht. and Cham.

| Atlas; DPI poster, plate #14 FL, Mexico 

Long and Lakela, 389

Small, 487

Ward, 43-44

Wunderlin, 284

beach peanut

burrowing four-o'clock

dune groundnut


4 o'clocks family

annual; stems and lvs sticky (sand sticks!); lvs opposite; 

flrs reddish purple, about 3 cm across, long tube and 5 notched lobes; fl-stalk elongates after fruit begins to form and pushes the fruit under the sand; ocean side of coastal dunes; Broward, Dade, (Martin), (Monroe), Palm Beach and St. Lucie cos.; May-Nov.

259. Oncidium bahamensis Nash ex Britt. and

Millsp. [sic: should be bahamense]

Kartesz: Tolumnia bahamensis (Nash ex Britt. and Millsp.) G.J. Braem

synonym: Oncidium variegatum Sw.

FL and West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 379

Long and Lakela, 336

Luer, 256-257

Small, 397, 

Ward, 103-104

Wunderlin, 246, as Tolumnia

dancing-lady orchid

variegated orchid

Florida variegated



orchid family

epiphyte; pseudobulb minute; lvs curved and keeled, margin serrate, to 7 cm long; slender flr stalk; flrs white and greenish marked with purple and brown; rosemary scrub; Martin and Palm Beach cos. [introduced?]; winter-spring.
260. Oncidium floridanum Ames

| Chafin; DPI poster, plate #63 FL and West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 379-381

Long and Lakela, 336-337

Luer, 258-259

Small, 397

Wunderlin, 239, as O. ensatum

Florida oncidium

FL dancinglady orchid


orchid family

mostly terrestrial, occasionally epiphytic; pseudobulb large and flattened; lvs flat to folded, to 1½ m tall, margins entire; inflor to 2½ m long; flrs mottled brown on yellow-green with a violin-shaped lip; rockland hammocks; Collier, Dade, Monroe (not Keys] cos.; May to Aug, all year.
261. Oncidium luridum Lindl.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central America, northern South America 

Long and Lakela, 337

Luer, 260-261

Small, 397,

as O. undulatum

Wunderlin, 239-240, as O.


mule-ear orchid

Cape Sable dancinglady



orchid family

epiphytic; pseudobulb ca 1 cm long and concealed by 

bracts; one leaf, leathery, to 60 cm long and 12 cm wide; inflor to 2 m long; flrs golden-yellow mottled with reddish-brown, glossy (albino form: chartreuse); buttonwood hammocks, strand swamps, coastal berm; Collier, Dade and Monroe [incl. Keys] cos.; Dec-Jun.

262. Ophioglossum palmatum L.

FNA: Cheiroglossa palmata (L.) C. Presl

| Atlas FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America, Asia, Africa 

FNA, 106, Cheiroglossa

Lakela and Long, 40-41

Long and Lakela, 71

Small: ferns, 368-369

Ward, 44-45

Wunderlin, 37

hand fern Pteridophyta--




fern; lvs 2 or 3, pendent, flattened, with 2 to 6 or 7 elongated "fingers"; grows in bases of cabbage palm lvs in hydric hammocks, strand swamps; Brevard, Broward, Collier, Dade, (Highlands), Hillsborough, Indian River, 

Lee, Martin, Monroe [not Keys], Orange, Palm Beach, Pasco, Polk, Seminole, St. Lucie, (St. Johns) & Volusia cos.

263. Opuntia corallicola (Small) Werderm. in

Backeberg Atlas uses: O. corallicola (Small) Werderm.

[In 1998 Rule, listed as: Opuntia spinosissima (Martyn) P. Mill.]

| Atlas; Chafin; DPI poster, plate #33; Scurlock, p. 119 FL and West Indies 

Benson, 531

Long and Lakela, 626

Small, 912, as Consolea

Wunderlin, 447, as O.


semaphore cactus

semaphore pricklypear


cactus family

treelike; stems to 2 m tall, stems cylindrical; branches grow in one plane from the trunk (hence "semaphore'); copiously spiny, spines not barbed; flrs bright red, unfertilized flrs revert to vegetative branch; frts yellow; rocky hammocks, coastal barrens; Keys [Monroe Co].
264. Opuntia triacantha (Willd.) Sweet

See Internet:

| Atlas; Chafin FL and West Indies 

Benson, 429-430

Long and Lakela, 624

Small, 902, as O. abjecta

Wunderlin, 447-448, as 

O. triacanthos

Keys Joe-jumper

3-spined prickly-pear

jumping prickly-pear

Spanish lady


cactus family

stems flattened, nearly prostrate, joints loosely attached, 4-8 X 3-4 cm; spines strongly barbed, circular (not flattened) in cx, 1-6 spines per areole; petals pale yellow; frts red or reddish-purple, tuberculate; coastal rock barrens, openings in rockland hammocks; Monroe Co. [Keys only]; May-Aug.
265. Oxypolis greenmanii Math. and Const.

synonym: O. filiformis (Walter) Britton ssp. greenmanii (Math. and Const.) Judd


Clewell, 506

Godfrey and Wooten II, 447- 


Ward, 46

Wunderlin, 470-471, as

O. filiformis

giant water-dropwort

giant water cowbane



carrot family

perennial herb; up to 2.5 m tall; reddish-purple pigments 

on stems and lvs; lvs phyllodial, unlobed, hollow, septate, to 4/10 m long; flrs in umbel, tiny, maroon; anthers white; acid swamps, shallow water of cypress ponds and 

flatwoods depressions; Bay, Calhoun, Gulf cos; Jul-Sep.

266. Pachysandra procumbens Michaux

| Atlas; Bell and Taylor, p. 107 KY, WVA, NC to FL and LA 

Clewell, 258

Radford et al. 675

Small, 806

Ward, 47

Wunderlin, 409

Allegheny spurge

Allegheny mountain


mountain spurge


boxwood family

stoloniferous herbs; up to 20 cm tall; lvs alternate, evergreen, thickish, with coarse teeth; flrs on spikes, basal flrs female, those at tip of spike are male, flrs without petals; rich calcareous woods on bluffs; Jackson Co.; Feb-Apr.
267. Panicum abscissum Swallen

| Atlas endemic 

Hall, 260-261

Wunderlin, 119-120

cut throat grass

cut-throat grass



grass family

perennial; lf sheaths appear like straight-razors: square at top with wedge-shaped "ears"; wet pinelands, seepage areas; Highlands, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach and Polk cos.; spring-fall.
268. Parnassia caroliniana Michaux 

| Chafin NC to FL 

Clewell, 480

Godfrey and Wooten II, 210, 212

Small, 590

Wunderlin, 323

Carolina grass-of-


brook parnassia


parnassia family


saxifrage family

perennial herb; lvs basal, ovate, to 6 cm long and wide; flrs solitary on long stalks, 5 sepals, 5 white petals with 11 or more conspicuous green veins, the lower pair of veins branched; petals not clawed; staminodia tapering to sharp tips; ovary green distally; flatwoods, bogs; Franklin and Liberty cos.; Oct-Dec.
269. Parnassia grandifolia DC.

| Bell and Taylor, p. 174; Chafin W VA, VA, west to MO, S to FL and TX 

Clewell, 480

Godfrey and Wooten II, 210,


Radford et al., 522-523

Small, 590

Ward, 48-49

Wunderlin, 323



largeleaf grass-of-



parnassia family


saxifrage family

as P. caroliniana except, lvs may be 8 cm long, 11 or fewer veins in petals, the lower pair of veins with few dead-end branches; petals not clawed; staminodia tips beadlike; ovary white; flatwood swamps, cypress, edge of blackwater streams, with white cedar; Franklin, Liberty, Marion and Putnam cos.; Nov-Jan.
270. Paronychia chartacea Fern.

Federal Register, threatened, 21 Jan 1987

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

Small, 481, as

Nyachia pulvinata

SIDA 14(3):435-441

Wunderlin, 292

papery whitlow-wort

paper nailwort


carnation family

annual or short-lived perennial; to 10 cm tall, form bright green round mats; stems fork repeatedly; lvs opposite, scalelike, chartaceous (papery); flrs many, white, no petals, sepals less than 1 mm long; shores of karst lakes, scrub vegetation; Bay, (DeSoto), Highlands, Lake, Orange, Polk and Washington cos; Jun-Dec.
271. Passiflora multiflora L.

| Chafin FL and West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 994-995

Long and Lakela, 619

Small, 896

Vanderplank, 128

Wunderlin, 443-444



oblong-leaved passion


many-flowered passion





vine, stems velvety with white hairs, old stems corky; petiole with pair sessile glands near blade; lvs oblong, unlobed or slightly lobed, to 10 cm long and 4 cm wide; flrs in fascicles of 2-6; sepals white, 4 mm long; petals white, linear, 3 mm long; corona in 2 series; berry globose, dark-blue to black, to 8 mm wide; hammocks; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.; all year.
272. Passiflora pallens Poepp. ex Masters

FL and West Indies 

Long and Lakela, 619

Small, 896

Wunderlin, 443-444

pineland passionvine Passifloraceae;



vine, glabrous; stipules lf-like, ovate to kidney-shaped; petiole with pair of stalked glands near blade; lvs ovate, 3-lobed, to 8 cm long; flrs axillary; sepals greenish-white, 20-30 cm long; no petals; berry ovoid, to 5 cm long, yellow when ripe; hammocks; Collier, Dade and Monroe [not Keys] cos.; all year.
273. Passiflora sexflora Juss.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Long and Lakela, 619-620

Small, 896

Vanderplank, 157

Wunderlin, 443-444

goat's foot leaf


6-flowered passion 





vine, stems hairy; petioles without glands; lvs 2-3 lobed, to 8 cm long and 11 cm wide; flrs fascicled, 2-6 per node; flrs to 3 cm wide; sepals greenish white, petals white, to 1 cm long; corona in 2 series (outer: purple with white tips, inner: purple); berry, globose, 1 cm wide, hairy, greenish purple; hammocks; Dade Co.; all year.
274. Pavonia paludicola D.H. Nichols.

synonym: P. spicata Cav.

| Atlas FL, West Indies, Central and South America 

Correll and Correll, 939-940

Godfrey and Wooten II, 321

Long and Lakela, 592-593

Small, 854, as Malache


Wunderlin, 430-431


mangrove mallow


mallow family

shrub, to 3 m tall, stellate hairs; petioles to 8 cm long; lvs ovate to elliptic-ovate, to 15 cm long, cordate at base, acuminate at tips; flrs in racemes; bracteoles 6 to 10, separate; calyx 5-lobed; petals 5, greenish yellow, to 3 cm long; capsule with 5 parts, each keeled and with 2 short beaks; mangroves, seashore marshes; Collier, Dade and Monroe [not Keys] cos.; all year.
275. Pellaea atropurpurea (L.) Link

Ontario, Quebec, south to FL, TX, NM, AZ, Mexico, Central America 

Clewell, 48

FNA, 185

Radford et al., 18

Small: ferns, 134-136

Wunderlin, 41

a cliff brake fern

hairy cliff-brake fern

purple cliff-brake



maidenhair fern 


fern; evergreen; on rocks; petiole and rachis reddish-

purple to black and with crisped hairs; lvs leathery, vary: simple, trifoliate compound, sterile lvs shorter and less divided than fertile ones; lv segment margins form false indusia which conceal the long-stalked sporangia with 32 spores; Washington co; summer and fall.

276. Peperomia amplexicaulis (Swartz) A. Dietr.

[See Bell and Taylor, 64, for P. simplex.] Jamaica, FL 

Boufford, 1982, in J.

Arnold Arbor. 63:


Wunderlin, 250- not native

clasping peperomia 

Jackie's saddle


pepper family

vine; lvs narrowly to broadly oblanceolate, sessile to subsessile, auriculate and more-or-less clasping; similar to P. magnoliifolia; Dade Co. (extirpated?).
277. Peperomia glabella (Swartz) A. Dietr.

FL and tropical America 

Correll and Correll, 406

Long and Lakela, 343

Wunderlin, 250- not native

cypress peperomia Piperaceae;

pepper family

epiphyte; stems climbing, succulent, with divergent branches; plant covered with black dots; lvs less than 10 cm long, conspicuously 3-veined; hammocks, sloughs; Collier Co. (extirpated?); Dec-Mar.
278. Peperomia humilis A. Dietr.

| Chafin FL and West Indies 

Long and Lakela, 343

Small, 400-401, as


Wunderlin, 250-251


low peperomia


pepper family

terrestrial (or epiphyte); stems hairy, often reddish; frts not crowded on the spike; maritime hammocks, upland hardwood; swamp; Brevard, Citrus, Collier, Dade, Duval, Hernando, Indian River, Martin, Monroe [not Keys], Polk, St. Lucie, Sumter and Volusia cos.; Aug-Jun.
279. Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A. Dietr.

synonym: P. spathulifolia

FL, West Indies, Panama to Venezuela 

Correll and Correll, 406

Long and Lakela, 343

Small, 401-402, as


Ward, 49

Wunderlin, 250-251

spathulate peperomia

spoonleaf peperomia


pepper family

epiphyte; stout stems, branches elongated and vine-like; lvs to 10 cm long, flrs on cylindric spike; grows far above ground in upper branches of oaks. Similar to P. obtusifolia: lacks microscopic hairs on peduncle; beak on fruit is hooked at middle (vs. at apex) and is subulate from a 

broad base (vs. filiform). Hattie Bauer and Burden's (Murden?) Hammocks in Dade Co. (extirpated?); all year.

280. Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A. Dietr.

synonym: P. floridana Small 

| Atlas; Chafin FL, West Indies, tropical America

Correll and Correll, 406-407

Long and Lakela, 343

Small, 401, as


Ward, 49

Wunderlin, 250-251

Florida peperomia Piperaceae; 

pepper family

epiphyte; stems stout with elongate branches, often vinelike; lvs to 15 cm long, narrowly obovate; spikes erect; SEE P. magnoliifolia; rockland hammocks, strand swamps; Brevard, Collier, Dade, Indian River and Monroe [not Keys] cos.; all year.
281. Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth

Atlas uses: Pharus lappalaceus Aubl.

|Atlas     FL, West Indies, Central America, South America, tropical Africa, Madagascar, Comoros

Adams, Flowering Plants of Jamaica, 207, 1969

Gann et al., Rare Plants of South Florida 293-294, 2002

Howard, Flora of the Lesser Antilles 4: 21, 1988

Leon an dAlain, Flora de Cuba 2: 23, 1951

Liogier, Descriptive Flora of Puerto Rico 1: 26-27, 1985

Standley and Steyermark, Fl. Guatemala 3:268-269, 1952

round peperomia

yerba linda

yerba de medio real

nowo kako


pepper family/


peperomia family

viny perennial herb with slender, creeping, glabrous or puberulent, much-branched stems; lvs alternate, sparsely pubescent, thick, orbicular to elliptic or obovate, to 15 mm long and 12 mm wide, sparsely black-dotted beneath; flrs in terminal erect spikes 2-4 cm long and 1 mm thick; on pop ash and cocoplum trees in strand swamp; Collier Co.; Feb- Aug (in Jamaica).
282. Pharus glaber Kunth

Atlas uses: Pharus lappalaceus Aubl.

FL and tropical America 

Judziewicz and Guala,

in press

Small, 92, as P.

parvifolius (not same


Wunderlin, 73-74, 127

creeping leafstalk grass Gramineae/


grass gamily

perennial; stems creeping and rooting at nodes, 10 to 35 inches tall; lvs 2½-10 inches long, ¾ -2¼" wide, tips elongated, pseudopetiole conspicuous and twisted; seedhead a panicle with a terminal bristle; spikelets in pairs, very tiny and stalked, almost sessile, lemma 2X as long as glumes, hairy , hairs towards end of grain are hooked; dry woods and rocky hammocks; Citrus and Polk cox.; fall.
283. Phoradendron rubrum (L.) Griseb.

[See Bell and Taylor, 121, for P. serotinum.] FL and West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 433

Long and Lakela, 366

Ward, 104-105

Wunderlin,, 267

mahogany mistletoe

narrow-leaved mistletoe


mistletoe family

parasitic on West Indian mahogany; shrub; young branches 4-angled; 2 to 4 catophylls (bracts) at the base of each branch; frts lemon yellow to orange; rockland hammocks; Monroe Co. [Keys only] (extirpated?); frts Feb-May.
284. Phyla stoechadifolia (L.) Small

[See Taylor, 91; Bell and Taylor, 243, for P. nodiflora.] FL, West Indies, Mexico 

Correll and Correll, 1240-1241

Godfrey and Wooten II, 588

Long and Lakela, 742, as


Small, 1140

Wunderlin, 523-524

southern matchsticks

marsh phyla

southern frogfruit


vervain family

shrubby with vine-like arching branches; lvs to 6 cm long, linear-lanceolate, toothed to the base, veins deeply impressed; flrs in dense globose or elongated heads, axillary; calyx 2-lobed; petals white aging purplish, ca. 4 mm long; frts, ca. 2 mm long, flat, notched at tips; glades, low pineland, swamps; Broward and Dade cos.; all year.
285. Phyllanthus liebmannianus Muell.-Arg.

ssp. liebmannianus is from Mexico 

ssp. platylepis (Small) Webster -our plants; endemic.

| Atlas

Godfrey and Wooten, II-278

Small, 779

Ward, 152-153

Wunderlin, 405-406

pine-wood dainties

Florida leafflower


spurge family

perennial herb; thickened root; lvs alternate, sessile; flrs in axillary cluster, inconspicuous; floodplain forest, wet hammocks, wet flatwoods; Dixie, Levy and Taylor cos.; May-Jul.
286. Physocarpus opulifolius (L.) Maxim.

| Atlas [Note: although widespread, this species is not common.] 

Que, MN, SD, CO, south to NC, TN, AR, GA, FL 

Clewell, 469

Godfrey, 565-567

Godfrey and Wooten II, 219-


Radford et al., 555-556

Small, 607

Wunderlin, 329

ninebark Rosaceae;

rose family

shrub to 3 m tall; bark peels and shreds; lvs to 7 cm long, usually with 3 lobes and 3 main veins, toothed; flrs in terminal clusters, petals 5, white, 5-7 mm long; stream banks, bluffs; Calhoun and Jackson cos.; Apr-Jun.
287. Picramnia pentandra Sw.

| Atlas;Chafin; Nelson, plate #142 FL, West Indies, South America 

Correll and Correll, 740-742

Long and Lakela, 518

Small, 763

Wunderlin, 387

Florida bitterbush




picramnia family



quassia family

shrub or tree, to 10 m tall; lflets 5-9, ovate or elliptic, to 10 cm long, glossy above, fine appressed hairs below eventually lost; separate and flowers, 5 tiny sepals, 5 tiny petals, 5 stamens; berries globose to obovoid, red becoming black, to 15 mm long; coastal hammocks; Dade Co.; winter, spring. 
288. Pilosocereus bahamensis (Britt.) Byles and 

G.D. Rowley 

FL, West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 1002, as



Wunderlin does not list; 

however, Atlas does list.

Bahamian treecactus Cactaceae;

cactus family

columnar, to 4 m tall, to 20 cm thick at base; dull green; flowering areoles without wool or wool much shorter than the flowers, without short barbed bristles but with 15-20 spines; flrs short-campanulate, petals white, style exserted; frt smooth; rockland hammock; Key Largo [Monroe Co.] . 
289. Pinguicula ionantha Godfrey

Federal Register, threatened, 12 July 1993

| Chafin endemic 

Clewell, 419

Godfrey and Wooten, II:

678, 680 

Wunderlin, 564

Panhandle butterwort

violet butterwort


bladderwort family

terrestrial, perennial herbs, carnivorous; flat basal rosette with glandular lvs bright green; flrs with lobes longer than wide, uniformly light violet to white and with a ring of deeper violet around the tube entrance, yellow palate exserted; flatwoods, bogs, shallow water; Bay, Franklin, Gulf, Liberty and Wakulla cos.; Feb-Apr.
290. Pinguicula primuliflora Wood and Godfrey


Clewell, 420

Godfrey and Wooten, II:


Wunderlin, 564



southern butterwort


bladderwort family

terrestrial, perennial herbs, carnivorous; basal rosette with glandular lvs bright green and with enrolled margins, plantlets arise from tips of older lvs; flrs with lobes broad as long, ring of white above the throat, outer ¾ of corolla violet, tube yellow with reddish veins; shallow water, swamps, boggy banks and seepage heads of streams, dense to partial shade; Bay, Escambia, Holmes, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Wakulla, Walton and Washington cos.; Feb-Apr.
291. Pisonia rotundata Griseb.

| Atlas; Scurlock, p. 125 FL, West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 496-497

Long and Lakela, 390-391

Small, 489

Wunderlin, 285

devil's smooth claws


smooth devils' claws




shrub, pale bark, no thorns; lvs opposite, obovate or elliptic-ovate, tips blunt (sometimes with mucro), to 9 cm long; cyme 2-6 cm wide, many flrs; flrs 2-3 mm long and 3-4 mm long; frt club shaped, 5-6 mm long with 5 rows of short-stalked glands; hammocks, pinelands; Keys (Monroe Co.).
292. Pityopsis flexuosa (Nash) Small

Cronquist uses Chrysopsis flexuosa Nash.

USDA uses Heterotheca flexuosa (Nash) Harms.

[See Taylor, 186; Bell and Taylor, 260, for P. graminifolia.] endemic 

Clewell, 320

Cronquist, 114

Small, 1341

Wunderlin, 642

Florida golden-aster

bent golden-aster

zigzag silkgrass



daisy family

tribe: Astereae.

perennial; fibrous-rooted; to 6/10 m tall, stem zigzag; stem and basal lvs about equal in shape and length; several heads, about 13 rays; sandy oak and pine woods; Franklin, Gadsden, Leon, Liberty and Wakulla cos.; Sep-Nov.
293. Platanthera clavellata (Michaux) Luer

synonym: Habenaria clavellata Michaux

| Chafin Newfoundland to Ontario and MN, south to FL and TX 

Clewell, 187

Godfrey and Wooten I, 643-

644, 647

Luer, 148-149

Radford et al., 339

Small, 374, as


Wunderlin, 240

green rein orchid

little club-spur orchid

small green wood



green wood orchid


orchid family

terrestrial; to 35 cm tall; single leaf, to 15 cm long, keeled, attached at middle of stem; inflor. a terminal raceme; greenish flrs rotated about 100 thus with lip perpendicular on one side and swollen nectary balancing on other, spurs usually clavate (may be cylindrical); spring banks, floodplain forests; Calhoun, Gadsden and (Santa Rosa) cos.; Jun-Aug.
294. Platanthera integra (Nutt.) A. Gray ex Beck

synonym: Habenaria integra

| Atlas NJ, DE south to FL and TX and north to TN 

Clewell, 187

Godfrey and Wooten I, 640,


Luer, 144-145

Radford et al., 337

Small, 373-374, as 


Wunderlin, 240-241

orange rein orchid

yellow fringeless orchid



orchid family

terrestrial; to 60 cm tall; lvs sheath the stem, largest lowest, others reduced to become bracts; inflor terminal raceme with 40 to 60 flrs; flrs saffron yellow, lip not fringed (merely crenulate), nor 3-parted; swampy meadows, boggy depressions in wet woods; Calhoun, Duval, Escambia, Franklin, Gulf, Highlands, Jackson, Liberty, Nassau, Okaloosa, Orange, Osceola, Santa Rosa, Wakulla, Walton and Washington cos.; Jul-Sep.
295. Pleopeltis astrolepis (Liebm.) E. Fourn.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

FNA, 325

Ward, 49-50, as P. revoluta

Wunderlin, 46-47 , as P.


First found in FL 1977

star-scale fern

star-scale polypody



polypody family

epiphytic fern; lv blades simple, to 20 cm long and 2 cm wide, weakly hygroscopic; lower surface scales scattered, less than 0.5 mm wide, deeply fringed and appear stellate; sori oval in single row on each side of midrib; in swamps on pond apple; Broward (and Palm Beach) cos. (extirpated?)
296. Pleurothallis gelida Lindl.

| Chafin FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Luer, 184-185

Small, 389

Wunderlin, 241

frosted orchid

flor de llanten


orchid family

epiphyte; lv single, to 20 cm long, leathery, bright green, keeled; inflor a slender raceme with 5 to 25 flrs; flrs on down-arching pedicels, yellowish, coated with whitish pubescence (=frosted); on pop-ash, custard-apple and cypress in swamp hammocks; Collier and Lee cos.; Dec-Apr.
297. Podophyllum peltatum L.

| Atlas Quebec to MN, south to TX and FL 

Clewell, 253

Radford et al., 470-471

Small, 544

Ward, 153

Wunderlin, 303



ground lemon



barberry family 


mayapple family

herbaceous rhizomatous perennial; one lf when young, 2 lvs when older, peltate, orbicular, deeply lobed, to 34 cm broad; single flr to 5 cm wide, nodding, 6 sepals, 6-9 white petals; berry yellow, edible pulp, poisonous seeds and lvs; hammocks and bluffs; Jackson Co.; Mar-Apr. 
298. Poinsettia pinetorum Small

Kartesz: Euphorbia pinetorum (Small) G. L. Webster

[See Taylor, 207-298; Bell and Taylor, 105-106, for other Poinsettia spp.]

FL, West Indies 

Long and Lakela, 545

Small, 803

Wunderlin, 406-407

Everglades poinsettia

pineland spurge


spurge family

herb; to 1 m tall; lvs alternate, linear, less than 6 mm wide; upper blades red blotched near the base; sandy marshes, pine rocklands; Dade, Monroe and Palm Beach cos.
299. Polygala lewtonii Small

Federal Register, 18 March 1993

| Chafin; Taylor, p. 254 endemic 

Small, 770

Ward, 50-51

Wunderlin, 388-390

Lewton's polygala Polygalaceae;

milkwort family

perennial; up to 20 cm tall; lvs small; flrs of two kinds: normal up to 4 mm long, with 2 wing-like petaloid sepals purplish, pinkish-purple corolla's lower petal fringed and cleistogamous tiny, non-opening ones at the base of the plant; white sand, scrub vegetation; on Central Florida Ridge, Highlands, Lake, Marion, Orange, Osceola and Polk cos.; Feb-May.
300. Polygala smallii R.R.Sm. and Ward 

Endangered Species Act: 1973; Federal Register, 18 July 1985

| Chafin endemic 

Small, 773-773, as 

P. arenicola

Ward, 51-52

Wunderlin, 388-391

tiny polygala Polygalaceae;

milkwort family

biennial; up to 4 cm tall; rosette of entire, spatulate lvs; flrs are grouped together in dense cluster, flrs are green to yellowish green (dry same color); lower petal is fringed; seed are 1.9-2.3 mm long; sandy pockets in pine rocklands, Ceratiola scrub, sandhills; Broward, Dade, Martin, Palm Beach and St. Lucie cos.; Mar-May.
301. Polygonella basiramia (Small) Nesom and


Federal Register, 21 Jan 1987

synonym: Polygonella ciliata Meisn. var. basiramia (Small) Horton.

| Chafin; Taylor, p. 43 endemic 

Small, 451

Wunderlin, 271


purple wireweed

Florida jointweed


buckwheat family

annual or short-lived perennial; branches to form a cluster of 7 to 30 stems to 8/10 m tall; hairlike lvs; tips of branches with clusters of small white flrs; white sand in sand pine and rosemary scrub of Lake Wales Ridge and Avon Park AF Range; Highlands and Polk cos.; Sep-Oct.
302. Polygonella myriophylla (Small) Horton

Federal Register, 27 April 1993

| Atlas; Chafin endemic 

Small, 450


sand lace

woody wireweed

Small's jointweed


buckwheat family

shrub, much branched; prostrate; lvs persistent; stigma and style 0.5-0.8 mm long; scrub; Highlands, Orange, 

Osceola and Polk cos.; Apr-Nov.

303. Polygonum meisnerianum Cham. and Schlecht.

Fl specimens belong to var. beyrichianum (C.and S.) Meisn.

FL, SC, LA, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Clewell, 456

Godfrey and Wooten II, 76,


Ward, 153-154

Wunderlin, 273-274

Mexican tear-thumb

branched tear-thumb


buckwheat family

herbaceous perennial; about ½ m tall, but reclines and roots, stem with ribs bearing hooks or barbs which will rip; lvs alternate, with eared, sessile bases, flrs white or pinkish; floodplain forest, shallow water at edge of lakes; Alachua, Jefferson and Leon cos.; Jun-Oct.
304. Polymnia laevigata Beadle

| Atlas TN, MO, Al, GA, FL 

Clewell, 321

Cronquist, 75-76

Small, 1407

Wunderlin, 643

Tennessee leaf-cup Compositae/


daisy family

tribe: Heliantheae.

perennial herb; stem glabrous; lvs opposite, to 30 cm long; single series of involucral bracts; disks to 13 mm wide; achenes 4-6 ribbed and angled; calcareous hammocks; Jackson Co.; May.
305. Polypodium dispersum A.M. Evans

[In 1998 Rule, listed as: Pecluma dispersa (A.M. Evans) M.G. Price]

| Chafin FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America to Brazil 

FNA, 314-315, as Pecluma

Long and Lakela, 80-82

Wunderlin, 46, as Pecluma

widespread polypody Pteridophyta-


polypody family

fern; epiphytic or on rocks; short-creeping stems; petiole scales deltoid to linear; lvs to 70 cm long, without peltate scales, narrowly ovate, pectinate, segments at base of blade abruptly reduced and reflexed; sori round or oval, sporaangia with 32 spores; hammocks; Alachua, Brevard, Citrus, Dade (extirpated?) Hernando, Hillsborough, Marion, Martin, Monroe [incl. Keys] (extirpated?), Pasco, Sumter and Volusia cos.; spores all year.
306. Polypodium plumula Humb. and Bonpl. ex Willd.

[In 1998 Rule, listed as Pecluma plumula (Kunth) M.G. Price]

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America to Brazil 

FNA, 314, as Pecluma

Long and Lakela, 80

Small: fern, 73-75

Wunderlin, 46, as Pecluma

plume polypody Pteridophyta-


polypody family 

fern; epiphytic or on rocks; short-creeping stems; petiole scales ovate to cordate, inflated; lvs to 50 cm long, lacks peltate scales, linear-elliptic, segments linear, segments at base of blade abruptly reduced, but not deflexed; sori round, sporangia with 54 spored; hammocks; Brevard, Citrus, Dade, (DeSoto), Duval, Flagler, Hardee, Hernando, Hillsborough, Lake, Marion, Martin, Monroe [not Keys], Orange, Pasco, Polk, Seminole, St. Johns, Sumter and Volusia cos.; spores all year.
307. Polypodium ptilodon Kunze

[In 1998 Rule, listed as Pecluma ptilodon (Kunze) M.G. Price]

US ones: P. ptilodon var. caespitosum (Jenman) Lellinger

synonym: Polypodium pectinatum L.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central America

FNA, 314

Long and Lakela, 80

Small: ferns, 75-77

Wunderlin, 46

swamp plume polypody  Pteridophyta--


polypody family

fern; epiphytic or on rocks; short-creeping stems; petiole scales threadlike to absent; lvs to 90 cm long, without peltate scales, lanceolate, segments lanceolate, segments at base of blade reduced to "ears"; sori with dense hairs around them, sporangia with 64 spores; hammocks, swamps; Brevard, Broward, Citrus, Collier, Dade, Duval, Hardee, Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Lake, Manatee, Marion, Martin, Orange, Osceola, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Putnam, Seminole, Sumter and Volusia cos.; spores all year.
308. Polyrrhiza lindenii (Lindl.) Cogn. in Urban

[In the 1998 rule, listed as Polyradicion lindenii (Lindl.) Garay]

FL, West Indies 

Long and Lakela, 328

Luer, 277-279

Small, 398-399

Wunderlin, 241, as


ghost orchid

palm Polly

white butterfly orchid

albino frog orchid


orchid family

epiphyte; nearly stemless; leafless; roots extensive, with chlorophyll; flrs white with two long "tails"; on shrubs and trees in maritime hammocks, river swamps and wet forests; Collier, Dade (extirpated?), Hendry, Lee, and Monroe [not Keys] cos.; May-Sep.
309. Polystachya concreta (Jacq.) Garay and Sweet

synonyms: P. flavescens (Lindl.) J.J. Smith; P. luteola (Sw.) Hook.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America, Africa, Asia 

Correll and Correll, 386-387

Long and Lakela, 328, as P. 


Luer, 221-223

Small, 393, as P. minuta

Wunderlin, 241



greater yellowspike 



orchid family

epiphyte; to 56 cm tall; lvs sheathed, keeled, to 32 cm long and 3 cm wide, white margins; inflor terminal, branched, to 60 flrs; flrs not resupinate, glossy, yellow to greenish-yellow, appear hooded due to the curved lateral sepals; strand swamps; Broward, Collier, Dade, DeSoto, Hardee, Highlands, Lee, Martin and Monroe [Keys only] cos.; all year.
310. Ponthieva brittoniae Ames

synonym: Ponthieva racemosa (Walter) Mohr var. brittoniae (Ames) Luer

FL, West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 388-390

Long and Lakela, 314

Luer, 82, 87

Small, 380

Wunderlin, 242

Mrs. Britton's shadow-

witch orchid

Britton's shadowwitch


orchid family

terrestrial; to 30 cm tall; lvs in basal rosette, 3 to 5, to 8 cm long and 3 cm wide, not present when flowering; inflor a terminal raceme with up to 20 flrs; flrs not resupinate, greenish-white, petals longer than wide, (lacks the green veining of P. racemosa), lateral sepals cocked acutely upwards ("hands-over-head effect"); pine rocklands; Collier, Dade and Sarasota cos.; Dec-Feb.
311. Potamogeton floridanus Small

| Chafin endemic 

Clewell, 191

Small, 16

Wunderlin, 66

Florida pondweed Potamogetonaceae;

pond weed family

herb growing in water; lvs alternate, free from stipules; floating lvs narrowly elliptic, 4-7 cm long; submerged lvs lack blades, less than 3 mm wide; flowering spikes 1-2 cm long; Blackwater River; Santa Rosa Co.
312. Prescotia oligantha (Sw.) Lindl. 

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Correll and Correll, 390, 349

Long and Lakela, 314

Luer, 84, 87

Small, 379

Wunderlin, 242

small-flowered orchid Orchidaceae;

orchid family

terrestrial; to 30 cm tall; roots thick and fleshy; lvs 1 to 3, basal, to 7 cm long and 4 cm wide, small bracts on stem; inflor terminal raceme with up to 50 flrs; flrs not resupinate, ca. 1 mm, drab until viewed with magnification, white or pinkish; rockland hammocks; Dade and Lee cos.; Feb.
313. Prunus geniculata Harper

Federal Register, 21 Jan 1987

| Atlas; Chafin; Taylor, p. 55 endemic 

Small, 649

Ward, 53-54

Wunderlin, 330

scrub plum Rosaceae;

rose family

shrub; densely branched, zigzag twigs with stout spine 

tips; lvs to 1.5 cm long, fine teeth; flrs on spur shoots, rose-red calyx, white petals, 3 mm long; frts 2 cm wide plums; sand pine scrub of Central Florida Ridge; Highlands, Lake Orange and Polk cos.; Feb-Mar.

314. Pseudophoenix sargentii Wendl. ex Sarg.

| Chafin; Scurlock, p. 130 FL, West Indies, Central America 

Correll and Correll, 257

Long and Lakela, 242

Small, 238

Ward, 54-55

Wunderlin, 181

buccaneer palm

Sargent's cherry palm

hog palm



hog cabbage palm



palm family

tree; to 8 m tall; trunk gray-green with conspicuous rings; lvs to 3 m long, lflets v-shaped at base and up to ½ m long, with threads dangling from the margins; frts bright red, 2 cm wide; rocklands hammocks near sea level on limestone or sand where protected from wind; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.
315. Psychotria ligustrifolia (Northrup) Millsp.

| Atlas; Chafin; Scurlock, p. 133 FL, West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 1411-1412

Long and Lakela, 799-800

Small, 1261, as P.


Wunderlin, 581

Bahama wild coffee

smooth wild coffee


madder family

shrub, to 2 m tall, smooth stems; lvs opposite, to 12 cm long, lanceolate to oblanceolate, acuminate tips; axillary cymes or panicles; sepals with deltoid lobes; petals united into 4 mm long tube, white; drupe red, 5 mm long; hammocks, pineland; Dade Co. and Monroe Co. [Keys only]; spring.
316. Remirea maritima Aubl.

synonym: Cyperus pedunculatus (R. Br.) J. Kern.

| Atlas FL, West Indies, Old World 

Godfrey and Wooten I, 400

Long and Lakela, 226

Small, 187-188

Ward, 55-56

Wunderlin, 159, as Cyperus


junco de playa


sedge family

perennial herb; creeping rhizome rooting at joints and with stems arising also; lvs numerous, crowded; flrs inconspicuous; coastal dunes; Broward, Dade, Indian River, Martin, Palm Beach and (St. Lucie) cos.; Jul-Nov.
317. Rhexia parviflora Chapman


Clewell, 431

Godfrey and Wooten II, 364,


Small, 927

Wunderlin, 457

Apalachicola meadow



melastoma family

herbs; stem not hairless; lvs opposite; flrs with urn-shaped base, white petals; 8 stamens, anthers 5-11 mm long, curved; margins of open cypress swamps, with Hypericum; Bay, Calhoun, Franklin, Gulf, Liberty, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton cos.; Jun-Aug.
318. Rhipsalis baccifera (J. Miller) Stearn

| Chafin

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America, tropical Africa, Sri Lanka 

Long and Lakela, 627

Small, 913

Wunderlin, 448

mistletoe cactus

pencil cactus


cactus family

epiphytes; stems round, forms dense masses 1 m or more long; fleshy, pale green; flrs solitary, white; frts white or pink; on mangroves and button wood in tidal swamps; Dade, Monroe [not Keys] (extirpated?), Seminole (escaped) cos.
319. Rhododendron alabamense Rehder

(Hybridizes with R. canescens)

| Atlas, Chafin TN, AL, GA, FL 

Clewell, 531

Godfrey, 260-262

Small, 996

Wunderlin, 478

Alabama azalea Ericaceae;

heath family

shrub, stoloniferous, to 4 m tall; lvs emerge before flrs, lvs not lepidote; flrs white with yellow blotch, lemon scented, narrow tube, calyx with sticky glands; stamens 5; hammocks; Jefferson and Leon cos. Apr. 
320. Rhododendron austrinum (Small) Rehder

| Atlas; Chafin; DPI poster, plate #34 Taylor, p. 307 GA, AL, FL 

Clewell, 351

Godfrey, 262-264

Small, 995

Ward, 106-107

Wunderlin, 478

Florida flame azalea

orange azalea


heath family

shrub, not stoloniferous; lvs emerge after the flrs, lvs with soft hairs beneath; flrs yellow to orange, red, or orange-red, fragrant, tube glandular; 5 stamens; winter buds hairy; forested bluffs, hammocks, floodplains; Baker, Calhoun, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Holmes, Jackson, Liberty, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton and Washington cos.; Mar-Apr.
321. Rhododendron chapmanii Gray

Federal Register, 24 Apr 1979

Godfrey and Wunderlin use R. minus (Michaux) var. chapmanii

(Gray) Duncan and Pullen.

| Atlas; Bell and Taylor, p. 85; Chafin; DPI poster, plate #24 endemic 

Clewell, 351

Godfrey, 265-267

Godfrey and Wooten II, 473

Small, 998

Ward, 57-58

Wunderlin, 478





heath family

shrub, evergreen; to 2 m tall; lvs oval, entire margins, scurfy-dotted; flrs in terminal clusters, rose pink, ca. 3 cm long; 10 stamens; pine flatwoods and borders of titi swamps; Clay, Gadsden, Franklin , Gulf, Leon and Liberty cos.; Mar-Apr.
322. Rhus michauxii Sargent

Federal Register, 28 Sept 1989

[probably not extant in FL]

[See Taylor, 149; Bell and Taylor, 131, for R. copallina.] NC, SC, GA, ?FL 

Radford et al., 678

Recovery Plan (1993)

Wunderlin, 410

Michaux's sumac

false poison sumac


cashew family

shrub; rhizomatous, to 1 m tall; entire plant densely pubescent; lvs cpd, 9 to 13 sessile lflets which are evenly serrate; flrs greenish-yellow in terminal cluster, dioecious plants; frts red; sandy or rocky open woods on acidic 

soils; Alachua Co.; June; frts Aug-Sep. Extirpated?

323. Rhynchosia swartzii (Vail) Urban

| Chafin FL, West Indies, Mexico 

Correll and Correll, 686

Isely, 105

Long and Lakela, 473-474

Small, 713, as Dolicholus

Wunderlin, 370

Swartz' snoutbean




legume family


pea subfamily

woody vine, twining; lvs trifoliate, lflets to 6 cm long, terminal one largest; racemes shorter than petioles (to 2 cm); calyx to 3 mm long; corolla yellow, standard 8 mm long, resin dotted; legume curved, to 3 cm long, 7 mm wide; seeds bright red; hammocks; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.
324. Rhynchospora crinipes Gale

[See Taylor, 28-29, for other Rhynchospora spp.] FL and AL 

Rhodora 46:132, 173-174

Godfrey and Wooten I, 385,

includes in R. filifolia

Wunderlin, 172

hairy peduncled 


mosquito beaksedge

Alabama beakrush


sedge family

herb, clumped, languid habit; basal lvs 2 mm wide; stems to 7.5 cm tall; differs from R. filifolia by the achene stipe (stalk): 0.6 mm long, persistent, clothed with tangle of white, ascending hairs; roadsides, ditches, pond borders;

Bay, Gulf, Liberty, Okaloosa and Santa Rosa cos.

325. Rhynchospora megaplumosa E. Bridges & Orzell


Lundellia 3: 19-25, 2000

Kral, FNA 23: 218-219, 2002* *

hairy-spikelet beakrush

longbristle beaksedge


sedge family

perennial herb, clumped, to 0.6(-0.9) m tall; leaves mostly basal, wiry, involute above, shorter than stem, to 0.2-0.3 m long; spikelets in 1(-2) dense terminal cluster(s), light golden brown, narrowly lanceolate, 8-10 mm long; achene obovoid, horizontally ridged, the body 1.5-2 mm long and the conical tubercle 0.5-0.7 mm long; perianth bristles 6, plumose in lower half, much longer than achene (5-7.5 mm long), bending outward and pushing away scales; scrubby flatwoods; Hillsborough, Manatee and Polk cos.; Mar-Nov.
326. Ribes echinellum (Coville) Rehder

Federal Register, threatened, 18 July 1985

| Atlas; Chafin FL and McCormick Co., SC 

Clewell, 481

Godfrey, 649-650

Radford et al., 520-521

Small, 603

Ward, 58-59

Wunderlin, 324

Miccosukee gooseberry

Florida gooseberry

South Carolina


McCormick gooseberry


currant family Or,


saxifrage family

shrub; branches root at tips; stem with sharp spines about 

1 cm long, lvs with lobes (like a sugar-maple), with long petiole, lvs shed in summer, emerge in fall and overwinter; flrs single in lf axils, with long stalks: stamens 1 cm longer than petals; long hairs on floral tube become spines in fruits; Gadsden and Jefferson (on shore of Lake Miccosukee) cos.; Mar. 

327. Roystonea elata (Bartram) F. Harper

Zona (1997): R. regia (Kunth) O.F. Cook [See Taxon 45:671-681],

Harvard Papers in Botany Vol 2 (1): 71-107.

| Bell and Taylor, p. 43; Chafin; DPI poster, plate #4; Scurlock, p. 142 endemic 

Long and Lakela, 242

Small, 238

Ward, 155-156

Wunderlin, 181, as

R. regia

Florida royal palm Palmae/


palm family

tree; columnar trunk to 40 m tall, with bright green column at top composed of sheathing lf bases (only sheath of oldest leaf is visible, since it encircles the others); lvs feather-like, to 9 m long, recurved crosswise; cultivated; rockland hammocks, shell middens, strand swamp; Collier, Dade, (Monroe) and Palm Beach cos.
328. Rudbeckia nitida Nuttall

[var. nitida]

| Atlas; Chafin FL to TX 

Clewell, 323

Cronquist, 27

Godfrey and Wooten II, 756

Wunderlin, 645-646

St John's Susan

shiny coneflower



daisy family

tribe: Heliantheae.

perennial, fibrous-roots, to 1.3 m tall; stems and lvs hairless; lvs unlobed, midstem lvs 8-15 cm long, veins conspicuous; discs florets light reddish-brown, rays yellow, drooping, about 2.5 cm long; moist flatwoods, prairies, roadside ditches; Baker, Bay, Clay, Gulf, Manatee, Marion and St. Johns cos.; May-Jul.
329. Rudbeckia triloba L.

Ours are var. pinnatiloba Torr. and A. Gray

species: CT to MI, IO, NB s to FL and TX 

var. pinnatiloba: NC, FL 

Clewell, 323

Cronquist, 25-26

Radford et al., 1108-1109

Small, 1426, as R.


Wunderlin, 646

browneyed Susan Compositae/


daisy family

tribe: Heliantheae.

short lived perennial, to 1.5 m tall; stems and lvs hairy; some lvs divided almost to the midrib, to 5 cm long; discs florets darkpurple, disk hemispheric or ovoid, 1-1.5 cm wide; rays yellow but may be orange toward base, 1-2 cm long (rarely to 2.5); disturbed sites with calcareous soil; Jackson and Levy cos.; May-Sept.
330. Ruellia noctiflora (Nees) A. Gray

| Atlas; Chafin FL, GA to MS 

Clewell, 239

Godfrey and Wooten II, 708

Small, 1229

Ward, 107-108

Wunderlin, 571-572

night-flowering ruellia

night-blooming wild-



acanthus family

herb; to 30 cm tall; hairy; lvs to 7 cm long; corolla blue 

or white, to 8 cm long; capsule to 22 mm long; wet flatwoods, seepage slopes; Clay, Duval, Franklin, Gulf, Jackson, (Lee), Liberty, Nassau, St. Johns and Wakulla cos.; May-Aug.

331. Salix eriocephala Michaux

mostly a northern species, it is disjunct in S GA, S AL and FL 

| Atlas AL, GA, FL 

Argus, 128-134

Clewell, 477, as S. rigida

Godfrey, 624-625

Small, 414, as Salix cordata

Wunderlin, 252

heart-leaved willow Salicaceae;

willow family

shrub; to 6 m tall; branches reddish brown; lvs up to 13 cm X 3.6 cm, base heart-shaped, tips acute; river and stream banks, marshy fields and mixed wet woods; Gadsden, Jackson and Leon cos.; Mar-Apr.
332. Salix floridana Chapman

| Chafin; Nelson, plate #131 endemic except for 2 cos. in GA 

Argus, 61-66

Clewell, 477

Godfrey, 622-623, 625

Godfrey and Wooten II, 36

Small, 414, as S. chapmanii

Ward, 156-157

Wunderlin, 252

Florida willow Salicaceae;

willow family

shrub, to 4 m tall; lvs alternate, 8-16 cm long, with toothed margins, bright green above, whitish beneath; male catkins 5-8 cm long; female catkins (on separate plants) 3-5 cm long; wet hammocks, dense bottomland forest, stream margins, swamps; Alachua, Citrus, Columbia, Jackson, Jefferson, (Lafayette), Lake, Levy, Marion, Orange, Putnam, Seminole and Suwannee cos.
333. Salvia urticifolia L.

[See Taylor, 272, 311; Bell and Taylor, 240-241, for other Salvia spp.]

FL to LA, GA to VA and KY 

Clewell, 387

Radford et al., 913

Small, 1162

Wunderlin, 535-536

nettle-leaved sage Labiatae/


mint family

herbs; stems several, to 8/10 m tall, leafy; lv stalks obscured by tissue which extends to stem; flrs blue to violet, 11 to 13 mm long; calcareous hammocks, upland glades; Alachua, Gadsden and Jackson cos.; Sep.
334. Sarracenia leucophylla Raf.

| Atlas; Bell and Taylor, p. 71; DPI poster, plate #3 GA, FL, AL, MS 

Clewell, 479

Godfrey and Wooten II, 192,


Small, 582, as S.


Ward, 108-109

Wunderlin, 319-320

white-top pitcher plant Sarraceniaceae;



herbs; insectivorous, lvs form a hollow tube (pitcher), pitcher erect, upper part is marked white with red or green venation (showy); flrs red to maroon, sweet odor; bogs, creek swamps, wet prairies; Bay, Calhoun, Escambia, (Gulf), Franklin, Holmes, Liberty, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton cos.; Mar-May and occasionally in fall.
335. Savia bahamensis Britton

| Chafin; Scurlock, p. 145 FL, West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 842-844

Long and Lakela, 547

Small, 777

Wunderlin, 407

maiden bush Euphorbiaceae;

spurge family

shrub, to 5 m tall, smooth, pale gray bark, separate and plants; lvs obovate or ovate to 3 cm long, glabrous, leathery; flrs in dense axillary clusters, tiny, 5 exserted stamens; flrs few or solitary in axils, ca. 2 mm wide, 3 stigmas; frt 3-lobed capsule to 6 mm long; coastal hammocks, low areas; Dade Co. and Monroe Co. [Keys only]; spring.
336. Schaefferia frutescens Jacq.

| Scurlock, p. 147

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Correll and Correll, 870-872

Long and Lakela, 569

Small, 820

Wunderlin, 414

Florida boxwood

yellow wood



staff-tree family

shrub, to 6 m tall, branches with wart-like clusters o budscales; lvs evergreen, to 6 cm long elliptical , ovate or oblanceolate, glossy, revolute margins; flrs on stalks in axils, 3-5 flrs in clusters, flrs solitary or 2-3 clustered, 4 sepals and petals greenish; drupes red or scarlet, to 6 mm long; 2 bony seeds; hammocks; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.
337. Schisandra coccinea Michaux

Kartesz: S. glabra (Bickn.) Rehd.

| Atlas NC to FL, west to LA, AR, TN 

Clewell, 481

Godfrey, 650-652, as


Radford et al., 476-477

Small, 534

Ward, 159

Wunderlin, 304, as Kartesz

bay star vine




schisandra family

woody vine; twining; lvs alternate, up to 15 cm long; flrs solitary in fl axils, long stalks to 15 cm; tepals 9-12; anthers embedded in disc; frt an aggregate of red berries; bluffs, floodplains; Gadsden, Jackson, (Leon), Liberty and Washington cos.; May-Jun.
338. Schizachyrium niveum (Swallen) Gould

| Chafin endemic 

Hall, 437

Hitchcock, 753, as 

Andropogon niveus

Wunderlin, 130

scrub bluestem Gramineae/


grass family

herb, to 65 cm tall, in tufts, slender rhizomes; lf sheaths keeled, glabrous, lf blades to 9 cm long and 3.7 mm wide, flat, but tightly enclosing the peduncle; raceme to 4 cm long, joints very hairy, 5-6 pairs of spikelets; 1st glume glabrous, sessile spikelet to 5.5 cm long and 6 mm wide; rosemary scrub; Highlands, Indian River, Osceola and Polk cos.; fall.
339. Schizachyrium sericatum (Swallen) Gould


Hall, 439

Hitchcock and Chase, 753

Wunderlin, 130-131

silky bluestem Gramineae/


grass family

herb, to 80 cm tall, densely tufted; lf sheaths glabrous, lf blades folded, to 40 cm long and 4 mm wide; inflor densely branched, spathes inconspicuous; 1st glume 2-keeled, ca. 12 spikelet pairs, sessile spikelet 5 mm long; oolitic soil of Monroe Co. [Keys only].
340. Schizaea germanii (Fée) Prantl

FNA uses Actinostachys pennula (Sw.) Hook.; Small uses A. germani Fee; Atlas uses S. pennula Sw.

| Chafin FL, West Indies, Central and South America 

FNA, 113

Lakela and Long, 47, 49

Long and Lakela, 74

Small: ferns, 331-333

Ward, 159-160

Wunderlin, 38, as FNA

ray fern

tropical curly-grass



curly-grass family

fern; bristly hairy rhizome; lvs grass-like, few, tufted, to 12 cm tall; sporangia naked under reflexed margin; low hammocks; Dade (extirpated?), Palm Beach and Pinellas (extirpated?) cos. 
341. Schwalbea americana L.

Federal Register, 29 Sept 1992

| Chafin FL to LA and SC, AL to TN 

Clewell, 490

Godfrey and Wooten II, 669-


Radford et al., 961-962

Small, 1223

Wunderlin, 557

chaff seed Scrophulariaceae;

figwort family

perennial; to 6/10 m tall; lvs alternate, sessile, entire; flrs solitary in axils of green lvs, at end of stem, flrs 2-lipped, yellow or purplish; anther sacs not spurred; savannahs and pinelands; Brevard, Duval, Gadsden (extirpated?), Highlands, (Hillsborough), (Leon), Levy, Manatee, Polk, Putnam and Volusia cos.; May-Jun.
342. Scleria lithosperma (L.) Sw.

FL, West Indies, South America and Old World tropics 

Correll and Correll, 244,


Godfrey and Wooten I, 405, 


Long and Lakela, 235-236

Small, 191

Wunderlin, 178

Keys' nutrush

slender nutrush


sedge family

perennial herb, nodulose rootstock, tufts; lf sheaths overlapping, lowest lvs with no blades, blades 1-3 mm wide, enrolled; panicle lax, bracts longer than spikelets, each cluster with 2-4 spikelets; achene without basal disc but with 3 small depressions at base, surface smooth, glossy, white, 3-angled, 2-2.5 mm long; pine rockland hammocks; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.
343. Scutellaria floridana Chapman

Federal Register, threatened: 8 May 1992

| Chafin endemic 

Clewell, 387

Small, 1152

Wunderlin, 536-537

Florida skullcap Labiatae/


mint family

herb; lvs entire, linear, 1-2 mm wide, base wedge-shaped; corolla 12-25 mm long, pubescent; wet flatwoods, grassy openings; Franklin, Gulf and Liberty cos.; Jun-Aug.
344. Scutellaria havanensis Jacq.

FL, West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 1269-


Long and Lakela, 745

Small, 1150-1151

Wunderlin, 536-537

Havana skullcap

Cuban skullcap



mint family

herb, to 30 cm tall, pubescent; lvs opposite, ovate or orbicular-ovate, to 1.5 cm long, toothed or entire margins; flrs solitary in axils, calyx to 1.5 mm long, crest or bump on its back; corolla dark blue, tubular, to 1.5 cm long; fruiting calyx 3 mm long, 4 nutlets; pinelands; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos.; all year.
345. Selaginella eatonii Hieron. ex Small

Atlas: S. armata Baker var. eatonii (Hieron. ex Small) B. F. Hansen and Wunderlin

| Chafin FL, West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 2, 4

FNA, 62

Small: ferns, 422-423, as

Diplostachyum eatoni

Wunderlin, 34-35

Eaton's spike-moss Pteridophyta--


spike-moss family

fern ally; prostrate, matted, stems to 4 cm long; lvs papery, iridescent, in 2 planes: lower lvs to 1.5 mm long, spreading, with obtuse to abruptly acute tips; upper (=median) lvs to 1.2 mm long, serrate, and with acuminate tips bristly for 1/3 length of lv; strobili solitary; sink holes in pine rocklands; Dade and (Monroe) cos.
346. Setaria chapmanii (Vasey) Pilger

Kartesz uses Setaria chapmanii

Wunderlin uses Paspalidium chapmanii Vasey

Atlas: Paspalidium chapmanii (Vasey) Davidse and R. Pohl

FL, West Indies 

Correll and Correll, 157,

as Panicum

Hall, 267

Hitchcock and Chase, 636

Long and Lakela, 182

Small, 68


coral panic grass

coral panicum



grass family

perennial herb, to 1 m tall, tufted, knotted rhizomes; panicle branches extending beyond the last spikelet as a bristle; spikelets to 1.3 mm wide and 2.2 mm long; cleared areas, cultivated fields, shell mounds, hammocks, prairies and bay shores; Dade, Lee and Monroe [incl. Keys] cos.
347. Sideroxylon alachuense L. C. Anderson

| Chafin 

Godfrey, 631-633

SIDA 17(3): 565-567 [1997]

Wunderlin, 661

Clark's buck-thorn

silver buckthorn

silver bully


sapote family

shrub; stems glabrous (or whitish hairs very early), gray or silvery; lower surface of lvs with silvery pubescence, upper surface dark green; clusters of flrs on spur shoots, pedicels 4-5 mm ; hardwood hammocks; Alachua, Marion and Orange cos.; Jul.
348. Sideroxylon lycioides L.

| Chafin 
VA to IL and MO, s to FL and TX 

Clewell, 478

Godfrey, 633, 635,636

Godfrey and Wooten II, 505

Radford et al., 825-826

Small, 1034

Ward, 132-133

Wunderlin, 483-484





buckthorn bully


sapote family

shrub or small tree; lvs persistent, glabrous except for midrib, widest at the middle, 4-14 cm long, apex acute; corollas 5 mm wide, flrs borne on spur shoots; berry oval,

10 mm long; hammocks, floodplains; Alachua, Clay, Dixie, Escambia, Gadsden, Jackson, Jefferson, Liberty, Marion, Orange, Putnam, Santa Rosa and (Wakulla) cos.; April.

349. Sideroxylon thornei (Cronq.) T. D. Pennington

| Atlas; Chafin 

Godfrey, 639, 641

Wunderlin, 483-484

Thorne's buck-thorn

Georgia bully


sapote family

shrub; stems glabrous (or with whitish hairs very early), green or brown; lvs green and glabrous, upper surface faintly reticulate veined, veins not bony-cartilaginous; berries dull black, 8-10 mm long; margins of ponds; Escambia, Franklin, Gulf and Jackson cos.
350. Silene polypetala (Walter) Fern. and Schub.

Federal Register, 18 Jan 1991

| Chafin; DPI: Botany circular # 26; DPI poster, plate #26 GA and FL 

Clewell, 268

Small, 507, as S. baldwynii

Wunderlin, 293-294

fringed catchfly

fringed campion

fringed pink

eastern fringed catchfly


carnation family

perennial herb, spreads by rhizomes and offshoots; rosettes and lower stem lvs opposite, obovate, 3-9 cm long; flrs in groups of 3-5, petals 5, pink (rarely white), fringed at tips; rich bluffs of Apalachicola River; Gadsden and Jackson cos; Mar-May.
351. Silene virginica L.

| Atlas FL, GA, north to AR, MN, Ontario, NY and NJ

Radford et al., 446, 447

Small, 507

fire pink Caryophyllaceae;

carnation family

perennial herb, to 75 cm tall; lvs basal and 2-4 pairs on stem; cymes; calyx glandular pubescent, to 2.5 cm long; petals 5, cleft, clawed to top of calyx, limb to 2.5 cm long, appendages to 3 mm long, crimson; rich or dry woods; Bay Co.; spring.
352. Sphenomeris clavata (L.) Maxon

FNA uses Odontosoria clavata (L.) J. Smith

| Atlas; Chafin FL, West Indies, Mexico 

FNA, 205

Lakela and Long, 63, 64

Long and Lakela, 91-92

Small: ferns, 317-318

Wunderlin, 47, as


wedgelet fern

parsley fern





polypody, or

maidenhair fern


fern; stems creeping, with closely spaced lvs; lv blade oblong to 25 cm long, papery, segments to 1.5 cm long and 2 mm wide giving a parsley look; sori on tips of segments; limestone sinks in rock pinelands; Dade and Monroe [Keys only] cos; all year.
353. Sphenostigma coelestinum (Bartram) Foster

Kartesz: Calydorea coelestina (Bartr.) Goldblatt and Heinrich

| Atlas; Chafin; DPI, Botany circular # 25; DPI poster, plate #56 endemic 

Small, 326-327

Ward, 110-11

Wunderlin, 222, as

Calydorea caelestina

Bartram's ixia Iridaceae; 

iris family

perennial from a bulb-like corm; 1-3 basal lvs (rarely 4), up to 30 cm long and 4 mm wide, 1 or 2 stem lvs; 1 or 2 flrs, blue to violet with a white "eye", 5 cm wide, 3 petals and 3 petal like sepals; stigma and style trumpet-shaped; wet flatwoods, wet prairies; Baker, Bradford, Clay, Duval, Putnam, St. Johns and Union cos.; Apr-Jun.
354. Spigelia gentianoides Chapman

Federal Register, 26 Nov 1990

| Chafin GA, AL, FL 

Clewell, 424

Small, 1046

Wunderlin, 491

gentian pinkroot Strychnaceae;

strychnine family


logania family

perennial herb; single stem to 30 cm tall; lvs opposite and sessile; flrs in spike-like group, point upwards, corollas tubular, pale pink; stamens inside flr; oak-pine woods, 

rich humus; Calhoun, Jackson and Washington cos. (Historically in Liberty and Gadsden cos., now extirpated?) misidentified from Levy Co.; May-Jul.

355. Spigelia loganioides (Torrey and A. Gray) DC.

synonym: Coelostylis loganioides Torrey and A. Gray.

| Atlas endemic 

Godfrey and Wooten II, 516

Small, 1045

Ward, 160-161

Wunderlin, 491

Levy pinkroot Strychnaceae;

strychnine family


logania family

annual; to 30 cm tall; flrs in forks of leafy branches or in 

lf axils, style jointed near the middle; swamps and wet woods; Citrus; Levy, Marion and Sumter cos.; Apr-Jun.

356. Spiranthes adnata (Sw.) Benth. ex Faucett

synonym: Pelexia adnata (Sw.) Spreng.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Correll and Correll, 383,


Wunderlin, 240, as





orchid family

terrestrial; to 38 cm tall; roots thick, fleshy; lvs basal, to 20 cm long and 8 mm wide, petioled; inflor up to 15 flrs; flrs with greenish sepals, greenish-white petals, lip spur fused to the ovary (=adnate); rockland hammocks; Dade Co. (extirpated?); Dec-Jul.
357. Spiranthes brevilabris Lindl.

synonym: S. gracilis (Bigelow) Beck var. brevilabris (Lindl.) Correll 

| Atlas lower coast TX to NC and FL 

Clewell, 188 as S. gracilis

Godfrey and Wooten I, as S.

gracilis var, 665-666

Luer, 102-104

Small, 381, as Ibidium

Wunderlin, 243-244

small ladies'-tresses

Florida ladies'-tresses

slender ladies'-tresses

short-lip ladies'-tresses

Texas ladiestresses


orchid family

terrestrial; to 40 cm tall; lvs 3 to 4, basal; inflor slender, to 35 flrs in single rank, spiraled; flrs glabrous, creamy-yellowish, lip with yellowish center; pine flatwoods; Alachua, Citrus, Duval, Lee, Levy, Madison, Orange, Polk and Volusia cos; Feb-May.
358. Spiranthes costaricensis Reichenb. f.

FL, Mexico, Central and South America 

Luer, 114-115

Wunderlin, 243-244

Costa Rican ladies'-



orchid family

terrestrial; to 30 cm tall; lvs 4 or 5 in basal rosette; inflor slender, loosely arranged flrs, 10-35 flrs; flrs white, marked with bright green stripes; edges of solution holes 

in rockland hammocks; Dade Co; Mar-Apr.

359. Spiranthes elata (Sw.) L. C. Rich.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Luer, 112-113

Small, 382-383, as 


Wunderlin, 243-244

tall neottia Orchidaceae;

orchid family

terrestrial; to 50 cm tall; lvs 6 or 7 in basal rosette, petioled, to 15 cm long and 4 cm wide; inflor slender, on tall stalk, 10 to 30 flrs; flrs with greenish brown sepals and petal, pubescent, lip white, 6 mm long, with lobe as wide as the body of the lip; solution holes in rockland hammocks, hammocks; (Charlotte), (Collier), Dade (extirpated?), Hernando, (Monroe) and (Palm Beach) cos.; Mar.
360. Spiranthes ovalis Lindl.

synonym: Ibidium ovale (Lindl.) House

| Bell and Taylor, p. 36 VA to MO, south to FL, west to TX 

Clewell, 188

Godfrey and Wooten I, 663-


Luer, 106-107

Radford et al., 346-347

Small, 382

Wunderlin, 243-245

lesser ladies'-tresses

October ladiestresses


orchid family

terrestrial; to 40 cm tall; lvs 2 or 3, basal, to 15 cm long and 15 mm wide; inflor spiraled in more than one rank, up to 50 flrs; flrs white; moist shady wood, thickets, swamp margins, palmetto swampland; Alachua, Columbia, Jackson, Levy, Marion, Sumter and Suwannee cos; Sep-Nov.
361. Spiranthes polyantha Reichenb. f.

| Chafin FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central America 

Correll and Correll, 391-392

Luer, 116, 115

Wunderlin, 243-245

Ft. George ladies-


FL Keys ladiestresses

gray ladiestresses


orchid family

terrestrial; annual with stout tuberous roots; lvs to 11 cm long; inflor 10 to 40 flrs, spiraled, loosely arranged; petals greenish-purple, or brown to greenish brown, lip without basal callosities; rockland hammocks; Citrus, Dade, Duval, Martin and Sarasota cos.; Feb-Mar.
362. Spiranthes torta (Thunb.) Garay and Sweet

synonym: S. tortilis (Sw.) L. C. Rich.

| Chafin FL, Bermuda, West Indies, Central America 

Correll and Correll, 392-393

Luer, 99, 101

Wunderlin, 243-254

southern ladies'-



orchid family

terrestrial; up to 50 cm tall; lvs 2 or 3, to 20 cm long and 5 mm wide, basal, not present at flowering; inflor up to 35 flrs, spiraled in single rank; flrs white with green throats; rockland pinelands, marl prairies; Dade and Monroe cos. Reports from northern counties are probably errors. Citrus, Collier and Palm Beach cos.; May-Jun.
363. Stachydeoma graveolens (Chapman) Small

synonym: Hedeoma graveolens Chapm. ex A. Gray

| Chafin endemic 

Clewell, 382, as Hedeoma 

Godfrey, 407-409

Small, 1166

Wunderlin, 531, as Hedeoma

mock pennyroyal Labiatae/


mint family

herbaceous to woody; lvs 5-20 cm long; 1-3 flrs per axils of lvs; lvs and bracts hiding the flr stalks; calyx 4-6 mm long; 2 fertile stamens; corollas nearly white, lower lip 

with a central mottled purple band and purple lobes; sandhills, wet flatwoods, pond margins; Bay,루V웝.cD``3`z zCLTUwʪ#/+?`̣%|_W!&Ap32dGp{CK;WYpɜ"zsD$ r#ZCF' c>Q$|(ٌj:O r{(/CHO~~sZrn4pka|{6Fy!cebIvNx&4,*:YUapuQw@ 0dϠ':[N!fL8)kH4 kyMlb"XzԚ%nR 3J+YT{ԆlrB/Cڑ&h`a!r9W K\-[:tB%nڌ-cqc!˖@txxnɓ 2{CkEzgຆnXH1B(Snj͏Bp'bЬҤd@L!~%9Wx‹Ƚi |@Tų@K*F-sdj#?+AL+ƫECh)1(WӆLcTSɆ*$W4L9p ~=tZX]^q=^)/{wW,s$[#]}qcWf ۃ=sӧcھiU"KbXKG4!Uvx,c@hU']VN~/$TP-o;5hO*ݲygR[zꪅ qwگ^65 uKHaGFҸ'DRTaK)mt޶ow19깁Tۅ쨞 g段U.3%^.K=Lr8)e1rcP(>.1ky 9ct %崋4ܝAW;# YbGpPRojpmfǒר>HVf d^9[Y&)!1ԕYS`EHceqЗ ?#Itev.Bq|sOQ|qM4x1):  ЦiG-&R?B%(><+NqBM*8 ^:oV+rYkoME+ s]< @֭ p?sاAkw/u46#Ft֬/&"g2y-cKUW$[Q~tG̓hDX_XWTَ%7Fꖰ8(p?<p dkDSJgXH(vaLľjHpS9fh^(IYܝUcN'G~ZIʼnętjQ=8r*B_DJ WXKhnIKEUäIjy {Y{eZ"WrrK:Իe̷ dD17)Jz18PvC,dC调+٪E[9c'ڗV{0g8W<~)@J (X\}Jѽc(Qsʬ GmC-?{8;~|N_~dѴxx͆*orVgWm՟hUz>NU{LmKq;xD6ݸľXؿGRjo+ 䓴"d]&8#Lָ{О=kS%)ـd,d ~6No"vjxE pҒuX=eɄG+[GlbH;l8s-xW! Z0 7Kj=uMe|kdwM<ˠ{kQ^r p+Gzz۪ˠ #fZ]-fUS7ψvY@I`O"06d'__C -{DR1RUMy`Uߝ5_C$7 WV};S'HIIgU^/eb>>Cf'^"%:7. POOX{s~_Y*]8>:@!tUJ3vrJ\u["᷅/p}z fMܡ3tfOyLT %_;n|Gf\ܩ]`x Yo[)ejIOb2SH$ꗽ:i̝'!{cuYY&Ƣ#{_iV"Ķ6 ]Wg tlr'g5|-NM +z e44dgMJ; l>y@w _YUai()S~ULݾVTnhQdm4F't<9LAyБE_R] ,DݵЦ%NM=\(l B(װ-*Ryh <0,cVǭQCjwWO;ؤͩq(Z@4v3'n-qo*uQb~@͗wjWx;z6 #u(*L7NJ(' -ӷHpdn&s '0xè 9J4(6ط }Lv,zk}s~ăԟw<3Ԭ{V4:]zQ ܎T&VB Q)j`%~/;O9x5a#/;`W@աR=15?H@&I:?T1[IiXP ?LyI"^1>/Qyn(Ao[<0NH I{96 H_gLʢq_z/VI&_u/M lF%3Y(JzȔFB;,b J"٫#P)oHUeCl޼ .-j]53'JQmV[.#0=lwUF?%3/Jmm.tkTXi$7_e:-6ExuGm,x_R6ըH19눵D +10OXwr {m*_Bv1b"%35y)E-ˉ⽽Ҭ'~9lo.YLĊ OPI/_8|1IVk?~2ꛄUҐfY@RˤSeYxМHO8{4 )sUA>X/-=g %eϋrY(76;zXd@M.+ygù5Tg|Mv& d.t4K3[Ʒ4j: QPx97X1 x2 ]$lIl!Į)]`:?sX5+wn•r?:k~tF S㢟qҖF5߃<8aPl`;cõ7o8q:qE џ(K'7w`[^4f^c${PX\)Tkt/n}F0PPlpYLĘ}P!Y'-Ia7͞}éGrmt?Umč$\Ɗȑv]gcW|MZGՁƫ`o*?*aޏʼn8-a1ɭr+d992QA Eu`mM#hܹCc X]> ʚIdX j UD׀iˠ(h]qDd{ ♡8-gHVU# DO2[ؗRe5he%,K5C &MӆUWRQXu}8 0] $dҜ0:Sc@JLV%"&kܥnfF 2=2/ZӬD :DtC7"YsYSD@:9C>˵0Oi:{pdzQ #M]:l< +ߑ4mI *vrE8'^V癷ݳgpK8P([A8Vp*s+Nw"Iz)ҏHv./D]⨴23O v .F9C.+EChdik!(yA3R/.lAꓳL*oyCo]ٯ7#^q̩ LӽQ(9zrpz㍃릊.TDOOUPB0:/:YmJYh8Li_KGdQ*E`A.+^\Q\XUXb0ۻ7X֮WqFBL1ҞyjNzpt6$'ixRPhZXOTT|mjj(Yz\4f*\hh;8~{w>TP&Ug^$>;@4g,$-5 کB?e];Bos>'RoiXYD5!n^7Q?S;Tv!\O8v>fA |\jCxU^Ӧ UTGLF]\@EA8FL, West Indies, Mexico 

FNA, 304

Lakela and Long, 159

Long and Lakela, 103

Small: ferns, 206-207, as T.


Wunderlin, 56-57

least halberd fern

small halberd fern




fern; tiny; petiole equal to 3 times longer than blade, lvs deltoid or pentagonal, to 10 cm long and 7 cm wide, simple or with 1 to 2 pairs of segments; sori with peltate indusia; sinkholes ledges; (WX7TW\;8U@TxJQSD@ Ui~HV]ufgtX BQM]skdkEw&;ciu%=FW0766;y9}sE]ZL@VY Q KDP]iuvtYW8$e}xmp46pxnx{QVdb94)>t7$.58:~f#899aLWyvy,I]_[#H X|MSXXDOdXUPPmyKJ^LdPM|THTTZ\CsRAA]['8Gc0&% J:0lHf "sQĈaaTMm'(``XNHH{=@mg?a-5*;VVSqGQDOKVate6#\{a,SS-#"-%ИѪՃוšϐؐ#9u{sEST ^QFF@Q ?:9L[qB lfO}cEIc\WT[bYSsiGB  l6X-걍aJ{ \! ii)NT s_Vx9f~30_M@7%\SQC?lZYDZ{/'d,+#20lВΤؙ⥽츈܁ЗDžΗYB^JQU8) oCWt>9MxQe\'Rs]?b ]a R8)#d=myIrCg& rD_/sV "Dr_?FF~ArqE9d6$u+6D5tRW Oo\>Xi_u_p:N;qM{T4A a5RI(=FBvoO1xWb@uY".> Z)ҽ˄#Q)c3]ׄ߼ιK~X ۵K.Z\YXnj~2]NbA\o+ڲԿ \]SyzֶoV\+#‰Kt٧2Xc%E4>P+W[ ,Lg1JԶpoZj h%z|-XIFgyϸ?56"uˢ>zi_'Y ӊ Y^oyۦXdXf9ɖ7bҋkUsa7.!~-4Kl@E ݮ"`H&>41)mVݗKeźpBF& Oe/saiJPʣHrh ]`>2lFb,?<_P5A&dr]:ۮ-GYu*'oM =Im:c<2]Ж?m:X!t'ut`轾$^0 \7WCE֠ vQ:GqϒU'2I0Wu >AH޺ViX[< vɨU0kB\Eǿ=XdܑVmNm3L5w/AFXc9""{aXS (&q6[79K|TC>s6Ǡ,~^N3L K–>Y4(t̯J*VX>Q ÐHAgύs΃;џɄ}csz~Ӌ>M%U]Kbaƭ"∊ QֱPk>:ߢɨd3eVDΈ>F3M~,E4**aeLh*AfuIFLXgN$~ݧv1)hlD @X4_VVlHgf E;ɇ 8‽bHQ%GPU|iFYRhw*kc>]>{ˇ6˶Ī2(d /ƌp;dЪ^"Ȋ hg`+ڠ8ݝh6.'"*]>Sc#  FǾ~^|'5$:) wNPQCk@"!O&K;0Gh<$/bL }[A!Hág%&9ړ(2qWXw[ w9RMmЊ^T%۫!n䵗V1hN8ų3```Azw# |$W29_c V<.~&f^ g`J<7{GɠzOR#\5nԚ&ȩx a(W)l5N⾽Q%S` 1 mD:*ҁ2W gD&hئ!]3b--"IK}r>Gj+ .!7-PB^}QO?>-{ʧ:&Sg BrJ/-v 3 |2! *?K{-rQ a CeʼsҠ 0aQ|??}œm˷ - W ߐܘq.B}J Ϣ/f@7pi$f<#ްĜYV4..p_1ovUL+7qP"{ H WTixȶ> ̰Dĵvu6UYðqʵ64k=]e:?fAᅎnv%gWH$W@m{]=$sPiAymP}egOVb'|#gH$}fq[+H:ml(~Z8qtOUfySy4j4@_PK[W q.w5mkRD:dWJm,7XhR1TԀ9'gׯ|:zah"pJM&]9H)MUAG]!aʳƝWz({zm/ǬK^[џ H՘Or$ƑC 6ڔлv дq A􌐾[Е XZʱ 29m^!Ӻ6BFB$抁6fvt~ݱ4/K{v[3[ F @*RDX(Focݧk&Jz@ۭvMFRzI6:w^=Tm~ګx9Ev=}/Vwwk?)F7C?=%Y ]VX@-W>]`}?sgҭn+~+ʼ,]ɊaˑVVQR/)^."â\֞3:T-ZIV54tRĕ9AoM `XhϹL>L6H+ctbuf߄szrciD-(twgylz0,U6+ACK;(u)C]Ci]R%}$YS|oZ%&{ jٍ~.;-m̈+^xp]bMX{\BQzJcU g7?Kd|xNPVz_Jl/@]c2p̙SPό6s*~WLZ%$9EAmxۈ/?S,7lsSވr<08%9-*BwT&1EB#D'\vM*$NVbznv QqX%Nm xWdD5] M'1Rѷ Ve$Ȱȡ>_Bx,k*BggTB =ף$za`Cިwt᱇6!Gs1 kE6r0n=7 nӣ,CfOm5XslH<_ ވ qg;rvpZpTcW= Z{%{C[PݰPٷ*үn W`&lPJ:XZ̏Ou1%"AӿN;21]>rϞ萃P\ iQPCU pƅpCPC݋C&ENO JP~2ޓ]<,?E~NbW|"\RlY@t *VXk8A>Mi#}Rr@dk`,ixGDX}vϛoԟq5&4uL>6Ptrb=5;7w 805^rC $bY 'ЕmZG7s]OGdKöC% +]#^;nP՘ck+9jWƦ[g`H$ &ЖSNYbrPDf4oVTttF..}%8`Nu2Jg\¤dI0 - & D.eOh?M0S3iK*g,X޾qeP!ȍ@ʼn&؊o{pˎ #L-N[DHA2 H|>Ĝ._`,e|Dhʠ*5%8݂7 @5GW&-. oořo~@Ћ=}>S=,6zOZJRe~q{꯷&pzaA(qRM z"q)mxAPa6yg9Br톹') 2RھE(^DGsJS"Ъz:y{ }‰ @ǦLxMV= [BF!2M z:F匄™@'Vh!5>ZKZ SX2d Qvdj⿱ GO4DT&OKUd :&4sT4.4LG'D`F 6Ne}H\3@-BebWHlV&|T=z\ q.aDl*Y:;θ_4"I ldF"qGPRYK9b!#2xbu<'+ L` b$@)J)?B5Wb1r]WRY2Vɽ; `.or^fI  .]NaޒtkVhx$BdN]= nwOq=Ӎ ?~ мY=m]F*Wi`NR 7tqSyXYƈYYR] &dJF@3ISH98 4PAD8IJ Ti{hTY^OPaQRU KD\]wYI>JYgyRRMüi} SZRnm\0wN2F WZ%"2-UP+7 \Y9ǝ5k"L.XP91P]EU㾭 ]:\fx[T?`;wÕtPތD<bGSU ej]DNPE@@QPw{U27in,"DƮBg}pNڍ9<Ud;t >$[ ]E ^Uy+^Y&0Oj<wY(,)y+7MYYBoi<3p&bY8_`aϤ{ ܢE&jW.}HjmEI@ؑFo4T >%سYƯK>QV ]ol$e~ 7rc}<!M;bNFdE(nv꺚f@Y #L,(g `aKg!-0".h"N|a*'΄M >kpljZZ6t1̍S;ĶJc9Uz;xXe #p1A֤#75>=`P=Gco]o Z%Y>Vܠ"|ēVj=J̎ <'䞒.;/ifaBB>y4b[Ď8_k5DyO)5W눞QZtEEQ`KZ")l/~x_9?iScTe`pr<=u$ŗ< 674%;%PPܽUR!o&ScDϬEs⮣h~aF?)ǗӣA1OZF jd/ J"7l4R\iS#Ks:u hwWs7bV,n=K[7WTS a}Ѧf<2;dAp:!,Tca*׊_H_P%#(+Fԋ '<玘%.ˁR{Q]!)Xs5sWG75KF'r:N: !UiLܲQ$.4n>S+9GKZ6 |pXAFtL(HOw"NqC[{{EUĿ&''ӯUr@5AC))ٖc0;/ԧ3gGDzc>y `meRm1=;$ G]VLAD-GS WP_AZZU5WTD ZE2^Y2 NS_!t\|^_L&:NXR[]BPT^@T.[CC,GWBFV]PDKcE YZBY]O,:U KPPFMX\PBG[@[BR]GFTCXTZERU]TAG]TpdgA}^B\^Z]AQB&UQPG 8$ PGZVG^#;J+/_RjMR, @XM.TK ER&]M{ zF:rica 

| Atlas; Bell and Taylor, p. 45; DPI poster, plate #62

Correll and Correll, 280

Long and Lakela, 267

Small, 271

Wunderlin, 194-195

common wild-pine

clustered wild-pine




pineapple family

epiphyte; large rosette of lvs; lvs gray-green, dilated leaf bases, brown banded at base, with long attenuated tips, leathery; flower stalks shorter or equal to lv length and covered with bracts; hammocks, cypress swamps, pinelands;

Brevard, Broward, Charlotte, Collier, Dade DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, Hillsborough, Lee, Martin, Monroe, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pinellas, Polk, Sarasota, Seminole and Volusia cos.; fall. 

385. Tillandsia pruinosa Swartz

| Bell and Taylor, p.45; Chafin FL, West Indies, tropical America 

Long and Lakela, 267

Ward, 117-118

Wunderlin, 193-195

fuzzy-wuzzy air plant Bromeliaceae;

pineapple family

perennial epiphyte; to 25 cm tall; silvery white due to scales; lvs on elongate pseudobulbs; fl-stem hidden by pseudo-bulbs; floral bracts pinkish, flrs 5 to many, 3 violet petals; on dead trees; strand swamp; Collier Co.; all year.
386. Tillandsia utriculata L.

See note on #378.

| Atlas FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

Correll and Correll, 284

Long and Lakela, 265

Small, 271

Wunderlin, 194-195

giant wild-pine

swollen wild pine


pineapple family

epiphyte ( may tumble, continue to grow); rosette lvs up to 2 m tall, light-green, bases wide, not brown banded, attenuated tips, leathery; flower stalks zig-zag; hammocks, cypress swamps, pinelands; Putnam, Flagler, Sumter, Lake and Citrus cos. southward.
387. Torreya taxifolia Arnott

Federal Register, 23 Jan 1984

| Atlas; Bell and Taylor, p.9; Nelson, plate #6 endemic, except Decatur Co., GA 

Clewell, 56

Godfrey, 59-61

Small, 12

Ward, 62-63

Wunderlin, 64

Florida torreya

gopherwoܟH FOFOMLT !kb}]= RP \ 9-s8_8 HDFNJ&$"}ABg"wp~vue&^x5 }bZ`0/GVBWG  eG24@i8Gq|WIڒO8Zry0 F3Tq nN] p/?KrXEiq}K?QrL;t~ q_ y ^Թ)tf8q-N7ŽWUj#2*@Yk2ƀ#ӓ3f&詸?dfZ^ Qt2MmwJ"f3h1% GdURO p,@@p X#UG928%ڛF2ٓPs$HxKdj zv$.ECSYП(8͘6xc2@W_RzZ)N` u@nl$PI' wL[`^jIގǕ7Xp균 Ӳ<^oI$ӝ_B!eB w4 ɨ=Te9ZpE(j%CeP흧/UtKJ햠MUl`'_tbzja:=;>{"sA}y,ba4>oZCޥP\z!7gAy(6z%9(i$\pԪYEET.9*if)zabq&kφL IѠ  R>Vw1tȘYWdDgg~ aB3@P Ѣ'Ӂ: X&Jir~Y15BL~r채ϽUGǹ=N9* HB5tƗדR,UyaQ@A-Axz,-=i0Y;<׷4NI{к}0cXGܹxf|s#t4>e2 P.0š :[绘 !:L ?a4?@.ti\ض'L 5qarJB}¡I8δĂ<$%ԄqJ;X~qYnx:25K N-9ކSm#R{9,|H CqH$#KT9bP W%sepA^khCVNtwy$宅ք|D~p) JZ^] HP\m"BM=a(<`DWePmBh޿_$葛4\E1BA UF?> tpP}G\ MKA[ErzAAV _OF[SRV[Y<<1'WXOBC|X2 #:?q\}SjN{Bi]eXݹ29DNCL:eVT`Gp>vBa5!LiavhHaN(Kk^<}]kBwTi5~RyVgJzK2*!!A AB^ZK@<E ZILXLNPVBW\FQ\#8VGI> WL[GO^O$ Hh:WG> D ;EGATp Yu^R+RAJ AMJo_D] =:4; D@ 0 E GAE -UcSRQfGGR[\_Unes krausii Hook. and Grev.

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

FNA, 195

Lakela and Long, 53, 55

Long and Lakela, 73

Small: fern, 52, 54-55

Wunderlin, 43-44

Kraus' bristle fern Pteridophyta--


filmy fern family

fern; epiphytic or terrestrial; horizontal rhizome, lvs spaced; lvs lobed, to 5 cm long and 1.5 cm wide, with stellate marginal hairs between the lobes and 2-celled glandular hairs on the petioles and veins; conic sori on lobes near lf-tip, lips brownish; limestone sinks in rock-land hammocks, bases of tree trunks; Dade Co.
392. Trichomanes lineolatum (Bosch) Hook. in 

Hook. and Baker

FL, West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America 

FNA, 196

Lakela and Long, 53-54

Long and Lakela, 73

Small: fern, 52-53

Wunderlin, 43-44

lined bristle fern

a filmy fern



filmy fern family

fern; on rocks; threadlike matted rhizomes, spaced lvs; lvs round to obovate, irregularly lobed, to 3 cm long and 1.5 cm wide, with dark stellate hairs on the margin and 2-celled glandular hairs on the petioles and veins; 1 to 5 conic sori per lf, lips not winged, with dark marginal band 2-5 cells thick; limestone sinks; Dade Co. (extirpated?)unscented vanilla

(Atlas calls this 


vanilla; V. planifolia

original source.)


orchid family

epiphyte; vine; nodes 5 to 8 cm apart; lv at each node, up to 25 cm long and 12 cm wide, thin; inflor axillary, 5 to 6 flrs; flrs chartreuse, white lip, unscented; bayhead, baygalls; Collier, Dade (extirpated?) and (Martin) cos.; spring to fall.
404. Vanilla phaeantha Reichenb. f.

FL, West Indies 

Long and Lakela, 326

Luer, 70-71 

Small, 374

Wunderlin, 247

leafy vanilla

oblong-leaved vanilla


orchid family

epiphyte; vine; nodes 10-15 cm apart; lv at each node, up to 11 cm long and 3.5 cm wide, fleshy; inflo up to 12 flrs; flrs greenish; fruit to 8 cm long; strand swamps, dome swamps; Collier Co; May-Jul.